Why is it so hard? If you really think about it you won't born saying I want to sit around and watch tv and eat. OK the eat thing maybe true but what you wanted was nutrition and the warmth of others. Where did we go wrong?
Lets start looking at our lives.
1. How much time do you spend with electronics? What would you do if they were gone right now? I love my cell phone but I use it as a phone. I am really thinking about how much time I want to spend computing.
2. How much time do you spend with others? Do you stop and meet friends for coffee (or whatever) maybe join a running group or a walking group. Maybe you can start one. Are there 10 people sitting in their homes right now saying I would walk if I had someone to walk with. 1/2 of them are just saying that but that still leaves you 5 and someone has to show up to walk with you. I remember my grandma and sewing club. They did more chatting than sewing but who cares they had fun.
3. Nutrition. Really think about what you are eating and ask yourself can I really do what I want with what I am eating. If you want to lay on the couch and feel sorry for yourself you can eat anything. I don't really believe anyone really does that but really think. Fast food? What's faster than an apple. You think well that wont fill me up, and I ask cake will?? Try the apple. It should make you 80% full so you can do something. Put some peanutbutter on it if you like, 2T. Please read the labels of that dip stuff before you say what about...
4. Let Look at our lives and deride what we want to do and make a plan on how to get it done and not to quote nike but lets "do it" and get it done.
Lets talk about weight loss. I am a 50 pound loser and have maintained 45 for more then 4 years. I am with the National Weight Control Registry I am trying to get a support group together. The base of my program is nutrition and cutting the additives and preservatives from our food in-take. We learn the 20 some concepts and apply them to every meal.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
boot camp
To anyone in Burlington, WI. I had to stop in at anytime fitness and I am in for the boot camp starting in Jan. 4 weeks $100. Tell them you are a friend of chatthefat. I am hoping they will have a 5:30. There is at least 1 other person that wants 5:30 AM. I am kind of excited. All this good stuff in Racine county. If I can tone this fat roll I will be excited. Drop me a line if you are joining the class. I asked if you had to be a member and I was told no as of right now.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
In Jan of 2011 I will be doing the detox workshop at "Roots and Legends" I did 1 chemical type detox and lets just say it was a test. Would I do it again? no So you know Arthor is my first choice in health care unless I break a leg. So with everything I have learned about food and how I eat I will post how the detox differs from everyday life. Please find the post with the 27 concepts I live by. This would be information I may add to the support group I am trying to put together in Burlington. So is it the; detox that makes you feel better, the support group that keeps you going or doing something positive for more than 21 day that makes it a habit and the new habit is a positive on your health.
If your in West Racine do stop in to say hi to Arthur. I can't say enough good about what I have learned from him and his work.
I do want to put a cookbook together about how to cook with these spices. My sister is a great cook maybe we need to put something together. Just another thought.
I looked back and don't see those 27 concepts posted I must just have them in my book. Leave me a comment and I will send them to you.
If your in West Racine do stop in to say hi to Arthur. I can't say enough good about what I have learned from him and his work.
I do want to put a cookbook together about how to cook with these spices. My sister is a great cook maybe we need to put something together. Just another thought.
I looked back and don't see those 27 concepts posted I must just have them in my book. Leave me a comment and I will send them to you.
You all know I follow a couple of health related blogs and one of them is
I like his work.
I had to post to him a comment about his blog on labels:
Food labels. (for some reason I couldn't insert the word food so I had to put it here).
How do you say liers use figures and figures tell lies. So I'm guessing that your point is that, the food industry sells products to make money and our government collects taxes on every transaction made including the profit of the co. and the more the co. can sell the more taxes the government collects so if the fox is guarding the hen house how do you define may contain? If you chip a tooth while eating a burger be it beef or turkey is that part of may contain. Our government is looking out for #1 and that is not the consumer. If the food companys start killing off the tax payers then they step in.
It's people like you that are standing up and saying hey people the fox is getting closer we need to group together and think of a plan or we will be eaten. I for one have to laugh when I go to the doctor and they ask me to list all the drugs I am on to maintain. It would be a waste of my time to write down pineapple, apples, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach you get the picture. We need to be concerned about all aspects of our health and prevent should be on the top of the list. You can never learn to much. Keep up the good work.
Lynn In Jan of 2011 I am doing a detox using all whole foods. I will post it on my chat the fat facebook
Josh Bezoni – Nutritionist
I like his work.
I had to post to him a comment about his blog on labels:
Food labels. (for some reason I couldn't insert the word food so I had to put it here).
