Good morning to all. Where have I been and what have I been up to? I have been living life and trying to do research for my book. So what happens when you really put your mind to things? I will tell you that it is harder than hell to get out of the wish and shit club. I wanted to just make a post of something interesting I am noticing.
I joined a class at xperence fitness called Q. I really gave them a hard time when they gave me a cold call about the class. I asked what the price was and what form of a workout was it? The person on the phone really didn't know so 2 months after the call I went in to check it out.
Here is my review from the side I like to take. I like to take the side of How does it keep you motivated, give you a good workout and what are the side effects?
First it is kind of a hit class where you go all out for a set time. Last night was a 1 minute on 1 minute off for 5 times and then switch. Some of the times it is 30/30 or 20/20. You wear a heart monitor called myzone. There is an app so you can see your results and try to beat a personal best. There was someone in the class that had it show they burned 1000+ calories and I questioned why I was at 500 and this person was so much higher. I found out that person put monitor on at home and some people did a warm up before class. It does take a little warming up to get your monitor to sync up with the board. About the workout. It is really fun. Well as fun as giving it your all on a roller or treadmill can be. These are the main two pieces of equipment that are in almost all workouts. The other stations are picked by the trainer. They could include TRX, kettlebells, ropes, bags or free weights.
I have found that with small group workouts you start to workout with the same people each time. The contract you sign up for is a 3 month contract. I either attend the 5:00 or 5:30 class. There are a couple of woman that I team up with in the same pod. They are really fun and we kind or push ourselves harder as a group. Last night I went to do what is called a burn out and I thought, if I do the easiest exercise I wont challenge myself so I copied person next to me and thanked her for the push after.
I had to laugh at some of the things we do because I am sure that I don't look the same as the instructor does right now but given time I would figure I will have better form and become stronger.
Today is Dec. 15, 2017 I started the research for my book in Jan of 2017 and hoped to be done by the end of the year but I am thinking I need a few more months to finish up. When it comes to weight loss it is all about the mind and how you think about food and working out. The way I am thinking about food right now is that I need the nutrition to get stronger to keep up with my fellow workouters. I will refer them as my workout teammates.
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