Monday, December 10, 2018

What is outside of the box?

Let's jump outside of the box. Do you start to change your diet or push yourself just a little when at the gym just to ease up or to give in to a high calorie/ low nutrition item? Comfort zone- How many times do we start out strong only to fall back into poor habits. Stepping out of your comfort zone applies both in the gym and the kitchen. How many times do we say that we will start Monday, you don't like something, you are to tired, or maybe you are really crafty and because you can't afford organic so you might as well wait till the first of the year or when you get your tax return.

List 1 thing you have done in the kitchen that thinks outside of the box. Some good ideas might include adding a veggie, cutting back on the number of servings you eat, drinking water instead of _____., enjoying a salad of more than iceberg lettuce. Find a good tasting O & V. Make the veggies on your plate the main attraction. Post 1 thing positive per day that is outside your kitchen or eating habits. This is something you do. If you always eat fries with a burger at lunch and you skip the fries, this is a big deal. Good job. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Calorie cycling

Calorie cycling. How do I see this.  Is it a form of cleansing?   I will tell you what my take on cleansing is.  If you stop putting crap in and only put nutrition in guess what will happen?  So, if you do a 1200-1500 calorie intake, how do I do a cheat day? 
This is how I look at the above statement.  I do not believe I will stop breathing if I drop my calories to 700 one day because I just wasn't hungry and then up them the next day because I went out to eat.  From what I have learned is that calories average themselves out.  If you go 3 days on low calories I have learned the body will put on the breaks and say "hey what happened to my "food/energy" supply".  Note food/energy is nutrition.  I have a problem calling things like candy bars, heavy carb items as foods.  If you were to say you should eat the same amount of calories of each food group look what your food plate would look like. 
Google 500 calories of greens, bread, potatoes, meat, cheese, fruit.  What is going to make you feel full longest.  Now put things in the order of least to most additives.  What do I think of all the sugars like stevia or other lower calorie sugars made into bakery?  Bakery should be a treat.  People could eat more bakery and bread type items in the past for 2 reasons.  First, they did more hard labor.  Lifting a pencil doesn't require the same calorie burning as stacking hay. My second statement is that portion sizes have become huge.  Your best value per pound maybe the biggest but if you buy it and don't eat it all you have to carry it home, store it, and then eat it at a later date.  What if you get the size you are going to eat.  If you don't want to bring it home and eat it later don't buy it.  This does take some thought.  Do you really eat those left overs or do you store them and toss them in 5 days. 
Part of weight loss is habits.  What are your habits?  Are they really healthy?  Do you have the mega size refrigerator so you can extend the life of your left overs and toss them on garbage day.  If you are going to eat your left overs, put them in a grab and go container that will make it easy for you to eat them.  I want you to think about how some of the foods you are saving for leftovers, on a scale of 1-10 , are you eating them because it's there or it is what you really want.
 Back to that bakery, is it better to have many servings of OK bakery or 1 treat bakery that is really good?  I don't really eat a lot of store bought items.  They are OK and not really worth the calories.  The next thing I am noticing is that store items have a lot more salt then if I made it.
I want you to think.  What are the reasons you make choices about your food. 

I was talking to someone the other day and she stated what works for 1 person may not work for another.  I told her that she is correct but what I wanted her to do is before she ate something to ask, what good dose this do for my body and how does this help bring me to my goal.  You see 2 different approaches. I don't care and will never tell you what to eat.  If you eat candy bars every day, your goal may be to fight the system and eat what you want.  What does this do for the body?  It gives the mind 1 up on the body.  The mind has taken control and wont be pushed around.  If you want to empower your mind good job.  I thought we were working on the body.  We want the body to be strong.  How does this help the body become strong?  And how does it help you reach your goal.  You see, I want you to become the leader of your body.  You can do this without beating your self up.  If you eat 3 high nutrition days and want a piece of cake, eat the cake.  Don't forget the 2 bite rule.  eat 2 bites, put your fork down and rate on the scale of 1-10.  Now if you like finish that cake if it is a 7 or above.
Have a great day and feed the body nutrition. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Can you lost those last 10

I am going to test this out.  So far I have been working on muscle building with trainer Ben.  I was with Trainer Zaven till he moved on and is going back to school.  Zaven was all about stretching.  Every time I met with him we would do more stretching.  Open this, stretch that.  They are all concepts.  Learn the concepts and you can do anything.  Maybe I need to say do the concepts.  So I have learned, yes learned the stretching.  I define the word learn as, you have been shown, you try and you repeat till it becomes part of your life without thinking to hard about how did you do that?
I get up and do those hip openers with my foot to the bathroom counter, stretch to the side of my bed, push-ups to something including bed or wall.  You need to stop thinking you can only do things at the gym.