How do you say liers use figures and figures tell lies. So I'm guessing that your point is that, the food industry sells products to make money and our government collects taxes on every transaction made including the profit of the co. and the more the co. can sell the more taxes the government collects so if the fox is guarding the hen house how do you define may contain? If you chip a tooth while eating a burger be it beef or turkey is that part of may contain. Our government is looking out for #1 and that is not the consumer. If the food companys start killing off the tax payers then they step in.
It's people like you that are standing up and saying hey people the fox is getting closer we need to group together and think of a plan or we will be eaten. I for one have to laugh when I go to the doctor and they ask me to list all the drugs I am on to maintain. It would be a waste of my time to write down pineapple, apples, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach you get the picture. We need to be concerned about all aspects of our health and prevent should be on the top of the list. You can never learn to much. Keep up the good work.
Lynn In Jan of 2011 I am doing a detox using all whole foods. I will post it on my chat the fat facebook
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I would rather be fat
Have you ever just said I would rather be fat, out of shape, out of breath, unable to do the things I want.... and the list goes on. As you write it out seams kind of strange to think this way. So if you right it down then toss it out or put it in the naughty jar. Things you shouldn't ever say. These are your 4 letter words, I can't , I don't, I'm done. I think of this as I can but I choose not to, I can but I choose not to. What happened if you really couldn't. As I run on the treadmill and trust me it takes all the positive talking I can, I think I can so I do.
Have you ever really sat back and thought about all the things you are thankful for. On the top of my list is I have the ability to garden, eat healthy, run and work out. I am more thankful for this sense someone close to me found out they had cancer. What if it were me how would it change my life? I look at it this way, I have the choice to work out or not. I'm going to keep working out until I can't just because I can and only I will tell myself I can't.
Now when I go to eat something that will stricken myself with guilt or don't want to work out I think, I would rather be fat. As the pounds start disappearing and your health is having you feeling good, remember those negative feelings so when you say I rather be... thing of everything that goes with it and then think Is that really what you want? You have the choice. You have the ability to change.
BTW I did get those 2 miles in. I thought, How can I expect you to if I don't do myself. Oh ya I can lie but answer me this, If you eat a bag of cookies in the closet do all the calories count?
BTW I did have ice cream last night. I tasted it, rated it, felt guilty about it because it only rated a 3 out of 10 but I still ate it. I will tell you that I did figure in the calories and I wasn't that much over but for 500 calories just think, I could of had really good ice cream or maybe something else good. So if Bob thinks it's ok to eat desert just once a month then I'm done. I wasted my one time on that. I'm making a better choice next month. Bob is to thin anyways. I think he needs to eat desert twice a month when trying to lose weight. Did you get that? I just said a big no no. If I find something wrong with bob then it's ok for me. This is like saying "If everyone else......Then..... You don't need to justify, you need to set your goals and stay on track.
On to another day. It's almost the weekend. I have tons of things I want to get done. Not on the list is sitting in the house and pig out.
One thing I want to check out is zumba. It looks like so much fun. Winter will be here soon. Maybe I need to think positive about walking outside. Maybe I need to be thankful I have a treadmill and use it.
Have you ever really sat back and thought about all the things you are thankful for. On the top of my list is I have the ability to garden, eat healthy, run and work out. I am more thankful for this sense someone close to me found out they had cancer. What if it were me how would it change my life? I look at it this way, I have the choice to work out or not. I'm going to keep working out until I can't just because I can and only I will tell myself I can't.
Now when I go to eat something that will stricken myself with guilt or don't want to work out I think, I would rather be fat. As the pounds start disappearing and your health is having you feeling good, remember those negative feelings so when you say I rather be... thing of everything that goes with it and then think Is that really what you want? You have the choice. You have the ability to change.
BTW I did get those 2 miles in. I thought, How can I expect you to if I don't do myself. Oh ya I can lie but answer me this, If you eat a bag of cookies in the closet do all the calories count?
BTW I did have ice cream last night. I tasted it, rated it, felt guilty about it because it only rated a 3 out of 10 but I still ate it. I will tell you that I did figure in the calories and I wasn't that much over but for 500 calories just think, I could of had really good ice cream or maybe something else good. So if Bob thinks it's ok to eat desert just once a month then I'm done. I wasted my one time on that. I'm making a better choice next month. Bob is to thin anyways. I think he needs to eat desert twice a month when trying to lose weight. Did you get that? I just said a big no no. If I find something wrong with bob then it's ok for me. This is like saying "If everyone else......Then..... You don't need to justify, you need to set your goals and stay on track.
On to another day. It's almost the weekend. I have tons of things I want to get done. Not on the list is sitting in the house and pig out.
