So as you can tell I have been busy. I need to finish up with posting for month 1 of a year in health. I have been giving it hell on the working out and i have really been staying on track with my eating.
I have to tell you what I learned today. I was watching a marathon of my diet is better than yours. They really are hitting home on some really important things covered in the show.
Some of the things that were interesting is the wild man when he said this is all the things I had to do this week and gave it my best. He did not put healthy eating on hold for a week while he spent time with family that came to visit. He talked about how he made his best choices. One of the other people talked about going out for drinks She said you drink your drinks faster with a straw, so you should sip your drinks.
Another person, her husband is the cook in the family and he is on board with also eating healthy. This is a good thing because it is a family change not just a single person within a unit trying to make changes.
They talk about working to 80% of their max. Some people look like they are working out but the one person had to fix her shoe then her hair, then the other shoe and then had to pee. Then she basically wanted to know if they were just starting the workout or has she wasted enough time that the workout is almost over. At the end of the last show I watched had a twist which was that they only had 1 more week with their trainers. All of a sudden the person wasting time had the fear of not having enough time.
How many of us have set a goal for 6 months down the road and just give you eating and workouts half heart then when you get with-in 2 months you think you need to crash diet or you will never reach your goal. What happened to the 4 months??? Time waster.
There were many good points made during the show. Point is that when you learn these lessons you need to apply them to your life.
One of the trainers that got the boot was the mommy diet. The hole day was about multi task with working out. One thing I would say is that it does give you an idea that you can add workouts anytime. Those stairs can be your friend and to add push-ups or planks every time you go up and down them. I think her person was a weekend warrior. You can't catch up on the weekend. Consistency is important.
So let me tell you what I have been eating for the past week.
Beachbody on demand free month |
I thought I would test out rocking body. It was fun |
typical breakfast |
Lunch was leftovers on salad or should I say spinach |
Thought I would try a high grain bread. |
It is not a fluffy bread. Some people might call it a dry bread. I think I made a beef roast to go with this. | | | | | | | |
This was something I made and froze. Egg whites, spinach, onion. |
I love this at work. I really have to watch serving size with peanut butter. |
I made this with the campbells slow cooker. I had it with that really good bread. I ate most of the carrots before I took pic. | | |
This was the last night of my kettlebell class. I learned a lot.
I seasoned the shrimp with a scampi season blend. And yes it was great on salad. I heated one of the veggies with cheese sauce and added extra veggies. |
Wed. Zumba night
I thought I would try something easy for breakfast. I think I had a salad for lunch |
I ate my salad and this was leftover beef and beets |
Plain Yogurt, I added my own coconut and nuts |
Sat workout |
I like the timer on the side |
Sat breakfast with coffee |
Sat dinner. I had a pork roast I sliced into chops and fried. Broccoli w/cheese sauce and boc choy with a light dressing No roman noodles because I have some potatoes on that plate. |
Sunday AM 4 egg whites, onion, mushroom, tomato. Very good |
Watching a marathon of this |
She is doing a swap out diet |
Yes I had to break out the hoop |
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