Thursday, October 21, 2010

I would rather be fat

Have you ever just said I would rather be fat, out of shape, out of breath, unable to do the things I want.... and the list goes on. As you write it out seams kind of strange to think this way. So if you right it down then toss it out or put it in the naughty jar. Things you shouldn't ever say. These are your 4 letter words, I can't , I don't, I'm done. I think of this as I can but I choose not to, I can but I choose not to. What happened if you really couldn't. As I run on the treadmill and trust me it takes all the positive talking I can, I think I can so I do.
Have you ever really sat back and thought about all the things you are thankful for. On the top of my list is I have the ability to garden, eat healthy, run and work out. I am more thankful for this sense someone close to me found out they had cancer. What if it were me how would it change my life? I look at it this way, I have the choice to work out or not. I'm going to keep working out until I can't just because I can and only I will tell myself I can't.

Now when I go to eat something that will stricken myself with guilt or don't want to work out I think, I would rather be fat. As the pounds start disappearing and your health is having you feeling good, remember those negative feelings so when you say I rather be... thing of everything that goes with it and then think Is that really what you want? You have the choice. You have the ability to change.

BTW I did get those 2 miles in. I thought, How can I expect you to if I don't do myself. Oh ya I can lie but answer me this, If you eat a bag of cookies in the closet do all the calories count?

BTW I did have ice cream last night. I tasted it, rated it, felt guilty about it because it only rated a 3 out of 10 but I still ate it. I will tell you that I did figure in the calories and I wasn't that much over but for 500 calories just think, I could of had really good ice cream or maybe something else good. So if Bob thinks it's ok to eat desert just once a month then I'm done. I wasted my one time on that. I'm making a better choice next month. Bob is to thin anyways. I think he needs to eat desert twice a month when trying to lose weight. Did you get that? I just said a big no no. If I find something wrong with bob then it's ok for me. This is like saying "If everyone else......Then..... You don't need to justify, you need to set your goals and stay on track.

On to another day. It's almost the weekend. I have tons of things I want to get done. Not on the list is sitting in the house and pig out.

One thing I want to check out is zumba. It looks like so much fun. Winter will be here soon. Maybe I need to think positive about walking outside. Maybe I need to be thankful I have a treadmill and use it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I had talked about this before but then I was chatting with a friend this morning and wrote her something like this. OK I did a C & P
I really want to do a race in the spring and not come in last place so I keep thinking of that and say I can do it. I think I tried to talk about this on my blog about drive. Drive is really hard. How do you get it, keep it, use it to reach your goals. You have to be careful that you don't think negative because then you get the drive of I can't do it, I can't, I can't and that is the driving force. Well we can and we will because as Richard Simions says believe, achieve. I think this is one reason we need short goals. You need to be able to move things from the I want to do pile to the I got it done pile.
Lets do this. get 2 things to track your goals. Lets take a bigger piece of paper. now take some smaller paper and write some short term goals on them. On the large pc. draw a line down the middle and on the top of 1 side put the words goals and the other side write "Done". Tape all of your goals on one side and then tape 1 to the other side that says set goals. So one thing done. You can keep adding goals. I am going to do this tonight and take a picture of it and post it.
Some of the things you might have as goals might be a weight amount, working out 5 days in the week, not falling for a lose weight over night TV ad, eating healthier, I have a calender that I put a star on for every day I work out and eat healthy. So a goal could be to eat healthier for 1 week. We can do it if we keep telling ourselves we want it and are willing to work for it. Don't think you have to wait until the start of the month to do this. I don't care if it is the last week of the month. The last week is just a 1 week jump start on next month.
My best to you. Lynn Together we can do it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I just found something

I see someone asked me to talk about diet words and what is a work out.
What do I call a work out? First if you are a body builder, you are beyond me. I do follow a couple of bodybuilders and can refer you to their sites. So for the rest of us, a workout can be anything you spend more than 30 min that you get your heart rate up for more than 12 min. Walking is my # 1. Everyone can do it. There are all kind of calorie trackers on the net that will tell you how many calories you burn raking a yard of leafs. What should you eat before and after? What are you trying to do? For most people track you calories for the day and don't try to work out on a full stomach. The word snack could be a string cheese, apple w/ peanutbutter. You do want 30 min.s between eating and working out. If your outside raking leafs get it done. Do it with drive. Think about how many times you take a break. Do you need a snack in the middle? How do we think most of the time? Do we think- getting things done? or doing things till we can eat again?
I do have to get something done today and leave you with Get up get moving and feed you body to get it done. Eat lean and mean. Cut the the fat, cut the sugar and make every calorie count.