What can give you that push to lose the last 10?  Jillian will say that the last 10 are really hard because the body likes that cushion.  I am with the myfitnesspal lose a pound a week challenge group and so far I'm at the same weight but I am stronger.  When you replace fat with muscle the scale sometimes goes up.  I have always heard that you build muscle first and then slim down.  The stronger you muscles are the more calories they burn.  This is why marathon runners lift weights.

Back to the 10 pounds I started talking about.  They are having a challenge at the gym I belong to so I am going for it.
This would be a normal breakfast.  That collagen goes into my coffee with either protein powder or chocolate milk.  Lunch would be a great salad with some form of cheese on it.  Most of the time I like feta.

I cook most dinners.  If I need a snack in the afternoon I might have a handful of nuts, a banana or something else that would be 200 calories or less.  I try not to eat to much if I am going to a Q-class.  A Q-class is a HIT class about 45 min long.  I wear a zone belt and it says I burn about 500 calories.
I have one of those scales that post with my fitbit.  My starting is 134.9 and 33.3% body fat.  It is the body fat that I really want to go down.
One of the rules at the gym is that you can not starve yourself.  This really is a good rule because you can not maintain starvation.  Remember the story about the farmed that tried to ween his pig off of food?  Every day he fed the pig a little bit less.  He was doing great and almost had the pig off of food but it died.  You must eat and eat what the body needs .  The body does not need a few things like sugar or chemicals.  Do you have to cut these completely out?  It all depends what your goals are.  Here is the truth about those 6% bodyfat guys that are in a show.  They do not maintain that year round.  Please remember that.  Read up on how you can starve yourself to look buff fit.It includes a way to extract water from the muscle. This is for show only.  I am not about a show body.  I am about a functionally healthy body.

Let me share a couple of dinner ideas.

Mixed seafood and some veggies.

Turkey meatloaf.  I had to take a bite.  I did use the fork.

And this is what summer is all about.  I hate when things don't work so I have to end this post because I can't post below the last picture.  I hope that doesn't happen to my challenge.  Sometimes things don't work as plan so you have to change things a little.  And then I can't get these extra lines to go away.  I did put this on salad.  It's like adding extra spinach into a dish.

I hate when things don't work


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Day 2 challenge -Consistent we can do this

I want to share something with you and say something about following good advice. This is an example of good advice. It says nothing about losing weight fast, while eating pizza and just taking a magic pill. (you might have to C & P this link)
Flip through and read the headlines. The headlines almost sound like the concepts. Note the last one. BE Consistent. This is what I consider to be the hardest. It is easy to get up and do 1. Lets look at 1. If you do 1 set of 10 push-ups to something like a sink every time you wash your hands or on to the edge of your bed every time you make or pass it you could see great results after a month as long as you are Consistent. For today we want to post 1 thing you are setting as a Consistent goal for the month.
Our challenge for today is to post 1 eating challenge and 1 moving challenge.
A few eating challenges might be to eat a big salad instead of a HC/LN item. Trade out any HC/LN for a HN/LC item. Remember this is an instead of not an in addition to. Which day is this going to be hard on?? My hard days are on the weekend.
Next pick a moving item that you will be Consistent with. Some examples is to do 1 squats every time you use the rest room or walk past something. This is different that doing 10 flights of stairs. If your goal is to do 10 flights of stairs them you can bang them out in the morning and you are done. This would be great except for the days you say you didn't have time. If you do 10 push-ups to the counter every time you walk into the kitchen you are creating a habit.
I don't care how many times you do it because it is your body and I only have control over my body so I will share what I will do.
I want you to have some real fun with this. What if you stated that you will do 10 push-ups to the kitchen table before eating anything and to a chair next month, what would the side effects be? Will your family start saying- what about those push-ups?? Do them so we can eat. What about 10 squats before you sit on the couch? I am calling these - Little stupid things to build your bridge.
What is your 1 food and 1 moving for the month?