One thing I want to check out is zumba. It looks like so much fun. Winter will be here soon. Maybe I need to think positive about walking outside. Maybe I need to be thankful I have a treadmill and use it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I had talked about this before but then I was chatting with a friend this morning and wrote her something like this. OK I did a C & P
I really want to do a race in the spring and not come in last place so I keep thinking of that and say I can do it. I think I tried to talk about this on my blog about drive. Drive is really hard. How do you get it, keep it, use it to reach your goals. You have to be careful that you don't think negative because then you get the drive of I can't do it, I can't, I can't and that is the driving force. Well we can and we will because as Richard Simions says believe, achieve. I think this is one reason we need short goals. You need to be able to move things from the I want to do pile to the I got it done pile.
Lets do this. get 2 things to track your goals. Lets take a bigger piece of paper. now take some smaller paper and write some short term goals on them. On the large pc. draw a line down the middle and on the top of 1 side put the words goals and the other side write "Done". Tape all of your goals on one side and then tape 1 to the other side that says set goals. So one thing done. You can keep adding goals. I am going to do this tonight and take a picture of it and post it.
Some of the things you might have as goals might be a weight amount, working out 5 days in the week, not falling for a lose weight over night TV ad, eating healthier, I have a calender that I put a star on for every day I work out and eat healthy. So a goal could be to eat healthier for 1 week. We can do it if we keep telling ourselves we want it and are willing to work for it. Don't think you have to wait until the start of the month to do this. I don't care if it is the last week of the month. The last week is just a 1 week jump start on next month.
My best to you. Lynn Together we can do it.
I really want to do a race in the spring and not come in last place so I keep thinking of that and say I can do it. I think I tried to talk about this on my blog about drive. Drive is really hard. How do you get it, keep it, use it to reach your goals. You have to be careful that you don't think negative because then you get the drive of I can't do it, I can't, I can't and that is the driving force. Well we can and we will because as Richard Simions says believe, achieve. I think this is one reason we need short goals. You need to be able to move things from the I want to do pile to the I got it done pile.
Lets do this. get 2 things to track your goals. Lets take a bigger piece of paper. now take some smaller paper and write some short term goals on them. On the large pc. draw a line down the middle and on the top of 1 side put the words goals and the other side write "Done". Tape all of your goals on one side and then tape 1 to the other side that says set goals. So one thing done. You can keep adding goals. I am going to do this tonight and take a picture of it and post it.
Some of the things you might have as goals might be a weight amount, working out 5 days in the week, not falling for a lose weight over night TV ad, eating healthier, I have a calender that I put a star on for every day I work out and eat healthy. So a goal could be to eat healthier for 1 week. We can do it if we keep telling ourselves we want it and are willing to work for it. Don't think you have to wait until the start of the month to do this. I don't care if it is the last week of the month. The last week is just a 1 week jump start on next month.
My best to you. Lynn Together we can do it.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I just found something
I see someone asked me to talk about diet words and what is a work out.
What do I call a work out? First if you are a body builder, you are beyond me. I do follow a couple of bodybuilders and can refer you to their sites. So for the rest of us, a workout can be anything you spend more than 30 min that you get your heart rate up for more than 12 min. Walking is my # 1. Everyone can do it. There are all kind of calorie trackers on the net that will tell you how many calories you burn raking a yard of leafs. What should you eat before and after? What are you trying to do? For most people track you calories for the day and don't try to work out on a full stomach. The word snack could be a string cheese, apple w/ peanutbutter. You do want 30 min.s between eating and working out. If your outside raking leafs get it done. Do it with drive. Think about how many times you take a break. Do you need a snack in the middle? How do we think most of the time? Do we think- getting things done? or doing things till we can eat again?
I do have to get something done today and leave you with Get up get moving and feed you body to get it done. Eat lean and mean. Cut the the fat, cut the sugar and make every calorie count.
What do I call a work out? First if you are a body builder, you are beyond me. I do follow a couple of bodybuilders and can refer you to their sites. So for the rest of us, a workout can be anything you spend more than 30 min that you get your heart rate up for more than 12 min. Walking is my # 1. Everyone can do it. There are all kind of calorie trackers on the net that will tell you how many calories you burn raking a yard of leafs. What should you eat before and after? What are you trying to do? For most people track you calories for the day and don't try to work out on a full stomach. The word snack could be a string cheese, apple w/ peanutbutter. You do want 30 min.s between eating and working out. If your outside raking leafs get it done. Do it with drive. Think about how many times you take a break. Do you need a snack in the middle? How do we think most of the time? Do we think- getting things done? or doing things till we can eat again?
I do have to get something done today and leave you with Get up get moving and feed you body to get it done. Eat lean and mean. Cut the the fat, cut the sugar and make every calorie count.
