Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making changes

Why is it so hard? If you really think about it you won't born saying I want to sit around and watch tv and eat. OK the eat thing maybe true but what you wanted was nutrition and the warmth of others. Where did we go wrong?
Lets start looking at our lives.
1. How much time do you spend with electronics? What would you do if they were gone right now? I love my cell phone but I use it as a phone. I am really thinking about how much time I want to spend computing.
2. How much time do you spend with others? Do you stop and meet friends for coffee (or whatever) maybe join a running group or a walking group. Maybe you can start one. Are there 10 people sitting in their homes right now saying I would walk if I had someone to walk with. 1/2 of them are just saying that but that still leaves you 5 and someone has to show up to walk with you. I remember my grandma and sewing club. They did more chatting than sewing but who cares they had fun.
3. Nutrition. Really think about what you are eating and ask yourself can I really do what I want with what I am eating. If you want to lay on the couch and feel sorry for yourself you can eat anything. I don't really believe anyone really does that but really think. Fast food? What's faster than an apple. You think well that wont fill me up, and I ask cake will?? Try the apple. It should make you 80% full so you can do something. Put some peanutbutter on it if you like, 2T. Please read the labels of that dip stuff before you say what about...
4. Let Look at our lives and deride what we want to do and make a plan on how to get it done and not to quote nike but lets "do it" and get it done.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

boot camp

To anyone in Burlington, WI. I had to stop in at anytime fitness and I am in for the boot camp starting in Jan. 4 weeks $100. Tell them you are a friend of chatthefat. I am hoping they will have a 5:30. There is at least 1 other person that wants 5:30 AM. I am kind of excited. All this good stuff in Racine county. If I can tone this fat roll I will be excited. Drop me a line if you are joining the class. I asked if you had to be a member and I was told no as of right now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


In Jan of 2011 I will be doing the detox workshop at "Roots and Legends" I did 1 chemical type detox and lets just say it was a test. Would I do it again? no So you know Arthor is my first choice in health care unless I break a leg. So with everything I have learned about food and how I eat I will post how the detox differs from everyday life. Please find the post with the 27 concepts I live by. This would be information I may add to the support group I am trying to put together in Burlington. So is it the; detox that makes you feel better, the support group that keeps you going or doing something positive for more than 21 day that makes it a habit and the new habit is a positive on your health.
If your in West Racine do stop in to say hi to Arthur. I can't say enough good about what I have learned from him and his work.
I do want to put a cookbook together about how to cook with these spices. My sister is a great cook maybe we need to put something together. Just another thought.
I looked back and don't see those 27 concepts posted I must just have them in my book. Leave me a comment and I will send them to you.


You all know I follow a couple of health related blogs and one of them is

Josh Bezoni – Nutritionist

I like his work.

I had to post to him a comment about his blog on labels:
Food labels. (for some reason I couldn't insert the word food so I had to put it here).
How do you say liers use figures and figures tell lies. So I'm guessing that your point is that, the food industry sells products to make money and our government collects taxes on every transaction made including the profit of the co. and the more the co. can sell the more taxes the government collects so if the fox is guarding the hen house how do you define may contain? If you chip a tooth while eating a burger be it beef or turkey is that part of may contain. Our government is looking out for #1 and that is not the consumer. If the food companys start killing off the tax payers then they step in.
It's people like you that are standing up and saying hey people the fox is getting closer we need to group together and think of a plan or we will be eaten. I for one have to laugh when I go to the doctor and they ask me to list all the drugs I am on to maintain. It would be a waste of my time to write down pineapple, apples, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach you get the picture. We need to be concerned about all aspects of our health and prevent should be on the top of the list. You can never learn to much. Keep up the good work.
Lynn In Jan of 2011 I am doing a detox using all whole foods. I will post it on my chat the fat facebook