I wanted to give him full credit because I get his news letters.
I call him one of my fat fighting friends. why?? Because Thats why I follow him.
I had to C & P this because it is a big part of how I eat. When I can I do have waternelon in the morning or as a snack. It just makes you feel good.
Read on and enjoy
Natural, whole foods have the highest water content. In fact, many fruits andvegetables contain 90 - 98 percent water!The following are some of the most hydrating foods (see how they're also low in calories and rich in many other beneficial nutrients?):*Watermelon: Contains 92% water and essential electrolytes such as, calcium,magnesium, potassium, and sodium - all of which influence your metabolism.*Grapefruit: Contains only 30 calories and is comprised of 90% water.Phytonutrients called limonoids, found in grapefruit, are detoxifying and mayinhibit tumor formation of cancers.*Coconut water: Comprised of 95% water. It differs from coconut milk because itis found in young coconuts only. Coconut water is low in calories and fat-free.It has the same amount of potassium as a banana and It's low in sodium, so greatfor lowering high blood pressure.*Avocados: 81% water and rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, which reducescholesterol levels, decreases the risk of cancer and heart disease, and helpslower body fat.*Cucumbers: 96% water and are a good balance of electrolytes, such as, calcium,magnesium, potassium and sodium! And they contain just 14 calories for an entirecup!*Cantaloupe: 89% water and contains only 27 calories per 1/2 cup! This deliciousfruit is also excellent for supporting energy production through carbohydratemetabolism, which helps keep blood sugar stable.*Strawberries: Contain just 23 calories per 1/2 cup and are made up ofapproximately 92% water! Plus, strawberries rank as the 4th strongestantioxidant-rich fruit!*Broccoli: Contains 90% water and anti-cancer nutrients that help to detoxifythe vast number of potential toxins that we encounter each day. Plus, they're agood source of fiber!What you must understand is that there is a direct correlation between the amountof water you consume and the amount of body fat you carry around. BUT you don'thave to only drink water to be lean like one. You can actually eat it...More Water Dense Foods that Accelerate Bodyfat Reduction<<< ContinueEnjoy all that H2O goodness! RobP.S. I'll be back tomorrow with an interesting story of a woman who finallyovercame her 'battle of the bulge' by focusing on water dense foods like this ina unique way......stay tuned for that one, you'll love it!More Water Dense Foods that Accelerate Bodyfat Reduction<<< Continue
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