I just had to post this to the fit 2 fat guy
The one thing I have to say is I love the challenges because us overweight people binge. When a woman eats a whole cake it is 1 weight watcher slice at a time. It may take 12 hours but trust me, it is this whole go to waste or just because it is there issue. Please tell me why bunny tracks ice cream doesn't have enough calories in it so I have to add trick or treat candy M & Ms to it. There is nothing wrong with any of these foods but how do we change our food thinking.What do you think about cheese? I know you can't eat it but the rest of us love it.BTW; what size is your wife? Is she trying to lost or it she fit and how did your project effect her? Did she take on any of your new eating habits? Did you find that you got less done during the day because you were spending more time eating? Thanks Lynn
You may say Lynn what is your reason for doing this?
1. No way am I willing to do this.
2. knowledge is knowledge, it doesn't matter where you get it from.
3. As he learns so do I.
4. They were really good questions. Note that I didn't belittle his project at all because this is the only way you learn.
I also read some of the other questions people were asking. They are great questions. Some of them covered, can I change out this or that. No one asked, can I change out fried fish if I am eating out if I pick off the breading.
I am proud of the people that asked about total calorie count. someone asked what a 1/2 chicken breast was 3, 4, 5oz.
I did have to ask about dairy because I know he is Lactose-Intolerance. He had a problem eating that ice cream thing. Oh please, You could of called me.
The one thing I did note is that he kept saying everything was so hot. He had to break those chili cheese fries apart to cool them so he could eat them fast. Maybe my food gets cold is because I eat infront of the TV and/or the computer a lot of the times.
I do have to say, The other day I picked up some donuts that were made in the morning. They looked great and first bite I could tell they had just changed the oil. I ate 2 of them. 2 is nothing compared to the dozon or so I would eat a day what my grandma would make long johns.
So that night I was so sick. I couldn't sleep. 1 day was good enough for me. I did have a, note a cookie yesterday. I need to get back on the clean eating because this not sleeping has to go. So I sleep for 2-3 hours and then I am up then back to sleep for 2 hours or something like that. I am so happy I am to lazy to get up and eat. Coffee doesn't bother me but sugar is a killer.
I am also going to start a challange for all
It is a TV challange. Pick 1 show and do somekind of workout during the commerical. try to hold a plank during the 1 commerical a side during the next, then the other side. How many commericals do they put together?
Report back on this.
So I put his day one in the spark calorie tracker for woman and it came up to 1000 calories but I didn't put in that morning drink. I am guessing it is about 200 calories which puts it at a total of 1200. Note the kinds of foods he has on the list. Someone adked about beer, low cal something that I don't remember. The answer is no. It is not on the list. I also did not see my bananas with peanutbutter.
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