Pat on the back
So you have 3 day's under your belt doing well, pat yourself on the back. I didn't say reward yourself with cookies or sugar but set up days you look at the good things you have done and pat yourself on the back. I didn't say on the head but on the back.
Lets think about this
On you back=
Good job, keep going, your doing good, keep going, were backing you, your doing it.
On the head=
You meet my approval, your allowed, someone else tells you that you can move on.
You are in charge and determined to reach your goals.
Are you goals still good? Do you need to revise them? Remember short term goals and long term goals are both part of your life.
You could have a short term goal of getting out of bed and doing some kind of work out for week 1.
Week 2 may be to walk 2 miles 3 days a week and 2 kettle bell workouts and 2 days off. Day off doesn't= day to sit on the couch and pig out.
Week 3 could be to increase time, distance, speed, or weight. Or maybe redefinding your food intake. Maybe cut sugar to 2 days a week or up your nutrition.
Keep in mind you are feeding the body you want not, feeding the body you had or want to leave behind.
So what's your goals for next week? Be proud of what you have done but remember as you change yourself, you can only change what you have control of.
Ask yourself if you have control of what someone else eats or does? no! You can tell them what you are doing but you can't make them join you. Sometimes you have to leave them behind until they deside to kick it up themselfs.
I have to go do something. I think it will be JM kettle bell. It does kick me but. Do I do level 1 or 2? Both. I watch form and if it gets to easy I add weight.
Lets think about this
On you back=
Good job, keep going, your doing good, keep going, were backing you, your doing it.
On the head=
You meet my approval, your allowed, someone else tells you that you can move on.
You are in charge and determined to reach your goals.
Are you goals still good? Do you need to revise them? Remember short term goals and long term goals are both part of your life.
You could have a short term goal of getting out of bed and doing some kind of work out for week 1.
Week 2 may be to walk 2 miles 3 days a week and 2 kettle bell workouts and 2 days off. Day off doesn't= day to sit on the couch and pig out.
Week 3 could be to increase time, distance, speed, or weight. Or maybe redefinding your food intake. Maybe cut sugar to 2 days a week or up your nutrition.
Keep in mind you are feeding the body you want not, feeding the body you had or want to leave behind.
So what's your goals for next week? Be proud of what you have done but remember as you change yourself, you can only change what you have control of.
Ask yourself if you have control of what someone else eats or does? no! You can tell them what you are doing but you can't make them join you. Sometimes you have to leave them behind until they deside to kick it up themselfs.
I have to go do something. I think it will be JM kettle bell. It does kick me but. Do I do level 1 or 2? Both. I watch form and if it gets to easy I add weight.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The yo-yo string is breaking
How many of you have said I will do it this time? First list the good things you have done for your health over the last 6 months or time of your choice.
1. stayed within 10 pounds
2. work out 2 times a week.
3. give it my all when I work out
4. limit ice cream to 1 bowl most of the time.
5. limit trading sugar calories for food. (you know we have all done this. eat cake for dinner but you are still within your calorie range so it's ok) There is a factor of how much sugar the body can process before it starts poisoning it's self.
Now lets set some goals
1. limit this sugar thing to no more than every other day
2. add more workouts.
3. work on training for the 5K I want to do in the spring.
4. fit into the pants my daughter made in her design class.
1. Down to 120 Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs DVD
2. 115
I have to really think about this.
Now we are to how do you track this progress.
I am printing out a calendar I get a smile face if I eat high nutrition and a star if I work out. I will post the calendar so I can show off my progress.
This is the hard part. If you are doing this without a buddy you have to have something to look at that says I'm doing it. I think the calendar will work. I know someone that did the Iron man and finished. The thought of training all year and then not finishing??? You have to find that inner you that wants this and wants it bad enough to say no twinkee or fast food burger is going to keep me from my goal.
I started my day with some coffee. I should be drinking tea but I really like coffee oh ya and water. then I did Jillian Michael's kettlebell. Level 1 I don't know which is harder 1 or 2.
I then had some oats w/ Pomegranate. Really good. I had to do a c/p so I got the spelling right.
This is a strange day for me because most of the time I am at work before now but I have to work late today. So do I toss in the towel and so OK fine I will just do some fast food for dinner. NO. Chat the fat is all about thinking and learning.
Hope you have a good day and remember your goals and follow you plan on how to achieve them.
1. stayed within 10 pounds
2. work out 2 times a week.
3. give it my all when I work out
4. limit ice cream to 1 bowl most of the time.
5. limit trading sugar calories for food. (you know we have all done this. eat cake for dinner but you are still within your calorie range so it's ok) There is a factor of how much sugar the body can process before it starts poisoning it's self.
