Lets talk about weight loss. I am a 50 pound loser and have maintained 45 for more then 4 years. I am with the National Weight Control Registry I am trying to get a support group together. The base of my program is nutrition and cutting the additives and preservatives from our food in-take. We learn the 20 some concepts and apply them to every meal.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Cool links
So lets look at the 27 rules and eggs. So lets look at breakfest. Saute up some onions, mushrooms, green peppers, what ever you like. Chop some spinach to be added at the end. Because we are trying to cut calories use 1 whole egg and 2 whites. Cook up those eggs how ever you like, scrambled, or an omlet. Put those veggies in, top with salsa and enjoy. Have some fruit with this and go do something. Do you have to have toast and potatoes with these eggs? no. The TV says you should because they want to sell you toast and potatoes. So what it you want toast. Pick 1 toast or potatoes. If it is potatoes then put them in a measuring cup. 1/2 cup is what you count as 1 serving. You could have as much as you want but divide them into little 1/2 cup piles. 1 pc of toast counts as a serving. Now count your piles and a good guess is that each pile = 100 calories. Remember my goal is to get you to think. As for cheese every 3" x 3" =100 calories. As you can see things can start adding up really fast.
So how do you think to keep your day in check?? First stop thinking you need cheese on something at every meal. Pick 1 meal per day. Learn to season with spices instead of cheese. Next stop thinking you have to eat everything at one meal from 7am-11pm. This is the thing I posted to the fit 2 fat 2 fit guy. Woman don't eat 5000 calories in 1 sitting but we just keep eating till the pot is empty.
How do you empty the pot without eating it all in 1 sitting? First I feel really safe saying you are not cooking for an army. Freeze the left overs before you eat them and the pot is empty. If you are cooking for the week do just that. Don't fall for the idea that you will make extra and save the leftovers at the end of the meal because it will be fare game food and it will be eaten. What is the word I use?? Oh ya, plan. If you leave it in the pot you are planning on eating it. This is all about the truth.
I have to think about what I was talking about. Oh ya how live a healthy life with out going crazy. All I know is that I can't wait for the golds to open so I can get to a gym class before work. I took the body pump class in hales corners and it just makes you feel so much stronger.
Lets live a healthy life before the new year and achieve our goal of staying healthy into 2012.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Doing nothing does nothing
Here's to setting goals and achieving them.
Let's make a list of things we don't want to do
1. waste our life wishing we were healthier.
2. laying in bed dreaming about doing things.
3. wishing your life had order
We are the movers and shakers of the 2011-2012 that are making things happen.
The no list includes;
1. waiting for someone else to do things for you
2. expecting things to happen without putting out any effort.
So here's to a great and happy day.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Following the fit2fat and back guy
Remember we learn from others.
Have a great day
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Cabbage/classico Not another salad
From your fat fighting fans
I tried your Sun-dried Tomato Alfredo and I am hooked but I might like it in a light version. Not fat free. What am I doing with it you ask, I put it over cabbage. Yes I put my cabbage in the food processor and put part of it in a pan. The other part I put in a zip lock bag. I cook it just till the crisp is cooked out and then put the sauce on the top. How much of this did I eat you ask. An American size cereal bowl. It was almost like eating a big bowl of pasta but better. I can take this to work. I microwave the cabbage 4 min, add the sauce and I have a big bowl of something hot and filling for lunch. I have 2 apples with 1T peanut butter for a snack somewhere about 4-5. Work till 6. I am not starved on my way home.I would put this on many other veggies. Green beans are next. I love your sauce.
So for all of you that say; Lynn I want something other than salad. How can you eat all these salads?
This is a good one. My friend Cindy added meatballs to hers and called it Italian cabbage. This is a great name.
Let me tell you a little story about when I cooked at the daycare. We were on a really tight budget and they had burger buns on sale at $.29 a pack. I think there was 8-12 buns per pack. Daycare was age to 12 year old. So they were day old but I toasted them in the oven so it didn't natter and sent peanut butter with them. One of the kids said they were the best breakfast buddies he had ever had. It's all in the name.
If you call it diet food you are going to dread it, if you call it mock you are going to want the real thing, if you call it what it is you are going to add it to your eating habit.
Italian cabbage, I like cabbage, what makes it Italian?
It like unstuffed cabbage soup vs. cabbage soup diet. Do you have to put the rice in the unstuffed cabbage soup? If you live with people that need more calories than you cook some rice and put it on the side. 1/2 cup is a serving and you can control your serving.
We need to start thinking outside of the box. Here's to eating real food and getting high nutrition in your diet.
For all of you that think you need to do a cleanse because the tv says so. Cabbage is a mover. Veggies are movers.
I tell you I can eat anywhere from 1-8 bananas a day. For all of you that don't believe the power of fresh fruit trust me there is nothing stuck in me. From what I learned bananas balance water in the body but you have to have water there in the first place. Drink that water, eat food not chemicals and get out and enjoy life.
Have a great day
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
can the fit 2 fat guy motivate me
So I have to say just the thought of this guy doing this. So let's see if I can follow him back down the scale.
What did I eat day 1
Coffee / chocolate milk
banana with peanutbutter
cabbage w/ cheese sauce
Cod with sun dry tomato pesto, strawberries w/ whip cream, 1/2 pc of corn bread, and some cabbage slaw
work out; I got up in the morning and did a mile on the treadmill I also did planks. 60 on the front and I did raise my leg. Then 50 on each side.
To make the pesto I put the jar sun dried tomatoes in my food chopper w/ the oil and some onion.
Cheese sauce was the ragu 100 calories for 1/4 cup.
We all know I am about learning something new each day so yesterday O put that milk i my coffee cup and then put it in a measuring cup. It was 1/4 of a cup. So if I do that 4 times a day I better be tracking 1 cup.
This week goal is to learn something now.
I have to watch Biggest loser and work out tonight.
Other thing is that I am getting tired of chicken and need to add more fish.
Have a great week.
I did see Jillian had a bunch of new podcasts.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
fit 2 fat and back
The one thing I have to say is I love the challenges because us overweight people binge. When a woman eats a whole cake it is 1 weight watcher slice at a time. It may take 12 hours but trust me, it is this whole go to waste or just because it is there issue. Please tell me why bunny tracks ice cream doesn't have enough calories in it so I have to add trick or treat candy M & Ms to it. There is nothing wrong with any of these foods but how do we change our food thinking.What do you think about cheese? I know you can't eat it but the rest of us love it.BTW; what size is your wife? Is she trying to lost or it she fit and how did your project effect her? Did she take on any of your new eating habits? Did you find that you got less done during the day because you were spending more time eating? Thanks Lynn
You may say Lynn what is your reason for doing this?
