Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take the fun out of advertising for your kids.

I need to post a note because I want to talk about this.  I am listening to something that reminded me of this topic.  The second thing that reminded me of this was because I was at the grocery store and this child was asking for things he no way knew what it was but knew the picture.  How do you teach your kids.  My daughter now thanks me for this.
I also have to tell you about teaching her to wear socks.

I think I talked about bout this before but how do little kids know these products?
Jingles logos?  The box doesn't really dance.  I guess when you see ads you as the parent have to say, gee our box doesn't dance or sing.  If you start point out the not trues about products maybe our kids will become less trusting to only read the front of the box.  This subject is just to hard to talk about.  Advertisers get paid big bucks to get us to buy products.  I think this is  a first that I am at a lost for an answer.  Maybe we need to work on the positive of spending time together in the kitchen preparing good foods.  Maybe doing some veggies in a pot.  This is the time you should be putting lettuce greens in your pot.  It likes the cooler months.  I am putting mine out this week.  I got some really nice pots at the end of the year.  I am going to do a whole patio garden.  I never thought I would be excited about beets.  I will have to link a picture.

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