Now lets set some goals
1. limit this sugar thing to no more than every other day
2. add more workouts.
3. work on training for the 5K I want to do in the spring.
4. fit into the pants my daughter made in her design class.
1. Down to 120 Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs DVD
2. 115
I have to really think about this.
Now we are to how do you track this progress.
I am printing out a calendar I get a smile face if I eat high nutrition and a star if I work out. I will post the calendar so I can show off my progress.
This is the hard part. If you are doing this without a buddy you have to have something to look at that says I'm doing it. I think the calendar will work. I know someone that did the Iron man and finished. The thought of training all year and then not finishing??? You have to find that inner you that wants this and wants it bad enough to say no twinkee or fast food burger is going to keep me from my goal.
I started my day with some coffee. I should be drinking tea but I really like coffee oh ya and water. then I did Jillian Michael's kettlebell. Level 1 I don't know which is harder 1 or 2.
I then had some oats w/ Pomegranate. Really good. I had to do a c/p so I got the spelling right.
This is a strange day for me because most of the time I am at work before now but I have to work late today. So do I toss in the towel and so OK fine I will just do some fast food for dinner. NO. Chat the fat is all about thinking and learning.
Hope you have a good day and remember your goals and follow you plan on how to achieve them.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Are you ever tired of being on a diet?
Lets talk about this. I am sitting at my daughters (in Chicago) and thinking about how much we walked and talked yesterday. We had a blast. We wanted to go out for dinner so we started out with so what are you hungry for? As we talked about it we brought up a lot of pit falls. So we could of grabed a chain type item but then that would of been it, done eating and nothing special. OK so now what? Mexican (love)? we always pig out on the chips and we are both trying to keep the pounds down. Italian? I really didn't want anything that big and I am from an Italian family. We wanted something different. How about Chinese? Once again I love and do well at the buffets because I can pick things with lots of veggies but DD falls into the trap of the deep fried items and we wanted something different. It's been 21 years I have enjoyed child of mine and we also needed a drink to celebrate. We started walking up to andersonville and there were these people sitting on pillows in the window of this restaurant and it looked like so much fun. I didn't really care what they were eating but that is what I wanted to do. We checked the menu and it was a vegan place and in our price range. More so it was the kind of place to just relax and have a little something to eat because we still had more walking to do. This was a walking, talking shopping trip.
So first things first do they have liquor? Yes and we checked the drink menu Baileys and coffee sounded great. The baileys was served in this chocolate cup that you dropped into the coffee. Oh so good. Then we had the burritos. Beans and veggies. I didn't eat the sour cream just because I have gotten out of that habit. I will be able to add a picture because I took on with my camera phone. It was really good and just enough. No chips, no fries, no uccky feeling after.
So what is the point of my story? Follow the concepts and try something new. While we were there I was checking out what the people next to us were eating and the one person ordered a spinach looking salad with bread slices topped with some kind of cheese. Oh it looked so good.
We are ready for another fun day. Happy eating and don't fall into ruts.
So first things first do they have liquor? Yes and we checked the drink menu Baileys and coffee sounded great. The baileys was served in this chocolate cup that you dropped into the coffee. Oh so good. Then we had the burritos. Beans and veggies. I didn't eat the sour cream just because I have gotten out of that habit. I will be able to add a picture because I took on with my camera phone. It was really good and just enough. No chips, no fries, no uccky feeling after.
So what is the point of my story? Follow the concepts and try something new. While we were there I was checking out what the people next to us were eating and the one person ordered a spinach looking salad with bread slices topped with some kind of cheese. Oh it looked so good.
We are ready for another fun day. Happy eating and don't fall into ruts.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Writers, professionals and doers
I am going to blog tonight on this subject. I want to talk about the difference. Are you professionals teachers but not doers. How can they tell you to do this or do that and not do it themselves. If you follow the concepts you will be a doer.
Sometimes you need to take small steps and just answer the question of how dose this fit into the concepts. On a scale of 1-10. Think of how these foods rank of score and give them a number. Lets do deep fried mushrooms. How many concepts does it comply with. I would put them at a 4. If I was at a fair and haven't eaten anything deep fried in the past few months and it is a 1 time thing then I would eat it. Remember I am at 125 and trying to lose. If I was at 180 woman and was looking at corndog and a coke or deep fried mushrooms and a water, I would do the mushrooms, and enjoy the fair.
I personally would skip the deep fried anything and get the corn. We are in WI and I was faced with this last year and the thing we chose was the 3 for $5.00 grill cheese sandwiches. (statefair) I shared it with dear husband. We already had cream puff, ice cream and some other things. Check out all your choices. Look for those hanging fruit baskets. Don't be afraid to bring a couple of apples with. Hit the farmers strips and get some peaches of plums.