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

W & S Club

Why is this the only club I am so devoted to?
Welcome to August 2018. Let's set our goal for today. I will do the best for the health of my body. You are handing in your membership to the wish club. I have tested this out and have myth busted a few weight loss myths for you. 1. The weight will just fall off. 2. you don't have to work out. 3. you can eat what ever you want. #3. might be true that you can eat what ever you want but not as much as you want.
I use myfitnesspal to track my calories that I eat because it seams to have the biggest data base. This is one of the first tools I like to use. I log the food I eat to get a snapshot of the truth of what I eat. Don't just track the food that looks good on the tracker but what you really eat. Now look at that data from the side of the health of your body. Are you giving your body the nutrition it needs to get up, move and get things done? Are you eating calories or nutrition? What can you do to up the nutrition during the day? In what area do you favor? Carbs including sugar? Fats? Proteins? Is this food you are eating heavy in processing? I listened to the book fat, salt and sugar and how the food industry keeps you addicted.
I will be first to say that it is tough to take back your health, you can't do it by sitting on the couch. You can't google health and expect it to happen. Our motivator that we need to remember is "If you don't use it you will lose it" You have to remember that internal organs are muscles that need nutrition or they will not work correctly. I would give you something to put on a list so you can do it and check it off but I am not the person that wants to change something on your body, you are. You need to decide how much work you want to put into the project you are taking on and when you get it done are you going to throw it away at the end. I what to say that again You need to decide how much work you want to put into the project you are taking on and when you get it done are you going to throw it away at the end.
This describes a diet and we are not on a diet. You need to treat your body like a pet. You are in control of it's nutrition it's exercise it's health. Today is the day you need to reflect going forward on what you want your health to look at in a month.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Change your mind.

I am listening to Jillian interviewing the worlds fastest woman.  This is what I am learning from this.  Stop doing the min. and go for the Max.  Stop dong the lazy days.  I am down to about a month left with my trainer and I want to just shock the shit I am capable.  I am really thinking he is slacking because I am talking like I am ready to break off.  It is time to kick it up and stop wasting time playing stupid games.

At the end of the day I want you to ask, Did I make the most of my 24 hours or what do you want to change about it?
The month of Aug I want to put out there the challenge for you to do your best not just what you need to do to sneak by.

Most of the time people like to set a big goal to reach by the end of said date.  This month we just want to ask everyday, did you do the max.?  When you set a goal by time, most of us slack off for the first few days like a term paper.  When you are building muscle you can't do that.  You can't get time back.  Do it, build, do it build, repeat.  It's like setting concrete, you have to wait for things to dry before you can go onto the next step.  If you don't start in time you will run out of time.  Maybe this is where some of the mind change comes from.

So muscle building is the side effect of weight lifting and resistance and fat loss is the side effect of body moving,  Eating high nutrition gives you the ability to achieve the activity.

Have you tried to do something when you are so tired or hungry??  Maybe your cells just need water to move things in the body.  We can make a mind set pyramid.  Get these basic things out of the way and then move on to the next level.  Level 2 is faster, stronger, and there is one more that I forget right now.  3rd level is form and improvement through form.  What fun is a push-up when you can do a push-up  with a hand walk between?  And on the top is the fun level.  Like the other pyramid had sugar items on the top we are putting things like a plyo push-up on the top.  Maybe you want to put a show off really cool yoga move on the top.  The top level is the side effect of all the levels below.  The top will never stay on top without solid levels below.

This is our Aug. challenge.

My best to you all 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

July 28th 2018

It is almost the end of the month so what I want to talk about today is, what kind of a health watcher/doer are you. Are you a faker? Do you pretend to care about your health in-front of friends. If you are a faker, who are you really cheating? Are you in the wish in shit club? Do you just keep wishing the weight is going to just fall off you like the media says? Sorry to tell you that you have to read the small print, with healthy eating and exercise. That is not falling off you with no effort. You are wishing and they are feeding you a pile of shit. Are you a Monday person?, Everyday is a cheat day?, Or you give into yourself and start believing this is to hard. I can work this off. If you think you don't have time your body will fail you and then you will have time. We need to get real and did all in. We are down to crunch time. Can you get a month of health in a week? The answer is no. So now you are mad and you are wishing you spent you time better. To this I say fine!! I will do another month of facebooking with you.