1. No way am I willing to do this.
2. knowledge is knowledge, it doesn't matter where you get it from.
3. As he learns so do I.
4. They were really good questions. Note that I didn't belittle his project at all because this is the only way you learn.
I also read some of the other questions people were asking. They are great questions. Some of them covered, can I change out this or that. No one asked, can I change out fried fish if I am eating out if I pick off the breading.
I am proud of the people that asked about total calorie count. someone asked what a 1/2 chicken breast was 3, 4, 5oz.
I did have to ask about dairy because I know he is Lactose-Intolerance. He had a problem eating that ice cream thing. Oh please, You could of called me.
The one thing I did note is that he kept saying everything was so hot. He had to break those chili cheese fries apart to cool them so he could eat them fast. Maybe my food gets cold is because I eat infront of the TV and/or the computer a lot of the times.
I do have to say, The other day I picked up some donuts that were made in the morning. They looked great and first bite I could tell they had just changed the oil. I ate 2 of them. 2 is nothing compared to the dozon or so I would eat a day what my grandma would make long johns.
So that night I was so sick. I couldn't sleep. 1 day was good enough for me. I did have a, note a cookie yesterday. I need to get back on the clean eating because this not sleeping has to go. So I sleep for 2-3 hours and then I am up then back to sleep for 2 hours or something like that. I am so happy I am to lazy to get up and eat. Coffee doesn't bother me but sugar is a killer.
I am also going to start a challange for all
It is a TV challange. Pick 1 show and do somekind of workout during the commerical. try to hold a plank during the 1 commerical a side during the next, then the other side. How many commericals do they put together?
Report back on this.
So I put his day one in the spark calorie tracker for woman and it came up to 1000 calories but I didn't put in that morning drink. I am guessing it is about 200 calories which puts it at a total of 1200. Note the kinds of foods he has on the list. Someone adked about beer, low cal something that I don't remember. The answer is no. It is not on the list. I also did not see my bananas with peanutbutter.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I have to post this link
My answer is; if you are a mom with a job and you cook healthy meals, don't spend time in the gym lifting weights that are way to heavy, my answer is you will look toned. The rule is if you can do 10-12 reps easy increase the weight. If you can only do 5 it is to heavy. The other thing I have to say is that if it is to heavy lift in front of a mirror and watch your form. Bad form does more harm than good.
What I learned is form first then increase weight.
I am off to work.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
fit to fat
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I just wanted to share a few sites with you
I have to look up the link for Professor Jay. This is one of my learn about fat guys. Someone else asked me about if a woman can build muscle like a man. I said no. A male said yes. I have to find where I get my info from because I stand by my answer. Would I ever get 25" biceps. Please tell me without drugs how I could do this and slim down. First a muscle woman has 12% body fat, a muscle man has 6%. What is considered a healthy woman is 18-24 and a man 12-18. i think I have these numbers right. They are pretty close. I will find the link This is his site http://myfamilyplate.com/tag/professor-jay/
I did find this
A WOMEN THAT LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS MUSCLES LIKE A MAN HAS LIKELY TAKEN STEROIDS!! This is the defined truth, a woman’s muscle development is much different than a man’s. Unless a woman has a very different genetic make-up (a very, very small portion of the population), it is almost impossible to build muscle like a man. (And, as much as you might think it is true, you only have a 1 in a million chance of being the 1 in a million that has the different genetics, so stop saying, and believing, it)
This is because males have 20-30 times the testosterone of women, resulting in deeper voices, more body hair, and more muscle development. Women just physically cannot build muscle like men can, sorry but it is a scientific fact. Some of the maximal amounts of muscle you can put on a female frame with CrossFit training can be seen below. These are women that built their bodies using sports and strength training. It is from http://www.crossfitsouthbay.com/2011/05/skinny-fat/ This sums up what I have learned for years. Another think is that if a man bulks up he will lose flexibility. I also get the newsletter from shape, self and fitness. One of these had an article about this topic this past month.
Ok I have to say I love sparkpeople as a tool website. First it's free and it has a great food tracker. I am lynnbaum on that site.
Friday, September 9, 2011
First day with trainer
Next we were off lifting some weights or should I say some strength training. I need to add that goal dress as a picture.
Dang I might have to try that later. It didn't do a pop up.
So I had a really good work out and Amber is going to put a routine together for me. So if she does her part as a trainer I have to do my part as the trainee and do the work.
What I can't do is:
1. wait to the last week and try to put 4 weeks of training into 1 week.
2. lie It's not fair to me or her to say ya I am working out if I am not.
3. give it less than 100%. sitting on the treadmill doesn't do the same as walking on it and walking on it doesn't do the same as a jog and if my goal is to run a 5k in less than 30 min I'm not going to reach that goal by sitting on the treadmill.
What I need to do is.
1. jog to the corner and walk back twice. (2 miles) work up to jog both ways.
2. strength train more than just the weekend.
3. maintain something I can live with for the rest of my life. (Just because you can do it for a week doesn't mean you can do it forever.
So I'm sure you are all wondering how I feel today. Well Amber I am feeling great. See you in a month and I will be ready to kick it up 10%.
Did I say my daughter is going to school to be a designer and to be fit enough to wear her designs would be my dream. I will try to attach picture of dress she designed.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
So here are my questions, Am I willing to commit? If I don't do it now I don't think I would ever get it done. When you start looking at your timeline you have to think, what have I done with my life and am I happy with it, what would I like to change, am I willing to do what it takes to make these changes and what is my plan.
You can't say I want to lose 100 pound, I am willing to do nothing different but I know if I take this magic pill the TV says it will happen. Let's see, the TV says take a pill, eat what ever you want and lose weight and I am telling you to you need to feed the body with nutrition and move it. Which one sounds easier? which one has worked for you in the past, is this the right time in your life to make some changes.
You know once in a while there are hidden side effects that will surprise you. I got an e-mail from someone that may change my life because they were reading my blog.
Say you start feeding the body following the 27 concepts, you start feeling better, you feel better, you start doing somethings you would of never done before and then the ball keeps rolling.
Note that I did not say you make a plan to lose 50 pounds and when you reach your goal your life will change. This would be wish and shit thinking.
What I said is that you start making smaller changes in your life and other things happen because of it.