You don't have to count points of calories if you learn to think.
Sometimes you need to take small steps and just answer the question of how dose this fit into the concepts. On a scale of 1-10. Think of how these foods rank of score and give them a number. Lets do deep fried mushrooms. How many concepts does it comply with. I would put them at a 4. If I was at a fair and haven't eaten anything deep fried in the past few months and it is a 1 time thing then I would eat it. Remember I am at 125 and trying to lose. If I was at 180 woman and was looking at corndog and a coke or deep fried mushrooms and a water, I would do the mushrooms, and enjoy the fair.
I personally would skip the deep fried anything and get the corn. We are in WI and I was faced with this last year and the thing we chose was the 3 for $5.00 grill cheese sandwiches. (statefair) I shared it with dear husband. We already had cream puff, ice cream and some other things. Check out all your choices. Look for those hanging fruit baskets. Don't be afraid to bring a couple of apples with. Hit the farmers strips and get some peaches of plums.
You don't have to count points of calories if you learn to think.
Friday, July 2, 2010
If you ever think there is no hope.
If you ever think there is no hope check out my facebook under lynn baumgartner. I work at a place that we have a garden. The weeds went wild after we put down some goat poop. OM weeds were everywhere. I thought about the whole thing, made a plan and everyday I just keep plugging along. Check out my pictures of the garden. The first pictures look like there is no hope, then you start to see some progress and then more. It is the same as changing habits. You do a little at a time and before you know it you get things under control and then all you have to do is maintain. We do know what happens when you turn your back on those weeds. They plot together to take back over. They are sneeky, before you know it you are back to square 1. So just as maintaining good health you can't turn your back on things. You have to keep on plan. You can follow the 80/20 rule.
I have to say things looked really hard and discouraging to start with but now that I am about 1/2 way done I am feeling great and am getting really excited about the whole thing. I could of used the rototiller but I wanted to get rid of the weeds not to cut them up so they could double in size. There are no short cuts. I have a goal and a drive.
Remember you can email me any time.
If you want a private person to work with you to get your food choices back in line please drop me a line. We can set up a 6-8 week in home weight loss party. We would meet once a week in your home. Price depends on the number of people at your party. Like any other home you the host gets some free things. If you put together a party of 8 or more you are free.
Put in the subject line chatthefat. lynnb@stitchshoppe.com
My best to you on your goals. Lynn
I have to say things looked really hard and discouraging to start with but now that I am about 1/2 way done I am feeling great and am getting really excited about the whole thing. I could of used the rototiller but I wanted to get rid of the weeds not to cut them up so they could double in size. There are no short cuts. I have a goal and a drive.
Remember you can email me any time.
If you want a private person to work with you to get your food choices back in line please drop me a line. We can set up a 6-8 week in home weight loss party. We would meet once a week in your home. Price depends on the number of people at your party. Like any other home you the host gets some free things. If you put together a party of 8 or more you are free.
Put in the subject line chatthefat. lynnb@stitchshoppe.com
My best to you on your goals. Lynn
Sunday, June 27, 2010
This sounded good
Things are getting much easier to save things like a recipe book. Pick a program that you can add both photos and text and every time you find something you would like to make copy and paste it into your recipe folder. I do like MS publisher or printmaster. I also think in some of the programs you can add your own recipes. i love being able to copy and paste. Another website I love is sparkpeople, I pretty sure you can add your own recipe box. I better put their names in so I can give them credit and give you the site I got it from. http://www.bodyweightcoach.com/06/muscle-food/
Remember I am all about learning. Another thing is that you can email things to yourself.
Why am I talking about this? Check this one out from a couple of guys on the west coast.
- 6oz Sweet Potato
- 1/2 cup Oatmeal
- 4 Egg Whites
- 1 Egg (with yolk)
- 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon
- 1/4 cup Fat Free Plain Yoghurt Directions
1. Pierce the sweet potato a few times with a fork. Wrap in a paper
towel and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power, or
until tender. Cool slightly, and remove the skin with a small knife.
2. Meanwhile, process the oats in a blender or food processor until
powdery. Transfer the oats to a large bowl. Break the sweet potato
into chunks, and place in the food processor. Blend until smooth.
Transfer to the bowl with the oats, and stir in the egg, egg
whites, vanilla, cinnamon and yoghurt.
3. After mixing together all the ingredients in a blender, spray
some pam (or other cooking spray), drop by spoonful onto the plan,
flipping when bubbles start to form.
Remember I am all about learning. Another thing is that you can email things to yourself.
