I had to do a C & P to from a mail I did to someone on sparks. After I sent it I thought it was pretty good so I thought I would share it with you. It was from the turbo jam team leader looking for people to be friends of ned to turbo people. Having a workout friend is a great help for those down days.
Thanks Lynn
I would love a friend. I started turbo fire last monday and am blogging about it on chatthefat.blogspot.com I have a chatthefatwi@gmail.com I am posting a few quick details everyday including the calories I track on sparks. I am also doing the summer 5%. I only have so much time to computer so I have to pick and choose. I do check in if there is something new going-on on the turbo fire board and then I have to check on people that are doing it and how they are doing and what I have to look forward to as far as their results. Still lovinng my striiv and wear it everyday. Turbo fire really kicks the steps up. It also reminds me to pick my feet up not just slide them. Let me know. I can work with anyone. This is the industry I want to break into as a health coach type of person. I have come to the conclusion that it is all how you think. When you can answer the question what are you deprived of and say,- nutrition, fin, fitness, health,flavor, just enjoying life you are ready. when you stop thinking I will be deprived of pie and cookies is when you have taken the first step. Pie and cookies will not protect you but the moves you learn in turbo fire might. I just ask and how is that cookie reward diet thinking working for you? I was really wild this past weekend and put whip cream on my watermelon. OM it was so good. I have to get to work Lynn
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