I would love to be a speaker for weight loss groups but if I just sit in the house and wish for it I don't believe it will ever happen. So what I have done is, I wrote some working material, and I am putting together an idea of what I want to do with in the weight loss industry. What do you think about a retreat where you come for a week or a few days. You cook healthy, you go for walks, you do things, everything is related to your goal of health. You are surrounded with others that are also concerned about health. This is a thought. Will it happen just sitting doing nothing?
I think this could be the coolest bed and breakfast type thing.
As I think of this I keep falling back in the trap of I could have support meetings at my friends cafe but she sells food and I would be saying don't eat this or put 1/2 in a box. I want you to be out enjoying life not just making you whole life surrounded by eating. I have to keep thinking about this but it is time to get things done before I run out of time.
Here is a thought;
Me and my fat friends
It is a home party, You meet for 6 weeks at one of the peoples homes. Everyone get a book and you follow the plan. For the next 3 weeks you meet once a week then you skip to everyother week. This would span over 3 months and then you need to have another party, or it could keep going. Details.
You use your fat friends as your support system. You don't have to be fat to have a party all you have to do is have friends with a common goal of fighting fat. I should call it me and my fat fighting friends.
Well I better get something done today and my best to you.
Friday, September 2, 2011
It's all about me
Now what am I willing to do? I am excited to learn new workout moves. I should of got up and did some kettle bell but I didn't. I guess I need to check that would of, could of, should of card. I thought I was out of that group. They are such an accommodating group. Even if you are go.the wish club. I need to work harder at my membership to the get it done club.
I will be at the gym in the morning.
OH well I am making small progress and when the whole thing comes together I will put up a new profile picture. I need one crossing the finishline of a 5K with my spark friends.
Have a great day, think of your goals and strive to achive them.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Another question from my spark board
I am glad we are talking about what is wrong with you because there isn't enough room on the net to figure out what is wrong with me. We know what to do but we don't do it. We have advise for others and forget to follow our own advise. I think we just need friends that have common goals. If your the fittest person in the room, are the other 20 people going to take on your habits or are you going to take on theirs. It is really hard to see "the way out is the tough and the rough path." It's like the only way out of a burning circle is through the fire. You need to look at where the flame is the lowest without a brush pile in front of it. We are your friends and we can put the fire out to get to our goals. Hang in there Lynn
I have to tell you that I am still doing good at the gym. Also sticking to eating plan more than 50% of the time. So I did the hand body fat thing. It showed at 33% fat. I think that is a little to much. Does it really bother me? It must because I signed up to do some PT. If you think you know everything your wrong and I am 1 to say I am ready to step up to the next level. So the person I am matched with is a marathon trainer. I signed up for 12 times that I will be able to use as I please. So every time I want to kick it up I check back in with my trainer. I'm thinking this will be good for me. I will be able to train with her and then work on my own for the 4 weeks following.
From 1 month to the next there should be some toning you can see or I will be wasting my time. Remember me talking about sitting on the treadmill?? I don't want to be known as the person sitting on the treadmill.
So Cindy and I will be at the gym this weekend. First change will be weights first cardo after. I really like to do cardo first because I don't feel like I know enough about weight lifting to do my own program. I do like free weights over the machines.
I hope Cindy is ready because if I have to shape up she has to help me. This is different than what I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I wrote my goal is to help get my friend Cindy in shape.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Day 3
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Day 2 at the gym
Then we did some machines. We did some things I was afraid to do but with Cindy I thought I what the heck. I was doing push-ups on the lifting bar, planks, abs, free weights for arms. There was nothing standing in my way because I want it.
We stopped at the office place and got a great price on paper so we loaded 12 cases in my car. I was so weighted down I had to stop back at work and drop it off. OM were those boxes heavy but workouts don't have to be done in the gym. So we had to stop at the kwik trip for a water, coffee and Cindy needed eggs and bananas. So to make long story short there was someone with pizza samples. What poop in my head was
1. how will this effect my goals?
2. will this be a trigger food?
3 What good will this do for my body?
4. Will I get heartburn from this?
Your right I did a pass and ate one of my bananas.
I want to look up a few more things I can do at the gym. If I add something new every week I think I could have a really good group of things to chose from when i get to the gym and say what do I want to do.
Friday, August 19, 2011
back 2 the concepts
Either you can follow us or join us on this quest. Set you own goal and lets get moving.
Day 1 was last night. I got a great workout on the elliptical and then made sure I did some planks and abs. I did 15 min on cardo and then did some weight machines. I have a free meeting with a personal trainer next thurs. the 1st. I am bring a notebook and a clear mind because I want to learn. I may know some but I don't know it all so it's time to learn some more.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sitting on my treadmill wastng my time
Are you looking at were you are now with your workouts, where do you want to be and what is you plan to get to your goal. Now only do you have a food intake goal now you are tracking calories out. If you really hate walking on the treadmill but like walking outside then get your shoes on. What is your time for a mile. Track this off with your car or use the tracker on sparkpeople. I tracked out a mile from our house so I know what a mile is and also a 1/2 mile. So my start goal was just to do it, now it is to jog the first 1/2 mile. It is easier to challenge yourself when you can measure things. If I had to stand at our frond door on day 1 and say jog the first 1/2 mile I would of went back into the house and gave up. Now I say I should be able to do that.
Have a great day and get out there and enjoy it.
Monday, August 15, 2011
I got this stuck in my head
So it's early in the morning and I am sipping on a cup of coffee and thinking OH something to eat would be really good. You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, now let's see. Left over snack mix, this forgotten cookie, and this is where it all happens. I hear this voice or flashback. It's Jillian saying "If its sweat and it's not fruit it's not breakfast." Well Jillian you just wrecked the start of a good pig-out day. I do thank you. I will rethink this while I eat these bing cherries.
I will let you in on a secret. Jillian has on her website a link to her ripped in 30 meal plan. I have it printed out.
Wait a minute I do have one of those greek yogarts in here that I could pit those bing cherries mix them together and eat. Now this is sounding better than those stale store bought cookies.
Back to the meal plan. There are a few ways you can use this plan. 1 eat it 100% and do the ripped in 30 and be happy you did it. Great job if this is your choice. 2nd is when you have no idea what to eat this is a great place to say what can I do with this left over chicken or what would Jillian eat for breakfast. She has it so you can print it out and I did just that. Now I can see what would a breakfast choice be. Don't forget to get some kind of workout in. Go for a walk or check out ripped in 30.
You may say wait Lynn what are you telling me, are you saying a printed plan is better than your chatthefat concepts? No the concepts are my #1 guide. I think one of her breakfast is egg white omelet and look she is putting veggies in there. I would do 2 whites and 1 whole egg. There is great nutrition in the yoke and it is well worth the 1 yoke 60 calories but 3 would be the 60 + another 120 that I would rather cut. Note not everything is topped with cheese. This is really hard for me.