Why am I talking about this? Check this one out from a couple of guys on the west coast.
- 6oz Sweet Potato
- 1/2 cup Oatmeal
- 4 Egg Whites
- 1 Egg (with yolk)
- 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon
- 1/4 cup Fat Free Plain Yoghurt Directions
1. Pierce the sweet potato a few times with a fork. Wrap in a paper
towel and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power, or
until tender. Cool slightly, and remove the skin with a small knife.
2. Meanwhile, process the oats in a blender or food processor until
powdery. Transfer the oats to a large bowl. Break the sweet potato
into chunks, and place in the food processor. Blend until smooth.
Transfer to the bowl with the oats, and stir in the egg, egg
whites, vanilla, cinnamon and yoghurt.
3. After mixing together all the ingredients in a blender, spray
some pam (or other cooking spray), drop by spoonful onto the plan,
flipping when bubbles start to form.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Getting it done
It's spring time and the world is back with new growth. In my opinion, this is the best time to make changes in your life. Fresh fruits and veggies are making their way to our local farmer markets and to our own gardens. If you spent the winter learning now it is time to do.
Here's my plan
1. get a calender, anyone will work. You could print it on your computer, doesn't matter.
2. I got some stars. You can use a marker.
3. Put the calender where you can see it often to remind yourself of your goals.
4. Give yourself a star on the day you eat high nutrition and a star for working out.
Max stars for a day are 2. Keep it really simple.
5. get a notebook to write down what you eat, figure calorie count, how you feel. Note how you feel when you eat healthy and work out. Say something positive aout how things are going and what you want to change.
Lets get started. Don't wait for a Monday, start today.
My next blog will be how to add more nutrition to your diet and cut calories.
The goal of this is to burn more calories than you eat. This is the only way to lose weight. The only way tokeep it off is to make it a habit.
Here's my plan
1. get a calender, anyone will work. You could print it on your computer, doesn't matter.
2. I got some stars. You can use a marker.
3. Put the calender where you can see it often to remind yourself of your goals.
4. Give yourself a star on the day you eat high nutrition and a star for working out.
Max stars for a day are 2. Keep it really simple.
5. get a notebook to write down what you eat, figure calorie count, how you feel. Note how you feel when you eat healthy and work out. Say something positive aout how things are going and what you want to change.
Lets get started. Don't wait for a Monday, start today.
My next blog will be how to add more nutrition to your diet and cut calories.
The goal of this is to burn more calories than you eat. This is the only way to lose weight. The only way tokeep it off is to make it a habit.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Really cool post
OH my, where has time gone? What should we talk about today? I drive down the street and think of all these really cool things I could blog about and all the ways I can help others with their weight loss goals and then I get to where I'm going forget to write it down and then it's gone. I forgot, then I forget to do and then nothing gets done. How many times have you said, I'm going to ... then out of sight out of mind.
It's time to get things done, and if one of your goals is weight loss in Burlington, WI I have a deal you can't pass up. I am going to see if there is a way of changing the way you thing about food and lose weight. If you read back on some of my post you will see where I talk about 3-6-9. I must be in a 3 year because I'm letting some of those habits sneak back in my life.
Because I know all about how hard this year might be, I make a plan and follow it.
So, I am so glad you asked when my next study group will be. I am doing a sign up, at of all places -chocolate fest in Burlington, WI. I will be set up most of the weekend outside of the Sci-Fi Cafe. I will have information about the events at the cafe. My friends Mary and Brad have so much to share about... lets just say if you google scifi cafe Burlington WI you will get burlingtonnews.net and you will get lost in Mary's website. Everything just pulls you in more.. It's the place to go if you need to know.
I will also be talking about Stitchshoppe. Our store in Burlington, WI. Stitchshoppe is the place to go for embroidery and printed apparel. Look for us on face book.
Back to the whole weight loss thing. We want to do another group to be held at the scifi cafe. We haven't picked a date to start but I will contact everyone on the list. My book will be for sale $10.00 and weekly group meetings will be $2.00. We will talk about what makes it hard for you to lose weight. No wining. We all know it's hard. If your ready to get it done, please join us. If your just not sure, please join us. If you just need a place to come and blame everyone else for you not reaching your goals, we will see you next year when you say "I am ready to change and take charge".
As you know there are no special foods to buy. There are a lot of foods you should never buy, some you should only buy out, and others that should be the center of your plate.
We will talk about things like, what do all healthy diets have in common, who is really deprives. Remember I eat strawberries with lots of whip cream when I am trying to lose weight. What is weird foods? Who eats bar b q on salad with pickles? Does bar b q have to go on a bun with chips on the side and 2 chocolate chip cookies?
