Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stand tall and proud

So I started out this month with these big dreams of working out and walking or running every morning, eating so healthy that I get in hot shape over night. Well once again it didn't happen. Yet! Should I give up and toss in the towel? No.
I need to look at what I have done right and give credit for that. So I just finished day 3 of Jillian's ripped in 30. Credit. Last night I really wanted ice cream on the way home and I started thinking how it would effect my goal and I did a pass on that ice cream. Credit So I made it pass day 3. Yaaa. May people give up by day 3. Credit.
So if the hard days are 3, 6, 9 today should be not as hard.
When will I see results? I hope soon. Some days I feel like the weight comes back on so fast and takes so long to leave.
This is how I am looking at it; stick to it, bring in the experts, write it down.
You may be asking why I would say bring in the experts. I got the DVD of Jillian Michaels ripped in 30. She has on her web site her 30 day meal plan. I printed it out and put it to the test.

The test was, How does her meal plan stack up to the concepts? I will tell one of the things I need to work on, 1. 1 serving. 1 taco. 1 is a hard thing to do. What about, "it's so good I need to eat seconds". Am I insulting mom if I don't have seconds. Where did this whole seconds concepts come from? Will mom never invite me over again if I don't eat until I am so stuffed I need to take a nap before I go home?

How many traditions we grew up with need to go.
1. A fat kid is a happy and healthy kid.
2. Clean your plate because of the starving children
3. Why is going out to play such a chore.

What about the things we have forgotten.
1. desert isn't with every meal
2. a treat is a once in a while thing.
3. Just because you can afford it, do you need it. (Eating out)
4. You don't need to eat it all at once and save some for later.

Well I have to get something done today.
I'm feeling good. I had some oats for breakfast. so I am ready to go. I need to stop at the store and grab some greens for lunch.
Have a great day

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