Now you may ask what is the goal of this post? Learn how to use your resources. Should we say only this or that person is good and knows what they are talking about? No. We can learn a little something from everyone. The concepts are to get you to think. I live these 27 rules and every time the scale starts to get the creeps I quick look at the concepts and ask am I following the rules or making a new list of rules. Am I saying It's OK to break a few rules because things have a built in safety net and it will still work. Your right Breaking the rules and thinking eating cookies in a dark closet the calories don't count is not the path you want to take.
It is a great summer day, get out there and enjoy it. Let me know if there is anything I can share with you about weight loss. You can find me on sparkpeople lynnbaum or email me at lynnb@stitchshoppe.com. Put chatthefat in the subject line. Thanks Lynn
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A sparkpeople reply
The person hates bananas and was having problems with meal planning. BTW when you get to what I ate DH had his on noodles because he mowed the lawn and it has a hill. He needs more calories than I do. I need to work out so I can have a great day not a would of, could of, should of day.
First I love bananas and I am feeling bad you don't enjoy them. So if you stand in the produce department your telling me that bananas are the only thing you don't like???? Who cares don't eat them. I do love them with peanut butter on them. I also eat that peanut butter on strawberries, pineapple, mangos, peaches,and the list goes on.Lets talk veggies. Last night I sauteed up peppers, onions, and mushrooms and topped with spaghetti meat sauce and parm. cheese. I had a thing of yogurt for lunch and a bunch of watermelon. Breakfast I had a couple of those bananas 1 of them with peanut butter. I got these coupons for t he pick n save for the single serving ice cream. They were $1.00 and I had .25 off and you got a game pc. with each one you bought. So I had 1. It is a lot less than one of my bowl holds. Day was then done because I am trying to lose.Now I also do a free blog called chatthefat. check the 27 rules I live by. Print them out and take them with you to the store. When you are standing in the bakery area thinks 1st "pies on your thighs." next everything you put in your cart ask "what good does this do for the body" If the answer is fun food. see how many fun foods you have at the end of your shopping trip.I have to blog about this next thing so you are hearing it first here.For everything you put in your cart put a check mark by the type of food it is. grab a pc. of paper and list veggie, fruit, dairy, protein, grain, processed food, fun food. TV dinner is a processed food. You could also add processed meats. fish sticks- processed sausage is a processed. Turkey bacon is a processed.Buy the size you want to be. If you are buying the whole tender think about what a 3 oz serving is. If you bake the whole thing and are planning for leftovers put them away before it hits the table. Back to your check list. Where are most of your check marks?? If they are all in the area of processed food you have to ask is this going to help me reach my goal?? Do you have a large amount of fun foods check marks???The time to take care of this is before you pay for the items. Are you having a party?? what are you feeding your guest. Are you planning for left overs? You have 20 expected guest and 10 bags of chips, This is what I call planning for leftovers. If you run out of chips eat the watermelon.
I have to tell you that I wrote my book which I could send you a copy of. I wrote it, I know it, I live it. Oh you ask how does the rest of the family like living this way? DH enjoys pineapple for desert or as a snack in front of the TV. College daughter likes hummus, and we made homemade suchi the other day. You have to use the sticky rice. Put what ever you like on the inside. We did put the fake crab in it with carrot and avocado. We will be making this again. Spark people does have some great recipes of the day. When you see the picture ask what color is this? What colors do I need to add to this. If it is a salad put a meatloaf type item or a single meat and a fruit.One thing that is really hard is that our brains say meatloaf, mash potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole. First here is my really easy meatloaf. ground beef, bread crumbs egg 1 or 2 and salsa or hunts spaghetti sauce. bake in loaf pan or make logs on a cookie sheet with walls so the grease doesn't spill off. I forget what it is called. You could also make meatballs or patties. Remember this contains a bread so you don't need another bread. You could then keep those green beans but you don't have to put those onion things on top.It is time to break the mold. It's not working for you so it's time to change.I think It is time to get something done for me and I hope this helps. I look at it as it's what you eat, what you do and how you think. Am I deprived? It all depends on what I want to do with my life.My best to you Lynn
Sunday, July 10, 2011
quiting, tossing in the towel, giving up
Wrong, life happens. We have jobs, families, kids, parents, friends, home projects, yard work and the list goes on.
Ok I have to admit I am in the same boat as you. So what concept said keep what works and get rid of what doesn't. What isn't working is the pressure of meeting goals. Goals are good but if we make them to tough or just unrealistic we need to rethink.
So I went out jogging with my daughter and made it the first 1/2 mile. I got bored because Ipod was out of battery power. I am giving myself credit for that good job. Now she jogs with someone other than me who jogs at a nice steady pace. I need to learn this. Steady pace??? What can we learn from that. Maybe we need to think more about short term goals and less about long term.
Basic idea. set big picture goal. Now set weekly goals and plan on how to reach each of the smaller goals.
OK This week I want to jog those 3 miles 3 days this week, have 1 heavy calorie day, have 4 really green food days and get stuff done.
Do I have a weight goal for this week? Now I really have to think about this. every one wants to lost 10 pounds every week or every month but some times a goal can be not to gain and maintain. At 129 my goal is maintain - 2 pounds loss.
So this is the plan not to toss in the towel, not to be overwhelmed, stick with the plan and get things done.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Stuffed mushroom caps
If you want to know how many calories are in here add up what you are putting in the bowl and divide it by how many servings you get out of it. If I were to say 1/4 C cheese and you put in this really big 1/4 cup cheese because then it is more goowee it's not the same calories. Remember the goal is to think. There is no sneaking. It is either in there or it isn't. A big 1/4 c could be a 1/3 or 1/2. get out your scale. I like to make bigger food by adding more veggies. What am I talking about? to your cream cheese mix you can add mushroom pieces or peppers. These 2 items are great if you are making the zucchini boats.
Metabolic cooking Good dinner
Monday, June 13, 2011
New website I found
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Green day diet
OK, here is the new plan. We still have the 27 rules but for the 1st month we will have green days and then extra days. This is like calorie rotation which is one of the things that really worked for me. It got me to think and that is what I want from you. Do we want to cut to 500 calories one day and then do 3000 the next? no. This is to big of an extreme.
