Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 2012

This has to be the perfect new habit month.
1. All big summer parties are over.
2. Vacation is over
3. Hunting hasn't started
4. The first day of the month is on a Monday.

So what's our goals for the perfect month? 
1. Log what we eat on what ever you want; sparkpeople (free), other online tracker, notebook, Calender, scrap of paper and stay within your calorie set.
2. Do 30 min of something.  2 mile walk,  I will be trying to get my 3 striiv challenges done.
3 Print out any kind of calendar so you can see it.  Put 1 kind of marking on it if you  it got goal 1 finished for the day.  I have a pineapple stamp
4. Put a mark on the calendar if you got goal 2 done.

This is all we are going to work on this month; getting in the habit of tracking and walking those 2 miles.

We will add something else next month.

At the end of the month we will be looking at our calendars.  We will be asking
1. what was more important than reaching my health goal?
On the days you don't do your 1/2 hour or track your food I want you to write what you did instead.  If you write sleep in 20 of the boxes then we need to look at your sleep habit.  If it says computer.  Was it productive computering or was it time wasting?
If it says watch TV.  You can look at those habits.
What ever it is you will now know why you have not changed your health.  I could say from last month I have put as a priority  watching TV and playing cards on the computer.
The reason I have not lost weight or reached my goal is because I have a form of spoiled brat syndrome.  I also have a case of things are going on in my world I have no control on so I tossed in the towel on everything.
I think this is a case of tossing out the baby with the bath water.  It is time to look at what we can change and take control of those things and live with the things you can't.  If you can't change it how can you live with it without it over taking you.

OK lets really look at this.  So someone brings in candy.  You say you can't pass the jar with out putting your hand into it so you figure you whole day is blown and you might as well eat a pizza with double extra cheese as a snack on the way home to make dinner.  
How stupid does this really sound when you read it again.  How lets try something.  Tell your self that sugar gives you headaches.  When you stick your had in the jar, tell yourself again, sugar gives me headaches but I like headaches and eat it.  Next time tell your self the same thing  but then ask your self if you want that headache.  You have a choice.  You can change out the headache word for, rotten teeth, gutach, unballanced hormones, mood swings,

Trust me, pretty soon you will be saying,   UUUMM  I don't think I want a good case of mood swings today.
Get ready for day 1 and don't forget to put a gold star on the calendar at the end of the week.

If I was to tell you that you can have 1 day off per week could you use it as a day off and not as a day to pig out??
So now you got 1 day per week to not get your 30 min. i and 1 day per week not to have to log what you eat.  You should have no little pigs on your calendar but if you do, STOP!!  Stop right there and say 1 in 31 isn't the end of the world but it is not something I wan to repeat.  It's when you repeat that makes habits. 
We are looking to create good healthy habits not repeating poor negative habits

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Great links

There was a basil Tomato mozzarella cheese salad

I did a C & P Get the fresh mozzarella there is a huge difference.

I use the Neuman's own light dressing most of the time. I am going to test out This dressing.

Mediterranean Tomato Salad
This easy to prepare Mediterranean-style salad complements almost any meal.

Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes Ingredients:
2 large ripe tomatoes, chopped into large pieces
1 medium red onion, sliced thin
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 TBS lemon juice or vinegar
3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
10 fresh basil leaves, torn into small pieces
Sea salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
6 olives, chopped
2 tsp capers
anchovies (use however much suits your palate)
Slice onions and mince garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out their health-promoting benefits.
Combine and toss all ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serves 2

From Rob Poulos's FastFitTips eNewsletter from FatBurningFurnace(dot)com.

I wanted to give him full credit because I get his news letters.
I call him one of my fat fighting friends. why?? Because Thats why I follow him.
I had to C & P this because it is a big part of how I eat. When I can I do have waternelon in the morning or as a snack. It just makes you feel good.
Read on and enjoy

