Friday, September 2, 2011

It's all about me

I am sitting here having a cup of coffee relaxing thinking I should report on my progress. Well I am craving ice cream less. Maybe it was just a 50 year phase I was going through. Becca says people don't eat ice cream in Chicago like they do in WI. I think it has something to do with we buy it by the largest container for the money and then we have to keep eating it till it is gone. I think about behaviors like this. If we eat it at home we can control things better if we would just eat 1 serving. If we eat it out we or I should say I get what the special is and I'm thinking there are a few calories in something that starts with the word Carmel. Am I willing to give this up to get a 6-pack. no !! Sorry to the body building guys I follow I am willing to meet you 80% of the way a 4-pack.
Now what am I willing to do? I am excited to learn new workout moves. I should of got up and did some kettle bell but I didn't. I guess I need to check that would of, could of, should of card. I thought I was out of that group. They are such an accommodating group. Even if you are go.the wish club. I need to work harder at my membership to the get it done club.
I will be at the gym in the morning.
OH well I am making small progress and when the whole thing comes together I will put up a new profile picture. I need one crossing the finishline of a 5K with my spark friends.

Have a great day, think of your goals and strive to achive them.

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