Day 1 everything you eat has to add nutrition to the body and your total calorie intake at or just below a mim. for your body. Day 2 you can add an extra or a treat. EX: Ice cream or a pc of cake. You get to pick so don't waste your calories remember our goal is to lose body fat. Day 3 and 4 repeat day 1 & 2. With this a treat or extra calories are just 24 hours away. So if you are going to have day 1 eggs in the morning, think about if you really need that cheese on them or can you add some veggies to them. Add some salsa on top, Lunch. If you having a sandwich, think about what is really important on it, do you really need those chips or fires with it. What nutrition does chips add to the body? Can't you go 24 hours with out chips? Remember we want to lose weight. For some people you may say I don't eat chips. You maybe 120 pounds and trying to lose those last 10. You have to really look at what your eating close when your at those last 10. Jillian Michaels has a plan for her get ripped in 30. Read what a day of food is and follow it and the next day put in those extra calories. Is it going to get you ripped in 30 this way? no but if you eat that way on your green days you may get there in 60 instead of giving up.
So now get out your calendar and mark off you green days. If any one ask just tell them the truth, you are doing this test market on the green day diet. Please send me how it's going.
What happens after 1 month of doing every other being a green day? Next month or when you are ready go to 2 green and then an extra day. when your ready go to every 4th day in a couple of months. That would put you at about 2 days a week to have a desert or enjoy some extras at a party.
What you are not allowed to do. you can not cut calories so low that you pigout on things the next day with no nutrition. The body must live on food not sugar. Refer back to the 27 rules. You can not have 2 extra days in a roll. you can have 2 green days but not 2 extra days. You have to plan your extra days. The reason for this is to get you to think. Most people see and eat because their hand reaches their mouth. The goal of the green day diet is to get you to look at everything you are about to get and boost your nutrition. Can you eat 1 M & M? Can you learn to enjoy 1 M & M? Maybe you will learn to not give M&Ms any importance. Do you ever watch some fit people eat? What would your life be like if sugar items had no value in your life. Think about it, you eat and then you go do something. You cook with friends and the talk is more important than the food. You are satisfied without having seconds. You cook just enough, not enough for the army that didn't show up. You can make something fresh. You plan for your left overs so really they are pre cooks. (I precooked chicken today for something tomorrow) This means it's not extra that could be eaten now. Put it away right away because it is pre spoken for food. Enough about that.
So I will mark my calender and as I write I am finishing day 2 an extra day. I had some chocolate. 1 kiss and 2 squares of dark chocolate. My chicken on salad was great. Had some watermelon too. My best to all of you.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Metabolic cooking
super spicy citrus chicken:
I have to say I do like this cook book. I came home late tonight and made something for tomorrow night. I had some chicken so I sliced it really thin and tossed it in the wok (always pan of choice). So I found a recipe for super spicy citrus chicken. So I have it in the refrigerate and now it is time to read the cooking instructions. Oh he is leaving it whole. I left out the red pepper flakes because dear husband gets heart burn. It is very good. I could put this over rice or in a burrito like that one restaurant that has the lime rice. I would make this again. I would really like it with a slice of swiss cheese melted on it and then put on a huge salad. I did say I can eat anything on salad.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Stand tall and proud
I need to look at what I have done right and give credit for that. So I just finished day 3 of Jillian's ripped in 30. Credit. Last night I really wanted ice cream on the way home and I started thinking how it would effect my goal and I did a pass on that ice cream. Credit So I made it pass day 3. Yaaa. May people give up by day 3. Credit.
So if the hard days are 3, 6, 9 today should be not as hard.
When will I see results? I hope soon. Some days I feel like the weight comes back on so fast and takes so long to leave.
This is how I am looking at it; stick to it, bring in the experts, write it down.
You may be asking why I would say bring in the experts. I got the DVD of Jillian Michaels ripped in 30. She has on her web site her 30 day meal plan. I printed it out and put it to the test.
The test was, How does her meal plan stack up to the concepts? I will tell one of the things I need to work on, 1. 1 serving. 1 taco. 1 is a hard thing to do. What about, "it's so good I need to eat seconds". Am I insulting mom if I don't have seconds. Where did this whole seconds concepts come from? Will mom never invite me over again if I don't eat until I am so stuffed I need to take a nap before I go home?
How many traditions we grew up with need to go.
1. A fat kid is a happy and healthy kid.
2. Clean your plate because of the starving children
3. Why is going out to play such a chore.
What about the things we have forgotten.
1. desert isn't with every meal
2. a treat is a once in a while thing.
3. Just because you can afford it, do you need it. (Eating out)
4. You don't need to eat it all at once and save some for later.
Well I have to get something done today.
I'm feeling good. I had some oats for breakfast. so I am ready to go. I need to stop at the store and grab some greens for lunch.
Have a great day
27 concepts
I was at a meeting last night and as I was talking about my book and log I started thinking again about where I listed the 27 concepts to live by. I thought I should put them on a post by themselves.
The concepts;1. Keep up what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
2. Everything in moderation is out the window
3. Reading labels. Read all labels
4. Additives and preservatives are my # 1 red flag
5. This doesn’t work for me
6. Emotional side of dieting.
7. Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body
8. Cheating
9. Concept once you stop walking, you will miss it. (My dear husband misses our bonding time.)
10. Non diet food
11. You can’t make people understand your point if they have a mind set against it. Concept: This is working for me and it may not be for you.
12. Learning from the past
13. Don’t spoil your dinner
14. Really tasting food
15. You will eat again
16. If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same outcome.
17. We all react to food differently.
18. Having to explain yourself
19. Water and hydration
20. Walking or working out
21. Beware of Sabotages.
22. What is a portion and how do you know when to stop eating?
23. Don’t up size
24. Pick your battles, your weapons, and your armor.
25. listen to what an advertiser is really saying
26. Use your resources
27. Keep learning.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 2
Here is a test for you. do something you can track like picking up something heavy and do it again in a month. I am guessing if you don't eat healthy and work out strength train I am going to guess it will feel heavier in a month. It might take 2 months to notice. How many times have you thought I use to do....... (fill in the line) and if seamed so much easier 5 years ago. You might say when I started doing....... but after a month it started to become a pc of cake. (easy) I had to give myself a tracker of NYNY on the tracking page because I did 1 mile but not 2 and not 30 min or close to it. I didn't do those 100 crunches, I did track those calories and stayed where I wanted to be. I have to think of what the other N was for. BRB I did an edit because I should of tracked 2 Y and 2N so I changed it.
Hope all of you are doing well and think positive about making changes.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day 1
So I made it 1 mile on the treadmill. I want to do the other mile with dear husband tonight, I also did some form of 100 crunches. Now I have to look something up and get to a meeting. I ate some fruit because I know they are going to have tons of bake stuff at the local meeting.