I am so ready to go all in.  I will say the buck stops here.  If I do nothing I will have no change.  I have been working with a trainer for the last few months and have added muscle so I get discouraged as the scale goes up.  My trainer is right about you lift weights to gain muscle and cardo to burn fat.  OK I have been doing the build the muscle but not so much on the cardo.  I rejoined Q class at the gym.  Q is a small group HIT type work out.  I really do enjoy it and enjoy the people that are in the class.

On the food end I am done with the wish and shit club.  I am talking the I wish this stuff was not so bad for me.  It is time to fess up on how bad my eating habits really are.  Note I did not say  how bad my diet is.  Diet is a restriction of eating where eating habits is a snapshot of what you have been eating.  We want to improve our eating habits.  Habits meaning what you do every day.  Diet is what you do to make a change, habit is what you do to live the change.

Let's reflect what changes we have made over the past month and keep heading in the direction that will get us to our goals.  Look at your habits and  really state what your goal is.  Be true to yourself, what direction are you heading?  If you have gained 20 pounds of fat over the past year you may not be on the best path but say it out loud and make a change.

I ahev to get going but we can do this together.  Lets think positive and get on a healthy path.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10. What do we crave?

Today's concept that we want to look at. Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body. I found this out when I did the one day diet. You ate these tablets one day and the next day you ate what ever you wanted. I had to have nutrition. After a day of basically not eating I needed greens, veggies, protein. This was a form of a fast. The concept behind it is total calories divided by 2. It is also a form of calorie cycling. Do I have a problem with this? No. Most people do it backwards. Most eat to much today and then say they will cut back tomorrow. When you cut back one day you really do crave nutrition. Have you noticed that you can eat, eat, and eat and never get full only to say it is because you ate to little the day before. Thy this the next time you cut calories one day, the next eat a bunch of high nutrition items in the next morning. Include high fiber fruits along with other high nutrition items. Who says you can't put your eggs on a bed of fresh spinach? Are we remembering to enjoy the great outdoors? I went for a walk while talking to dear child. I did also try a new workout. I made sure it was a length I was willing to do. Have a great day.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Emotional side of dieting

7-8-2018 better late. I had something to do this morning. I did a history seekers display at the local pancake breakfast. Today's concept -Emotional side of dieting-
It takes a lot of effort to .eat healthy and to put your health first. There are times you ask yourself questions like, "Why do I have to spend the time cooking, eating healthy, and working out?" It's to hard for the payoff. There are many days that I look in the mirror and ask, why do I even care? I am married, kids are grown so if others can eat burgers and live why can't I? It all depends on what you want out of life. I got a new paddleboard and want to go out to play not spend my time at the doctors office. There are many times I feel like I am the only person that cares as much as I do about eating healthy foods.
This is when you need to look to your support groups and know you are not the only one but there are many others that fall into our medical spin. Food as medicine is the way you need to think. Don't beat yourself with or because of food. Start looking at the questions, why did I eat that and how was it on the scale of 1-10. I was really pissed off and when I ate_______ It was a _____. Are you following a pattern? When you get mad at someone,, do you eat just food or junk? If you are eating food that rates a 1 because you boss pissed you off, make a plan on how to change the reaction.
Post a plan you chose other than turning to something emotional. Give yourself credit for and stop punishing yourself. If you want to feel really good about yourself, run/walk a 5K. Those people on the sidelines are thinking, I wish I could be them.
How are you staying positive?  I needed to add;   Do something your future self will thank you for.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Take charge and make a change

