Saturday, August 22, 2015

Super Saturday

So how is super Saturday going? I'm thinking it's going pretty good. I have been making it to the gym, Zumba class and doing well with my Facebook group biggest loser drop it like it's hot. I am down a couple pounds and him enjoying that part of my plan. With my Facebook group we get two days off of working out so I am feeling less pressure than trying to work out seven days a week. Five days a week for 30 or 45 minutes is perfect.

I've been doing Zumba and loving it. I have found different instructors make all the difference. Don't be afraid to try different classes or different instructors. I have just less than a month to keep training before the race.

Because I am limited to one day a week to eat sugar items I really look at that day as a treat. At first you might think zero sugar days is better than one sugar day this is not true. This one sugar day gives you a way of making a plan. When we do a lifestyle change we need to be able to live with that and not torture ourselves.

I am remembering to not only do walking, jogging and working out on the treadmill but also planks and lifting some weight. Cardio may then us out but we want the muscle to be able to be strong.

If you see me on September 12 at the race please say hi. I will meet you at the finish line and remember no matter what your time is at the end of the race you finished it. It is better to be in the race then cheer from the sideline.

Choices in life

We all have choices in life so let's talk about them concerning health and weight loss. How do you start your day? Do you look at it as a new exciting day or do you hate the thought of getting out of bed? How can you change the way you look at your day? This is something I would like to talk about.

First I would like to stay you can't change the past. As the serenity prayer says we need to change the things we can and learn to live with the things we can't. With this being said let's look at some of the things we can change. Let's make a list.
1. Our attitude
2. How we look at food
3. How food controls our life
4. How we deal with guilt
5. How we prolong making change
6. How we justify our unwillingness to change

Let's really look at what we want out of life. Do you want to live your life to the fullest or do you just want to accept what life hands us. Let's try what I will call an experiment for the next week. Every morning when you wake up look at what you are thankful for. This can include anything from I'm happy to be alive, I am thankful for my kids, I am thankful I have a job I love, I am thankful I can go for walk and complain about it or I am thankful that I can afford food. This list will be different for everyone. I remember seeing the video of the person that was walking with two arm crutches and how he turned his life around because he found the drive to make a change. I also remember and think of it often the video of how you choose to live your life walking and being active or in a nursing home. I know both of these are extreme cases but what I took away from them both is that health does not change overnight.

Let's really look at food for what it is. Food has nutrition for your body so that you can do the things you enjoy during your life. Please note I did not say during your day because life is not about just one day it is about many. When we think about food do you think about all the yummy things you can eat? How do we describe yummy? I had a great spinach and goat cheese salad while in New York that I would call very yummy. As I describe the word yummy it does not always include sugar. Sugar and fat is just one aspect of yummy. We need to think of nutrition as more of a beneficial yummy.

How does food really control your life? Do you eat by the clock? How many items do you eat that bring no nutrition to the body? I am doing a biggest loser drop it like it's hot weight loss challenge where we get one day a week to have a sugar item, it really makes you think about what you want to eat for that item or for that day.

When we have food choices do we feel guilty about the choices we make? For our experiment we want to use foods that would cause us to feel guilty as planned foods. These are not rewards but actually planned. If you start with a non sugar day and can have a sugar item in 24 hours it is easier or to have a clear mind rather than saying, I will not have a sugar day tomorrow. We want to eat foods based on what we ate rather than what were going to eat. We want to test this out as every other day then every third day and expanded out to once or twice a week.

With this plan we should not have a guilt feeling and it will be more of a planned and controlled eating pattern that becomes a habit. Do you ever keep telling yourself a big handful of negative excuses that you start to believe? It's time to stop. It's time to say, I want to be in charge and I'm done with having food rule my life.

If you are the kind of person that gets mad because your friends lose weight, gets in better health or change their life and you feel left behind, it's time to look at who we are really mad at. Change is hard and it is much easier to down, to degraded, or belittle another person who you are really jealous or proud of.

When we talk about jealousy we sometimes make up a lot of excuses to justify our unwillingness to change. The list starts with she doesn't have a day job, she doesn't have kids, she has a personal chef, she has time to work out, she doesn't have an illness, she doesn't have and the the list goes on.

If we use today as the first day to our get it done project we don't wait till Monday, we don't wait till the first of the month, and we don't wait till the first of the year. We want to use today as the start of I will be in control. When you go to bed after day one, think about all the positive things you did for that day. If you insist on focusing on the negative write on a piece of paper your negative habit you keep repeating. On the other side of the piece of paper write how you want to change this. Now put this someplace you will have it with you at all times. When you find yourself in that negative situation read the negative side and then turn it over and read the positive. I am hoping this will trigger something that you will say I am in charge, I take control, I choose.

As I close this post my goal is to get you to think there is a way to change your life. As you make these changes you will find that you don't notice big differences but after a week, or month, or year what has changed?