I will be ready to start in the morning. I still have to do a copy of the workouts so I can write on them. I figured out how to print my daily food tracker so I think I will print this just to keep it in my scrap book. I can e-mail a copy to anyone that might want it. I tell you that I do love the spark tracker. If you really want to know what I am eating look me up "lynnbaum" is my user name. I set my mom up with it so she could find some healthy things to make with the my recipes. I do see they have a easy vegan book on sparks that I think I am going to get for dear child. $2.99 I think that is a good price. I think in every persons life they say something has to change because I am not liking the direction I am headed. As of right now I am not headed down that road but Dear child(22) is.
I feel it is more important to me looking at the additives and how they grow our food rather than just cutting out groups of food. There are things in the health food store I would never eat. So here's my question??? Just because it is a fish does it mean it is healthier for you than a beef, pork or chicken product?? Is TVP or other soy products better for you??
For this challenge I will be living by the 27 concepts.
Now, I also have in my book what you are willing to do to reach your goals. What changes are you seeing that would improve your life.
Here are mine.
Willing to change
1. Clean up the ice cream addiction.
2. Working on working out everyday.
Projects I need to get done.
1. paint inside of house.
2. Finish bathroom remodel.
3. clean each room and get rid of clutter. (part of cleaning your home plate)
4. Really look at where I want to go with chatthefat. Do I have time to turn this into a business?
5. Start a meet up group for chatthefat. Share my success. Look for it in Burlington WI.
1. Do a 5K under 30 min.
2. Have fun with working out and make it more important in my life.
I might have to really think harder at this list. But you see that reaching 110 on the scale isn't a goal. I want real health goals. Things I can maintain. Have you ever heard of being skinny fat? That would be the 110 thing. Any one that is measuring success on a scale can bring you a success that isn't the healthiest. I was talking to someone that was telling me what she ate the day before. Sugar was the #1 item then there was an egg salad sandwich. This person is nutrition deprived. She might be at what is considered a healthy weight but she has a few things she would like to change. When you are looking at making a change in your live you really do need to set a goal you can live with for the rest of your life. Could I say my goal is to cut ice cream out of my diet. I am from WI and I know ice cream is something I really enjoy so I will set my goal at cut ice cream to a controllable level. I am willing to cut ice cream out during this 90 challenge just for this study but I know I will bring it back. If I bring it back by the 6 serving size bowl I will lose some of fitness level I hope to get during this challenge. Now if I bring it back in the 1 serving size I should be able to maintain the fitness level. Remember I am not doing a challenge going from 10 to 6% body fat and never will. I am not trying to become ms. fitness. I just want to check out this 90 day challenge while I am still young enough to do it. I do know of someone that went back to school for a law degree at the age of 50. I had to use her. So if she can do it so can I and you may be saying if Lynn can do it so can I.
My dream would be to tell my journey and help others with the simple ways you can make changes to your life. I think they add the word coach to the words weigh loss, health, fitness.
I want to be your weight loss coach. I hope to turn my passion into a business.
I would love to lead a study group with you and your fat fighting friends. I think I will call it "Me & My FFF"
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