Natural, whole foods have the highest water content. In fact, many fruits andvegetables contain 90 - 98 percent water!The following are some of the most hydrating foods (see how they're also low in calories and rich in many other beneficial nutrients?):*Watermelon: Contains 92% water and essential electrolytes such as, calcium,magnesium, potassium, and sodium - all of which influence your metabolism.*Grapefruit: Contains only 30 calories and is comprised of 90% water.Phytonutrients called limonoids, found in grapefruit, are detoxifying and mayinhibit tumor formation of cancers.*Coconut water: Comprised of 95% water. It differs from coconut milk because itis found in young coconuts only. Coconut water is low in calories and fat-free.It has the same amount of potassium as a banana and It's low in sodium, so greatfor lowering high blood pressure.*Avocados: 81% water and rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, which reducescholesterol levels, decreases the risk of cancer and heart disease, and helpslower body fat.*Cucumbers: 96% water and are a good balance of electrolytes, such as, calcium,magnesium, potassium and sodium! And they contain just 14 calories for an entirecup!*Cantaloupe: 89% water and contains only 27 calories per 1/2 cup! This deliciousfruit is also excellent for supporting energy production through carbohydratemetabolism, which helps keep blood sugar stable.*Strawberries: Contain just 23 calories per 1/2 cup and are made up ofapproximately 92% water! Plus, strawberries rank as the 4th strongestantioxidant-rich fruit!*Broccoli: Contains 90% water and anti-cancer nutrients that help to detoxifythe vast number of potential toxins that we encounter each day. Plus, they're agood source of fiber!What you must understand is that there is a direct correlation between the amountof water you consume and the amount of body fat you carry around. BUT you don'thave to only drink water to be lean like one. You can actually eat it...More Water Dense Foods that Accelerate Bodyfat Reduction<<< ContinueEnjoy all that H2O goodness! RobP.S. I'll be back tomorrow with an interesting story of a woman who finallyovercame her 'battle of the bulge' by focusing on water dense foods like this ina unique way......stay tuned for that one, you'll love it!More Water Dense Foods that Accelerate Bodyfat Reduction<<< Continue

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Almost ready for day 1 for the last time

Plan. Make 2 list.
1 What works
2 what doesn't work

So here's what works.
tracking what I eat.
having 1 pass day where I don't have to track but I do have to ask what good is this for the body?
Working out
having 2 days off a week. Not doing the same thing every day.

2/ What doesn't work. The wish and Sh)( club.

Make your list and I will see you in the morning with a poisitive face.

Sept. 9, 2012

So you ask what is new in the world of chatthefat and where have I been? Well I have been trying to avoid the fact that this isn't working for me.

So what do you do? As my husband say you pray to God and ask for the strength to accept the things you can't change and give you the strength to change the things you can.

So what does this mean?? Do you also remember the joke that goes something about John being on his roof during a flood and he keeps saying God will provide? A person comes by in a truck and John says God will provide, another in a canoe to offer a ride and John says -God will provide, Some one comes by in a boat and john says God will provide. Well John gets to the pearly gates and ask why God didn't provide. The answer was, he did. I sent you a truck, a canoe and a boat.

So how does this relate to weight loss?? Well God is providing. He gives us good and healthy foods, the great outdoors to walk in, and the love of most of your fellow man to support you in your quest. So what is our problem? We have people in this world that want to sell us stuff. We like it and buy it. Then, because we can, we buy a lot of it and we do and we eat a lot of it. This is where the once for special occasions are now everyday and there is nothing special. Pleases tell me if store cookies are as good as the ones you make from scratch? I think not. Then why do we eat them? Why do we settle. Now I have to admit there are some really good things we can buy that are better than we can make but please tell me what good do they do for the body? If you are telling me that it is a form of sugar that makes you happy we need to really look at the whole picture of your life. Is sugar really going to change the other things that are going wrong and we want to change in our lives? Sugar is like going to the movies. You go, you have a good time but sometimes you come out with soda on your shirt, salt and butter on your fingers, gum on your shoes. There are side effects. So I ask, can we go to the movies once in a while? Yes. Can we live at the movies? No. What would the side effects be if we lived at the movies? Are you seeing where I am going with this?

So we went to the movies a few to many times, what do you do about it? First we need clean your eating habits then change your activities and last clean or change your shoes.

I did have more to this post but then I lost it when I went to post it. I did have every good intention but without knowing it I lost it. What am I really saying? What was my plan? Did I forget some of the small details like save? What happens when you forget or are too lazy to pack a lunch?
So we are on our journay of our better direction.
My best to you and let's step our best foot forward.