I helped DH carry shingles down the hill and stack them. It wasn't much but I'm counting it. So it is aff to the beach for a walk in the morning.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Practice day
I then had something healthy to eat and went and got something done. I am back to setting priorities.
So my practice day was kind of hard. So I'm thinking day 1 can't be any worse than day 1. So I can do this. 21 days to make a habit, how many more do I have to make this working out thing a habit. Why does it take 21 to make a habit and only 3 to break. Not fare.
So I did most of those 2 miles at 4.0. My goal is to add a point every week. One of my fat friends said she started running by race walking. What is a fat friend? I call the people that are on the goal to fight fat my fat friends. I should call them my fat fighting friends.
Spring time in Wisconsin and tracker
Spring Goals
1. 30 min walk.
2. track food intake.
3 spend less time talking about it and more time doing.
4 do those 100 crunches
5 stay in calorie range
So here is the way to track it. At the end of today it would look like this for walking, crunches, tracking, calorie range
april 30 YYYY
This is if I did all 4
If I did the first 3 but went over on calorie goal it would look like
April 30 YYYN
There is something about the need to learn. If you eat and track 1000 calories of ice-cream every night, it is a good thing you are aware you are eating 1000 calories of ice-cream but you need to learn that these 1000 calories aren't helping you reach your goal. So we are ready to start a new month . Spring is for new growth and it should be the most positive time of the year.
MAY 1 yyyy
Saturday, April 2, 2011
How things change
So I have to to tell you last night we went out to the Chinese restaurant. You know the one that most people over eat at. Well I picked what I wanted and ate it. I followed my 27 rules including nothing deep fried.. Eat the fruit. I said to my husband I am full and I stopped eating. I waited for him to get desert. I love almond cookies. So most of the time you just think about the food but now the food is becoming less important and I started to think if I knew Chinese I could tell the workers I really appreciate them. This is a whole different thought than going there to shove your face full. The workers at our local restaurant only know the english word for food items. tea, mt dew, pespi, cookie, things like that. You can't really talk with them or ask them how they are.
Things are changing sense I don't just sit around and think about food.
Friday, April 1, 2011
skinny foods
Monday, March 28, 2011
I was rethinking a few things over the weekend. 1 was about my book and leading a support group. Why isn't my program working on me? I will tell you why, because I am the worst student. I think I can tweek it to fit my needs.
Tweek includes
1. I don't really need to track because I have this all under control.
2. I will workout later.
3. Don't worry I still have time to get my goal completed.
4. I am so close to goal all I need to do is skate along and it will just happen.
5. It's only a couple of pounds, I have lost them before and I can do it again.
Why do I lose touch with I'm tired of this yo-yo thing. Maybe there is just a pill or a new workout tape.
There is no pill to maintain good health. If the pill worked would there be a side effect in 10 years?
I think I need to do a blog about do you need cheese on everything if you live in WI.
So what do I want to do from here.
Have you ever had someone say you just don't know what it is good. Maybe you do know what is good and that's why you don't eat it.
One of the thing I did over the weekend is to weigh 2oz. of cheese. I love cheese. I love cheese more than steak. What I did was weigh it out in a small plastic container that I have more than 1 of and there was a mark on the side of the container where 2 OZ is. The full container would be 4 oz. Yes I put it on my food scale .
So it's another day and I had to start it off with a good breakfast 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, a can of mushrooms and salsa. I need to log this on sparks. Jillian is a big one for more proteins. Maybe she knows something. She lives it so I am going to try it. The question I ask is how long will this keep me full so I can get some work done without thinking about food and what am I planning for the rest of the day.
Why do I put the whole egg in and not just all egg whites. I want you to look up eggs and find what good the yoke does for the body. My daughter had a health teacher that believed there is no reason for yokes so I sent her the article so I know it is out there. I can look it up for you if you e-mail me. My goal is to get you to think.
Have a great day. track your food this week. Do you change what you eat when you have to write it down?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Training for my goals
March 7 Day 1 did those 2 miles
March 8 Day 2 0 Had to go to ... Just lazy
March 9 Day 3 Did 1 mile. Thought I would get to work. Wrong. No more quitting at a mile.
March 10 Day 4
March 11 Day 5
March 12 Day 6
March 13 Day 7
March 14 Day 8
March 15 Day 9
March16 Day 10
March17 Day 11
March 18 Day 12
March 19 Day 13
March 20 Day 14
Race day came and went. I wasn't ready but I did it anyways. Came in with a time of 37.21. Not to bad. I was happy with that. I need to run at a even pace. Met some really nice people. I am doing the run in Burlington WI. I will be ready.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
So Day 1 Jan 10, 2011
Had oats/barley for breakfast w/ organic coconut and clementines, also had espresso w/ chocolate milk. not great so I will cross that off.
Lunch mix spring greens w/ 1/2 avocado and slivered almonds.
Afternoon I had the rest of the mix greens and almonds. Had some miso soup at class.
Didn't sleep real well kept waking up. Was already to work out in the morning. Drank qi toner tea before I went to bed. Knocked me out. Wanted to watch something and fell asleep on couch. again.
Day 2 Jan 11, 2011
I had oats for breakfast with organic coconut and 1/4 pineapple after working out with amber. Drank that lemon water and lived. I hate lemon water. Not real bad if you put 1/2 of lemon juice and then maple syrup. Taste like lemon aid. Eating mix greens with avocado and sunflower kernels. It is a little dry but good flavor. I was eating hand fulls of those sunflower things mid morning. No coffee is a shock to my system. I miss the warm cup. I made beef soup for dinner w/ beans. 1 bowl and 1/2 a jar of herring. I got it from my mom. That's it. oh and water.
Day 3 Jan12, 2011
I had oats this morning. Heated them in a pan not the microwave. Drank the water. Missed that warm cup of coffee. Put coconut on it and pineapple. Had left over soup for lunch.
Woke up to many times last night. How does DH fall back asleep? Have a headache again. Got home late after shopping at woodmans. It's harder to find new things in a store your not use to. Got that long white carrot looking thing. Had to scan every thing and put in the prices. Pain in the but but got it done then ate carrot things dipped in avocado mixed with salsa.