Pat on the back

So you have 3 day's under your belt doing well, pat yourself on the back. I didn't say reward yourself with cookies or sugar but set up days you look at the good things you have done and pat yourself on the back. I didn't say on the head but on the back.
Lets think about this
On you back=
Good job, keep going, your doing good, keep going, were backing you, your doing it.
On the head=
You meet my approval, your allowed, someone else tells you that you can move on.
You are in charge and determined to reach your goals.
Are you goals still good? Do you need to revise them? Remember short term goals and long term goals are both part of your life.
You could have a short term goal of getting out of bed and doing some kind of work out for week 1.
Week 2 may be to walk 2 miles 3 days a week and 2 kettle bell workouts and 2 days off. Day off doesn't= day to sit on the couch and pig out.
Week 3 could be to increase time, distance, speed, or weight. Or maybe redefinding your food intake. Maybe cut sugar to 2 days a week or up your nutrition.
Keep in mind you are feeding the body you want not, feeding the body you had or want to leave behind.

So what's your goals for next week? Be proud of what you have done but remember as you change yourself, you can only change what you have control of.
Ask yourself if you have control of what someone else eats or does? no! You can tell them what you are doing but you can't make them join you. Sometimes you have to leave them behind until they deside to kick it up themselfs.
I have to go do something. I think it will be JM kettle bell. It does kick me but. Do I do level 1 or 2? Both. I watch form and if it gets to easy I add weight.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The yo-yo string is breaking

How many of you have said I will do it this time? First list the good things you have done for your health over the last 6 months or time of your choice.
1. stayed within 10 pounds
2. work out 2 times a week.
3. give it my all when I work out
4. limit ice cream to 1 bowl most of the time.
5. limit trading sugar calories for food. (you know we have all done this. eat cake for dinner but you are still within your calorie range so it's ok) There is a factor of how much sugar the body can process before it starts poisoning it's self.
Now lets set some goals
1. limit this sugar thing to no more than every other day
2. add more workouts.
3. work on training for the 5K I want to do in the spring.
4. fit into the pants my daughter made in her design class.
1. Down to 120 Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs DVD
2. 115
I have to really think about this.

Now we are to how do you track this progress.
I am printing out a calendar I get a smile face if I eat high nutrition and a star if I work out. I will post the calendar so I can show off my progress.

This is the hard part. If you are doing this without a buddy you have to have something to look at that says I'm doing it. I think the calendar will work. I know someone that did the Iron man and finished. The thought of training all year and then not finishing??? You have to find that inner you that wants this and wants it bad enough to say no twinkee or fast food burger is going to keep me from my goal.

I started my day with some coffee. I should be drinking tea but I really like coffee oh ya and water. then I did Jillian Michael's kettlebell. Level 1 I don't know which is harder 1 or 2.
I then had some oats w/ Pomegranate. Really good. I had to do a c/p so I got the spelling right.

This is a strange day for me because most of the time I am at work before now but I have to work late today. So do I toss in the towel and so OK fine I will just do some fast food for dinner. NO. Chat the fat is all about thinking and learning.
Hope you have a good day and remember your goals and follow you plan on how to achieve them.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are you ever tired of being on a diet?

Lets talk about this. I am sitting at my daughters (in Chicago) and thinking about how much we walked and talked yesterday. We had a blast. We wanted to go out for dinner so we started out with so what are you hungry for? As we talked about it we brought up a lot of pit falls. So we could of grabed a chain type item but then that would of been it, done eating and nothing special. OK so now what? Mexican (love)? we always pig out on the chips and we are both trying to keep the pounds down. Italian? I really didn't want anything that big and I am from an Italian family. We wanted something different. How about Chinese? Once again I love and do well at the buffets because I can pick things with lots of veggies but DD falls into the trap of the deep fried items and we wanted something different. It's been 21 years I have enjoyed child of mine and we also needed a drink to celebrate. We started walking up to andersonville and there were these people sitting on pillows in the window of this restaurant and it looked like so much fun. I didn't really care what they were eating but that is what I wanted to do. We checked the menu and it was a vegan place and in our price range. More so it was the kind of place to just relax and have a little something to eat because we still had more walking to do. This was a walking, talking shopping trip.
So first things first do they have liquor? Yes and we checked the drink menu Baileys and coffee sounded great. The baileys was served in this chocolate cup that you dropped into the coffee. Oh so good. Then we had the burritos. Beans and veggies. I didn't eat the sour cream just because I have gotten out of that habit. I will be able to add a picture because I took on with my camera phone. It was really good and just enough. No chips, no fries, no uccky feeling after.
So what is the point of my story? Follow the concepts and try something new. While we were there I was checking out what the people next to us were eating and the one person ordered a spinach looking salad with bread slices topped with some kind of cheese. Oh it looked so good.
We are ready for another fun day. Happy eating and don't fall into ruts.