Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 2 of 21 day fix

I did the upper body workout.  OM I was doing pretty good till the word push-ups followed by planks.  I was so happy to see the clock ticking down.  I had to keep thinking "the first time I do this workout it is hard but by week 3 I will be kicking but."  I do have some meal pictures.

 This made a great shake.  I had to pick up 2 bags of this coconut because no close store carries it.  I had to get it at woodmans 
Mangos are great and IO love them.
This was lunch salad day 2.  I added cucumbers and tomatoes  So good.
I used the leftover chicken from last night and added an extra can of veggies.  

This was a good day to me.  I didn't post pic of more snow.  I understand the joke about the pretty snow in Nov. that becomes that darn white crap by Feb.  Today was in the low 40's and oh did we  need this.  Perfect time to go hand and hand with the 21 day fix.

I did use my hand scanner today to scan in some of the book so i can refer to it quickly. 

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