Day 4 Jan 13, 2011
Had oats for breakfast w/ coconut water and pineapple. Tried the espresso with some coco powder. way to strong also with keefer milk. Way thick but OK. Lunch salad w/ 1/2 avocado and P. mushrooms. I will tell you at this point that lemon water can go. Don't miss chicken yet. almost. I did do a mile on the treadmill this morning. So I got home and needed a snack so I had some pistachio nuts. I made for dimmer wild cod with red onion and celery, a few beets, 1/2 sweat potato and a spoonful of whole wheat grain. I did have another espressos. I still don't really like it. Oh well. I made some miso soup for lunch tomorrow
Day 5 Jan 14, 2011
Had some pistachio and then ate oats w/ blueberries, And that lemon water. Lunch I had a big bowl of miso soup w/ mushrooms and onions. Missed the cheese. Had to make dinner when I got home. Took some stir fry beef strips beef broth, these fun can mushrooms, onion. I put it on 2 slices of Ezekiel bread. Put a little mix greens on sandwich. DH is looking for cake or ice cream. not on the list..
Day 6 Jan 15, 2011
needed to know how to spell Sabotage
I almost forgot to put what I ate on this day. I had lemon water and blueberries. Didn't feel like making new oatmeal. Had some sliced almonds for lunch or should I call it a snack. 3:00 after shopping for dinner. I miss the salad thing. For dinner I had pork roast tenderloin. I should of put some pineapple in it. This is the reason I don't eat pork for 20 years. Hate that dry. Maybe I will put the rest in soup. There has to be something I can put in it to break those fibers down.
I put peppers in it and onions and turmeric. I read today that you should put this spice in at the end of cooking.
I put some purl barley in the pot. Not the best meal but good. Could of used some bar b q sauce. Maybe some ketchup and some form of vinegar.
Still no ice cream.
Had a espresso with almond milk, better than that keefer stuff.
Day 7 Jan 16, 2011
Had 7 grain oat type stuff with blueberries. Had a espresso with almond milk. I am working on some alterations to this espresso thing. Less coffee and put some coconut in the cup to add some sweet. We went to sam's. no pizza by the slice. We did pick up some mix stir fry type veggies. I put some of that left over pork in with it and the barley. also had some sliced almonds. Had to shop for tile so I think we missed lunch or we ate late breakfast. also had Avocado mixed with salsa and those white carrots things. I have to find out what they are called.
Day 8 Jan 17, 2011
I almost thought I should log everything we are eating but eating it is hard enough. Had to run out the door this morning. Should of got up and worked out.
grabbed a T. of leftover oats I heated in pan for DH. and handful of sliced almonds. Skipped lemon water. Having mixed field greens for lunch with 1/2 avocado and some slivered almonds and salsa.
Carrot thing is called Daikon radish
I had some soup for dinner. Kind of a left over thing. beef w/ barley soup and a salad w/ salsa on it.
I don't remember if I ate anything else because I should of entered it yesterday. How fast we forget.
Day 9 Jan 18, 2011
Breakfast I had a 3 egg omelet / mushrooms and spinach . Hard thing no cheese. Then had apple w/ peanutbutter for lunch, Salad w/ avocado and salsa. when we got home from class I had some pineapple w/ peanut butter and then I tried pineapple dipped in coconut. ( unsweetened) and some sliced almonds. and that is the end of week 1 and on to week 2. I did do a mile this morning.
Day 10 Jan 19, 2011
Breakfast I put chocolate almond milk into those oats with some coconut and almonds and some sour cherries. Lets just say it was different. Found out last night those other people are drinking the flavor keefer.
I had a great salad for lunch. No cheese. I put some pecans on it. I put some newman's light balsamic on it. It is like I never tasted food before. Had to go to a pot luck. Made a big salad. Ate mostly salad and some fruit and apples. Tried danish liver patae. It was good but not something I want to add to my diet. Just something about eating the organ that cleans the pig body. I watched other people eat sweets and it didn't bother me as much. Had to do an audit so I had a second helping of salad when I got home.
Day 11 Jan 20, 2011
I forgot to add a note so lets see if I can remember. I did do some Jillian wii and zumba.
Had some oats for breakfast, left over salad for lunch and apple and peanutbutter. Salad had pecans on it. Still very good. Dinner salmon baked w/ olive oil and green onions, cole slaw mix with olive oil roasted garlic vinegar and a little honey. I don't miss Ice cream as much
Day 12 Jan 21, 2011
Started my day with 1 mile on the treadmill and then had to do some of those crunch type things. and Wall squats with the ball
Had oats with almonds and sour cherries. So good Still weighing in at 127. Down from 132 after Christmas 132. Going to have salad for lunch. I put that left over slaw on my salad with some pecans. Made great dinner. Haddock, w/ green onion, more of that slaw and stir fry veggies. I did have an apple on my way out the door from work. Feeling better.
Day 13 Jan 22, 2011
Started the day with espresso with almond milk. Had oats with almonds, pineapple, and coconut. Too good. Making a stew type thing for dinner. Beef, beef stock, horseradish, brandy, thyme,onion, garlic, and carrots. I will have to put some barley in it. Had that taste of sweet and some P. nuts. Dinner was really good. Had a salad with it, I put some of that slaw on it. I also had some pineapple dipped in coconut.
Day 14 Jan 23, 2011
So it is another day. I started with that lemon water thing. Espresso with almond milk - chocolate. and some almonds. I also had an apple and handful of almonds. Had to have some herring because it is almost like new years, the Packers might make it in the super bowl. I didn't eat the whole jar. So then it is a big packer day so you have to make chili. I used some of the tomatoes I had froze at the end of the gardening season. I am out of peppers so I put in some salsa (pace). I put in the rest of those jarred mixed beans and then some kidney beans. I put mine on a bed or bowl of mixed salad greens that I mixed in some spinach. Like a taco salad. This whole no cheese thing. I needed something else so I sliced a fresh pineapple and heated it in a pan. It is really good grilled but i didn't feel the need to get out the george forman or go outside. I did have to put some of that unsweetened coconut on it. Did I say I did do a mile this morning. Kind of a bummer because I was to lazy to do 2 miles. Need to get back to cleaning. Packers won!!! Better have some celebrate food Keefer milk and some more nuts. I wanted popcorn but I am so sick of doing dishes.
I made the popcorn and ate it.
Day 15 Jan 24, 2011
I have to think if I am still happy about eating popcorn.
I had the normal oats, lemon water, espresso w/ almond milk. tossed almonds and pineapple on top. Put some orange juice on in my lemon water. I am just tired of the lemon water thing. And all those dishes. I did do a mile this morning. I will do a pass on the popcorn next time.
Had 2 apples with peanutbutter for lunch. After class I had left over cabbage salad I made the other night. I add some of my new soy sauce. Also had chili and 2 slices of toast with coconut butter. I don't know how you can spread this stuff. Maybe you can whip it. Different but good. We are eating many things that are different.
