Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The yo-yo string is breaking

How many of you have said I will do it this time? First list the good things you have done for your health over the last 6 months or time of your choice.
1. stayed within 10 pounds
2. work out 2 times a week.
3. give it my all when I work out
4. limit ice cream to 1 bowl most of the time.
5. limit trading sugar calories for food. (you know we have all done this. eat cake for dinner but you are still within your calorie range so it's ok) There is a factor of how much sugar the body can process before it starts poisoning it's self.
Now lets set some goals
1. limit this sugar thing to no more than every other day
2. add more workouts.
3. work on training for the 5K I want to do in the spring.
4. fit into the pants my daughter made in her design class.
1. Down to 120 Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs DVD
2. 115
I have to really think about this.

Now we are to how do you track this progress.
I am printing out a calendar I get a smile face if I eat high nutrition and a star if I work out. I will post the calendar so I can show off my progress.

This is the hard part. If you are doing this without a buddy you have to have something to look at that says I'm doing it. I think the calendar will work. I know someone that did the Iron man and finished. The thought of training all year and then not finishing??? You have to find that inner you that wants this and wants it bad enough to say no twinkee or fast food burger is going to keep me from my goal.

I started my day with some coffee. I should be drinking tea but I really like coffee oh ya and water. then I did Jillian Michael's kettlebell. Level 1 I don't know which is harder 1 or 2.
I then had some oats w/ Pomegranate. Really good. I had to do a c/p so I got the spelling right.

This is a strange day for me because most of the time I am at work before now but I have to work late today. So do I toss in the towel and so OK fine I will just do some fast food for dinner. NO. Chat the fat is all about thinking and learning.
Hope you have a good day and remember your goals and follow you plan on how to achieve them.

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