Saturday, January 14, 2012

Detox 2012

I am seeing a lot of detox ads for the new year. This is my take on the whole detox thing. If your body is like a bucket and you keep putting toxin in and you have a small hole on the bottom going out, it will take forever to empty the bucket and eventually it will be full of toxins.

First thought is to cut out the bottom of the bucket and all the toxins will fall out, right? so problem solved? right? But now we no longer have a bucket. I'm not thinking this is what we want to do.

Next thought, If you stop putting anything in the bucket it will drain and problem is solved right? What about the sludge on the bottom? will it plug the hole so when you start putting things back in the bucket nothing comes out the bottom. This would be bad too.

Another off the wall thought that I did with our herbalist last year. Arthur does this every year. So for 6 week (if I remember right) you put big time healthy things in the body (bucket). You eat things like lemon in your water to clean the bottom of the bucket and get rid of the sludge. By eating things that scrub, you loosen the stuck things and flush them out. There is no altering the bucket, no having to repair the bucket and the bucket is still as it was intended. This is a special bucket with the hole in the design.

To sum this all up is if you put good things in you will have a body that works as it was intended. As for the detox. If you detox with healthy foods you never alter the bucket. You may have to detox but like what you do to the bucket a quick stir of the sediment and your good to go. A big bowel movement is not a detox. A bm is normal and we need to eat things that move through the body. Start thinking about when you eat things do they move or do they cause stuck. We are not talking chemical movers.

Here is my last thought and the one I am all about. What if you put a cheese cloth over the top of the bucket? You would cut down on the junk going in the bucket. So if you live by the 27 rules (the cheese cloth) you cut down on the toxins going in the bucket.

Lets set a new years goal. Before you eat something ask yourself - will this add sludge to the bucket, run through the bucket or help clean the bucket.

Here is an Arthur tip I will pass on to you, add lemon to your water in the morning. You can find him on facebook under Roots and Legends.

I have to give Arthur Credit because as you know I am patient at the clinic and that's just what you do. I give myself credit for bringing you the information and the how to apply it to your life but I will be the first to say you have to go to the people that are the experts. Really do your homework on who you call an expert. If you see an ad on TV are they really an expert or are they trying to sell you something and is that person on the TV a paid person that is reading a script?
So what part of this whole thing do I play? I am part of your support group. Think about your life, do you do better when you do things alone or with a group. I think this is another blog. Your support group. Be careful because sometimes your support group may have it's own goal that isn't the same as yours. I will talk about the difference between a support group and a pill. I think this is a great topic. Start thinking about the things you want to change in your life. Are you willing to do the work or do you just want to take a pill. How many times do we expect a pill to change the world. Remember with the pill you must also accept the side effects. I am excited to talk about this next but for now I have to get things done. Remember the blog about getting things done.
Have a great day.

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