Day 16 Jan 25, 2011
Same old same old. lemon water, oats w/ almonds. Ran out of almond milk. have to get it at the pick-n- save. The pig in the grove doesn't carry the chocolate one. Had a big salad w/ avocado on it and salsa. Stopped at the store on the way home. I should of got a banana or something better than the nuts I ate. Mixed nuts from the baking aisle but to many. Had some herring while cooking dinner, I mixed more of that salad. I added napa cabbage in with it. Also had some left over beef with barley . I think I need more water. I did work out with amber this morning. We are up to 1 full lemon for this week. I better get out my list and make sure I am eating every thing right.
One never really thinks about what your local store carries until you start following a detox like this. At the pig no choc. almond milk, no fresh beats. You don't think about things in this age you just assume your local has everything. it takes more to shop. It takes a little more planning. Still no ice cream. I miss creamy, melty,
Day 17 Jan 26, 2011
I wanted eggs for breakfast but DH is doing well on the oats and likes his eggs with cheese. Cheese will be back in a week or so. It may not be the same kind and We will rethink things then. So I had oats with almonds and pineapple. Too good. We also upped those lemons to 1 a day. I'm just not getting into the loving of this habit but the headaches have gone away. Had an espresso with a little milk and when I say little I mean little. Lunch was 2 Better make that 3 apples with peanut butter. I did bring a salad with almonds and tomatoes on it. Maybe I will eat it for dinner. So I ate my salad when I got home from shopping. I did put some herring on it and the leftover mushrooms I heated up. This week we have to eat pickled things and garlic so I will suffer through some garlic stuffed olives. Oh ya I am suffering on this detox.
Day 18 Jan 27, 2011
I had to enter this on Friday so we all see how good my memory is. This is the problem when you don't writ things down right away. Out of sight out of mind. So I did have oats and 1 lemon in the morning I think I had a few nuts too. Lunch I had a big salad with avocado and salsa. We stopped at subway on the way home from class and I had a salad with some cheese and lots of veggies. Am I ready to bring cheese back into my life as strong as it was before? I don't think so. I have the choice of what I want to do. I did have a handful of nuts when we got home. I just wanted something. I'm guessing the nuts were better than the ice cream I really wanted. I am going to try to make our own ice cream. I also had 2 squares of that dark chocolate. I was kind of bummed when I stepped on the scale in the morning but sense you can't change the past I thinking all that pickled stuffed had a ton of salt in it. So life goes on.
Day 19 Jan 28, 2011
So the scale is going back down. Did a mile on the treadmill. I wanted to use up those eggs so I used 4 egg whites and 1 full egg with non button mushrooms and salsa. And a handful of those nuts. Espresso with almond milk is getting to be a standard. I ran out of lemons. Have to stop at the store. I have to get to work. Lunch I had 2 apples w/ peanutbutter. Dinner I had some nuts and salad w/ cheese and salsa. The thought of being done almost w/ the detox I was thinking great I can go back to my old eating habits and then I remembered old habits old health problems. I did some kettle bell. I forget what else I ate. Oh ya beats in sesame oil and sea salt. Very good.
So I have to say that the nuts have now been all eaten. I did drink that keefer the last 2 days
Day 20 Jan 29, 2011
Day 21 Jan 30, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Temp of food
In China, the temperature of food does not refer to how hot or cold. Someone asked me to find some info on this. I will also post where I got it from http://library.thinkquest.org/11960/facts/chinese.htm
Hot Black pepper, butter, chicken fat, chocolate, coffee, crispy rice, curry, hot chilies, lamb, mango, onions, peanut butter, sesame seeds, smoked fish, trout, whisky
Warm Beef, brown sugar, cheese, chestnuts, chicken, egg yolk, dates, garlic, ginger, green pepper, ham, leeks, oats, peaches, pomegranates, potato, turkey, turnips, walnuts, vinegar, wine
Neutral Apricots, beet roots, bread, broad beans, brown rice, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cherries, egg whites, grapes, honey, water, milk, oysters, peanuts, peas, plums, pork, raisins, salmon, sugar, sweet potatoes
Cool Almonds, apples, barley, broccoli, celery, corn, fish, mushrooms, mangos, oranges, pears, pineapple, radishes, salt, seaweed, spinach, strawberries, tangerines, turnip, watermelon, wheat
Cold Bananas, bean sprouts, cucumbers, duck, grapefruit, green tea, lettuce, ice cream, mussels, peppermint, tofu, tomato, yogurt
You would have to call author to see how this all works and what you should eat when I will help you think and keep on track. Once in a while you just need a buddy.
I think I need some tea. It is a little cold here in WI and the packers are doing good. If they keep it up they could see the play offs.
just wanted to know about sugar
Remember me blogging about support group. When you do things alone you give up or should I say 95% give up. There are those 5% that train to run marathons that have that inner drive.
Another thing on the list is no dairy. This is another hard one because you all know how I love cheese and ice cream.
Why am I doing this? If it clears some health issues (sinus) I will be happy -er.
I am still working our some days but by clearing my diet I am feeling more like getting on that treadmill. I am getting out of yin mode (quiet and nourish) and getting in that yang mode (get up and do) You Yang as the sun comes up and yin as the sun goes down.
Think about those people that work odd shifts or if you yin and yang get mixed up. Do they get sick more?
I did see an story in a trade mag. about the fact that the rest of the world is catching up with us on the amount of sugar we Americans eat. This is a scary thought because as they follow our diet so will their illnesses. Funny how the tides are turning ; as we try to take on their habits they are taking on ours.
Will we find the happiness in the middle?
Here is a link I found http://ezinearticles.com/?Not-So-Sweet---The-Average-American-Consumes-150-170-Pounds-of-Sugar-Each-Year&id=2252026
So DH just had me find something out
I googled grams to teaspoons of sugar
About.com is where I found it.
There is no real universal formula for converting grams to teaspoons that will work for all ingredients. This is because grams measure weight and teaspoons measure volume. A teaspoon of sugar weight 4.2 grams while a teaspoon of salt weighs six grams. A teaspoon of dried parsley only weighs 0.5 gram.
So there are 24.9 grams of sugar/ by 4.2= 5.928 Teaspoons in 1 cup of that chocolate milk I like in my coffee.
So with that being said you can use this as a guide, for ever 25 grams of sugar you eat you are getting 6 teaspoons of sugar. DH wants to know who puts everything on labels in grams? The food industry? Is this because we americans can't relate to the whole gram thing so we cant draw a relationship so grams have no meaning? Well now they do. 25 grams= 6 teas. or 2T. This makes label reading more interesting.
Have a great day
What else do we want to know?