Sunday, January 17, 2016


It's the weekend.  Do you ever just want to lay around and eat what ever??  Well I did make it to zunba on Friday night so I did skip working out on Sat just because I didn't really feel like working out.  So now that it is really Sunday I am working out because other wise I am going to be really sore in class on Tues. 
Dear husband had to run toe the store for something and came home with this
I did a pass on it.  I just couldn't handle the guilt.  I was listening to a podcast about the chatter in your head when things like this are in front of you.  Do I eat a piece?  How big of a piece? Will this put me to the point that I start thinking I blew it for the day?  What will this do to the scale? How much regret or guilt will I have?
It will be interesting this week on TV because the Just Jillian show starts and so does the person I follow from Fit 2 fat 2 fit.    I do follow Drew and watched him through this journey.  What I thought was interesting was how his weight gain effected the people around him and his relationship with his wife. 
I also thought the food challenges were interesting.  He must of picked a lot of challenges from male fans.  When he was challenged to eat a whole cake, first it didn't have frosting on it and second a woman would eat that cake one weight watchers slice at a time till it was finished.  Men and woman do eat different.
The one thing that helped me out on this was to ask what nutrition is in this.  The only word I could think of was sugar.  Because I am not sugar deficient I did a pass.

I did eat my leftover apples and went a little wild with the whip cream.  I was going to visit my in-laws and dear husband told them I would bring along some chili.  I also cut up some fruit.
Breakfast and coffee

My Favorite 

I made chili.  It was really good,  We had some fruit with this.

I had to have a snack while we finished watching the packer game.    
It will be interesting to see how I do by the end of the month. 
Because this is a year in health we all have to remember health is more than body weight.  I also cleaned out some paper.  You know the list.  It starts with old magazines.  I also got some wash done. Daily tasks can add up and start to overwhelm us.  It is a tough job but so worth it to keep up on the little things like wash, dishes, cleaning bathrooms.  How do you feel when you walk in the bathroom and there are dirty towels on the floor compared to a clean bathroom.  It is these small things that can really set out moods for the day.
So we are on to another good day.   

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