7-7 we missed yesterday but I am sure you did something. Today we are talking about the concept - "This doesn’t work for me". I Want you to look at different diets and different diet ideas and if it doesn't work for you I want you to say it. Stand up for yourself. If the world says keto or whole 30 is the best, you have the right to say "this isn't working for me.
This is how I see food. Everything falls in 1 of these 4 groups
HN/LC High nutrition/ Low Calorie
HN/HC High nutrition/ High Calorie
LN/LC Low nutrition/ Low Calorie
LN/HC Low nutrition/ High Calorie
Now what I want you to do is look at all the foods you eat. Because we are trying to lose weight the group we want to eat the most is the HN/LC. In this group are your greens, veggies, lean meats. The next group HN/HC are things like nuts. For these items read the package and measure out 1 serving. If you want put into baggies per servings. These would not be 100 calorie packs but servings packs. I say this so when you look at the back of the bag you will have a great idea of what a serving looks like. Take a picture of 1 serving so you remember it. You are now asking about the question but why not put into packs of 100 calories?
I want you to be able to look at every package and know what you are eating. If a serving size is way big and the calories are low also check what good will it do for the body? then you are talking HN/LC
If a 1/4 C. is high in nutrition but also high in nutrition then you know what you are eating. Low nutrition/ High Calorie would be things like cake, crackers, ect. You need to look at how much of each group you eat. If you are eating everything from the LN/HC you are on the road to nutrition deprived. HN/LC you may be calorie deprived. I don't want you to starve,
What do you do with those keto and whole 30 cookbooks? Cook out of them. Look for foods that have a good balance. Look for items that are high in flavor. Nobody cooks like you can.
So if something isn't working for you say so. Have a great day. Post a picture of something great that works for you.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I am doing this with you.

First, I am not a doctor, Any information I give is from my personal research and self experimentation.  I do have 40 + years of research and many years of experience in the food industry.

Please all check with  your doctor before changing anything with your health.  My rule of thumb is that medications that are based on your weight might change every 10 pounds.  When you make changes to you body for the better it may change medical needs.  If you return to old habits, so will your medical needs.

You are not alone. we are doing this together.  We will pick through 27 concepts one at a time.  By the end of the month you will have a better understanding of how I view food.  Along with looking at the nutrition side we also want to look at the exercise side.

The concepts have not changed.

The concepts;
1.      Keep up what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
2.      Everything in moderation is out the window
3.      Reading labels.  Read all labels
4.      Additives and preservatives are my # 1 red flag
5.      This doesn’t work for me
6.      Emotional side of dieting.
7.      Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body
8.      Cheating
9.      Concept once you stop walking, you will miss it. (My dear husband misses our bonding time.)
10.  Non diet food
11.  You can’t make people understand your point if they have a mind set against it.  Concept: This is working for me and it may not be for you.
12.  Learning from the past
13.  Don’t spoil your dinner
14.  Really tasting food
15.  You will eat again
16.   If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same outcome.
17.  We all react to food differently.
18.  Having to explain yourself
19.  Water and hydration
20.  Walking or working out
21.  Beware of Sabotages. 
22.  What is a portion and how do you know when to stop eating?
23.  Don’t up size             
24.  Pick your battles, your weapons, and your armor.
25.  Listen to what an advertiser is really saying
26.  Use your resources
27.  Keep learning.
I will pick these apart 1 at a time on my chatthefat facebook group
Have a great day 

Saturday, June 30, 2018

July 2018

We are ready for a new month and the start of the second half of the year, how are you going to spend it?  If you look at each day as something in your wallet, how are you going to spend it.  Let me give you some choices;
  1. Toss it down the drain.
  2. try to carry it over and save it. Can't do. Sorry not a choice please see option 1
  3. STS Strive to survive. This is 1 step away from option 1
  4. Do one thing on your get it done list.  
  5. Do something to improve your health and also do something on that to do list.
  6. Eat and do something for your health, cross something off that get it done list.
  7. Eat and do something for your health, cross something off that get it done list, and not care how others will judge you.
  8. Be the unstoppable person that is sick of the wish and shit club.
You can't do it all today but you can make a plan to get it all done.  Have a great day

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

6 month check up

Have you ever looked at yourself and your goals and asked - On what level do I think this is going to play out?  You can't wish good health and fitness.  You can have all the tools in the world and if you don't use them they really are worthless.
I am re-looking at my path for a couple of reasons with one being some past health issues returning when I started returning to some old eating habits.  When you ask me about the power of sugar I can tell you, thee side effects are the same as 10 years ago.  If eating sugar 10 years ago made you depressed it will cause the same side effect if and when you return to old eating habits.
I am back on a mission of stop wasting my time.  Please join me at getting something done and learning something new.
I went to a memorial service for the father of a good friend.  Her father was a science teacher.  He was all about learning.  If I could do 1/2 in my life that he did I would call it a good life.  One of the things that my friend said about her dad was that he never knew learning till he got a passport.  I am translating this to thinking outside of the box and expanding your research library.  Really think about how limiting you put yourself if you watch the TV and tell yourself that this diet has to work.  What if there is a unpaved path that does work but the TV hasn't learned to make money on the unpaved path.
Follow me with my research and the 27 concept to eat by.  What are your results?   What are the side effects  of your research.  Do your eating friends become your new workout buddies or do they move on to new pig out eating friends?  Do you have to find new work out friends because you eating buddies are not up with your new plan.
Have a great day and learn something new for Jerry Hinderholtz.

