Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2

I made it day 2. I got up day 3 and thought about tracking day 2. Last night my thought was screw it. who cares but this morning I thought just get it done. Good bad or whatever just get it done. Every time I wanted to eat I would think, eat it track it. Pass on eat it. I then thought but you have to eat. Not eating isn't something you can maintain. Well you could but you wouldn't beable to live life. Anyone that thinks you can please e-main me in a month and let me know how's that working for you.
Here is a test for you. do something you can track like picking up something heavy and do it again in a month. I am guessing if you don't eat healthy and work out strength train I am going to guess it will feel heavier in a month. It might take 2 months to notice. How many times have you thought I use to do....... (fill in the line) and if seamed so much easier 5 years ago. You might say when I started doing....... but after a month it started to become a pc of cake. (easy) I had to give myself a tracker of NYNY on the tracking page because I did 1 mile but not 2 and not 30 min or close to it. I didn't do those 100 crunches, I did track those calories and stayed where I wanted to be. I have to think of what the other N was for. BRB I did an edit because I should of tracked 2 Y and 2N so I changed it.
Hope all of you are doing well and think positive about making changes.

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