Friday, January 1, 2016

Jan 1, 2016

 I always start my day with 8 oz of water.  We have well water and just like the taste of this water.

I am also a coffee drinker.  I put a little Low fat chocolate milk in it.  I sometimes am to lazy to add more milk to cup # 3 or 4 so black is OK too.  Do I eat organic?  Not really.  I try to eat clean.

Why am I adding this picture??  It was new years eve and I just wanted it.  Most of the time I would say it is better to make your own but I bought this and I only have 6 pcs.  I ate 1 last night.  The point is that I could of added ice cream to it but didn't.  This is a good time to say one thing you could ask yourself when eating sweets, Do I need to super size this??  The second question is, How many servings do I need?  Answer is 1.

The way I would like to do this is by days.  By the end of the year I should have 365 entries. I think I can go back and edit the original so I can add to it to complete the day.
I will try to stay on topic but I might have to check in with a few friends and see what they're up to also. I might put in a few YouTube links.
A little more about me is that I do believe in preventive medicine and seeing herbalist. Over this cold and flu season you will find me drinking things like flu tea which I get from my herbalist. I do have an appointment to go see my regular doctor and I might have to have some blood work done. I will let you know if I do otherwise I will not be including things like cholesterol or other numbers because these are things I have no knowledge of. We all have different goals and if there's any way I can help you achieve yours let me know. Best of luck and let the journey begin.

I am a fitbitter.  I will be watching what happens to body fat on my scale.  I was listening to a podcast that talked about the Average woman's body fat goes from 25% to 45% by the time she reaches 50. I will share with you my scale puts me someplace between 35 and 36% right now so it will be interesting what happens over the next 12 months. I will update this number in a month.I have to do some checking into the number they were using because I think they were talking about BMI not body fat which are two different things. I will do a blog on it one day.
This is my workout area. It is in our basement and it's got a cold but it's functional. Because I hate the cold and we live in Wisconsin I feel blessed to have such a big area to work out.
I am on a Facebook group of the Jillian Michaels junkies and want to use some of her DVDs in this experiment. I have more than just Jillian Michaels. My collection includes some Billy Banks, kettle bells, kettle bell kickboxing and miscellaneous other DVDs.
I have a couple of balls and 2 pound and 5 pound weights. I am not crazy about my kettle blocks because they hit my hand funny but they are great for slings because my little red kettle bell is only 10 pounds.
This was the mad under my treadmill but it works great as a floor-mat for doing things like yoga. It's not real thick so it is
easy to balance when you're doing Jillian's one legged hops.
This starts day one. I can proudly say I did it!

This is what a mango and 1T. of peanut mutter looks like

This is what 1T of peanut butter weighs.

And this was Dinner

I made these and added some leftover chicken to them.  1 had no rice.

 The day has come to an end.  I kept myself busy and got some cleaning done.  I had better things to do all day than mindless eat.  

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