What should I do next with my second book

It has been six months since the time I thought my 2nd book would be ready for print. I keep thinking about how I should publish it. I am reaching out to you to see what my real options should be. I have so many pictures that it would make it next to impossible to printed through Amazon. I have a second thought which would be to make it into a MP3 and sell it on a thumb drive. I know there are other media outlets you can charge for which I am considering. My biggest thought is do a documentary and just film it myself. I would be able to show the pictures I have from my laptop along with different websites I am referring to in the book. This is all stemming from my friend Stacy gave me the review of, "Lynn is such good work but it's too much to read".  This got me thinking that my audience is the same as me and just wants things put into a more relaxing type of a media. Another thought would be to put each chapter as a subscribed website.

I gave all my work away for free for my first book but really feel like I want to be paid for some of my research. I could do it with a donation page as soon as I learn how to do that.  I could do this as a podcast but I took so many pictures of the food I ate.

I think I have to do some learning on this subject.  Do you have any thoughts?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Research direction and what am I doing

I am having some real thoughts on this book.  I have friends that say - Hey Lynn you really know what you are talking about but I am to lazy to read anything.  I guess I am the same way.  I always pick the option of audio book.  I will work on this.  I guess what is going to be easiest will be what I would when reading books to non readers.  So what I am telling you is that I can read my book to you in a MP type media to the best I can.  I am thinking I can scrap the whole printed thought and just do a MP.  If you want to view my pictures I can include a big file full of Jpegs.  Most of my Pictures are of food I eat so you know I am not starving.  I am far from starving.

What am I doing with my research??  I hired a personal trainer.  I have been going to this Q class which is a HIT type class.  Love it.  This class is up to 20 people, 4 pods 5 people at each pod.  It is both weights and cardo.  If you join xperence fitness please tell them I refereed you so I get Q points.  Lynn Baumgartner from Racine Gym.  Back to the class.  There are a couple of trainers that lead the class and ever new thing we do, I have to think.  I think; what muscle are we working?, what is the goal of the movement?, and what is the body form?  Maybe I should of put form first but I didn't because they are all equally important.

I really liked one of the trainers and the way they lead the class.  The second trainer made a suggestion on a roller of turning down the resistance and upping the speed.  I replied back with a question about what if you have a knee injury?  Trainer answered with, talk to me after class.  All gyms offer personal training. Personal training is expensive and you better be ready to do your part.

With my personal training they are going to advise on nutrition.  You get a starter pack of a couple of things and a protein powder.  My feeling; whatever and waste of money.  OK it comes with so I will take it.  I put it in my coffee.  In a big way I do like it in my coffee.

I will give you an update on my research.  So far I am having a positive attitude.  I was asked what my goals are.  Is it a number on the scale or is the number on the scale a side effect? Note reason for name of book.  In 2 months I will let you know how this training is going.  Trainer wants to do something I never thought of.  I have looked into personal trainers before and have been disappointed.  When you are picking a trainer you really have to shop around.  Make sure you check out everything that is important to you.  There are many different trainer with different things to offer.

 I need to get back to talking food.  I did get an insta pot and have been using it.  I wanted to post after the last picture - Funny how that works, Greens make a better picture.
Corn beef and cabbage.  I forgot the potatoes at the store.
Lunch Anything can go on a salad


1 OZ of nuts

lets compare Protein this is 17 G

This is 7G per serving I eat 2 servings 160 cal so 14 G

Another lunch

4G of protein

I put both beef/pork and turkey brats in here.  They turned out great.
Whole chicken breast down 25 min 20 n/release

Watermelon #3 for the year
Great desert
I should of cut this up and put it on salad because it takes a better picture