Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Did you noticed I skipped a day??  I might of missed a day of blogging but I didn't miss a day of eating healthy and I did go to kettlebell class.  Class was really good.  I asked a couple of questions about form.  This guy leading the class really knows his shit.  He is one of the best trainers I have worked with.  Maybe it just goes to show I have worked with some really less knowledgeable people that went through some quick class.  Oh well such is life.  All I know is that I knew what I knew and I didn't give into what I knew was wrong.  I have learned that I you question a move, modify till you do your homework.
So what have I been eating??
If you buy these you have to eat them

I just love salad.  As you see I zeroed out the scale with the salad in the bowl so I knew when I added 2 oz of cheese.

No cheese because I had cheese for lunch.  This was dinner for 1-12-16

Lunch on 1-13-16.  I always have coffee in the morning

Left over dinner from last night.  The key is 1.  How many of these did I have?? 1!

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