Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rented the wheat belly book.

It is the white book with the big bagel on the front.  So what am I learning from this book?  I am just happy I limit eat very little wheat.  I am learning why I get the headaches.  Now I look at everything I have written on chatthedat and I will adjust anything I might of said that I feel different about with this new knowelage.  Here is your list.
Nothing.  I have always felt processed is processed I don't care what color it is.  If you can't eat it don't eat it.  If it causes strange behaviors keep it out of your house.  This does explain why I can eat a whole pizza ands never get full.

I would rat this as a must listen to.  The reading would be really hard for me but I do understandwhat he is talking about.
Option 2 is to just say, Lynn your are right and thanks for the info I will test it out.

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