We will see everyone this weekend.
Any one what to go to China? I can hook you up with a great group. I took a trip with Arthor 2 years ago and had a blast.
Arthor I will have one of your bags on our table if you don't mind.
Fighting Fat every day and enjoying everyday.
It's time to get things done, and if one of your goals is weight loss in Burlington, WI I have a deal you can't pass up. I am going to see if there is a way of changing the way you thing about food and lose weight. If you read back on some of my post you will see where I talk about 3-6-9. I must be in a 3 year because I'm letting some of those habits sneak back in my life.
Because I know all about how hard this year might be, I make a plan and follow it.
So, I am so glad you asked when my next study group will be. I am doing a sign up, at of all places -chocolate fest in Burlington, WI. I will be set up most of the weekend outside of the Sci-Fi Cafe. I will have information about the events at the cafe. My friends Mary and Brad have so much to share about... lets just say if you google scifi cafe Burlington WI you will get burlingtonnews.net and you will get lost in Mary's website. Everything just pulls you in more.. It's the place to go if you need to know.
I will also be talking about Stitchshoppe. Our store in Burlington, WI. Stitchshoppe is the place to go for embroidery and printed apparel. Look for us on face book.
Back to the whole weight loss thing. We want to do another group to be held at the scifi cafe. We haven't picked a date to start but I will contact everyone on the list. My book will be for sale $10.00 and weekly group meetings will be $2.00. We will talk about what makes it hard for you to lose weight. No wining. We all know it's hard. If your ready to get it done, please join us. If your just not sure, please join us. If you just need a place to come and blame everyone else for you not reaching your goals, we will see you next year when you say "I am ready to change and take charge".
As you know there are no special foods to buy. There are a lot of foods you should never buy, some you should only buy out, and others that should be the center of your plate.
We will talk about things like, what do all healthy diets have in common, who is really deprives. Remember I eat strawberries with lots of whip cream when I am trying to lose weight. What is weird foods? Who eats bar b q on salad with pickles? Does bar b q have to go on a bun with chips on the side and 2 chocolate chip cookies?
We will see everyone this weekend.
Any one what to go to China? I can hook you up with a great group. I took a trip with Arthor 2 years ago and had a blast.
Arthor I will have one of your bags on our table if you don't mind.
Fighting Fat every day and enjoying everyday.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What is?
How many times have you asked what is 1 OZ of cheese? No matter what program you are on you need to know this answer.
I just had a thought. So now I have 2 choices, 1 to act on this or just say oh that wont work, that's stupid, how can that help.
So here's the thought. Take your note book and start a section and call it "what does".
First weigh out 1 oz of cheese and take a picture of it. What is the easiest way you can duplicate that amount? Will you always weigh it?, measure it?, or compare it to the size of something else.
Now take your picture and put it in your note book with the amount of calories next to it. You can add comments like how you felt after eating it, what it went good with, anything that you find helpful that you want to remember.
If you had a picture of a pc of pie with the total calories next to a piece and then figure the calories for a big pc. and then a really big pc, and last that whole pie. If it helps put next to it how many hours it takes for you to burn it off.
I was talking to someone the other day and said I want a person to read my book and then reread it until they learn it. I want you to learn it and live it.
I thought about what the person said and asked how can I help make this happen? First I can give you projects to do. Cut out pictures of what you eat and paste them in your notebook with the calorie counts.
You need to include all the things you would normally eat. I want you to look at how you are spending your calories.
Get some play money and say every $1= a calorie. If you want to keep your calories at 1500 calories then every time you eat something you take the bills from one pile and it goes to the spent pile. If you want extra calories for that day you can earn them by working out. After you work out you can make that transfer.
You can do this with a simple piece of paper and a pen. You are not allowed extended credit. You have a credit problem and no one should give you credit. If you steal credit by going over your balance then you must pay the price. It is like going to jail. You must say I made the choice and only I can change.
Every day you start over with a new account. You can track how many days per month you stayed on budget. Put a star on the calendar. At the end of the month you can look back and say, I am looking better and the scale is going down because I am working hard and I earned it. If you go over budget mark that on the calender and at the end of the month when you ask and say "It's not working I need to do something else. Well guess what, you are already doing something else and it's not working. Reread the list of 27 concepts. learn then and live them.
Ask yourself, If I buy a new DVD will it make me fit and healthy? No it will only collect dust. Workout equipment is only equipment. You need to move your body on it or with it.
I have set a goal of Nothing new until I use the stuff I now own. You will find out that it does work when you use it.
Have a happy day.
I just had a thought. So now I have 2 choices, 1 to act on this or just say oh that wont work, that's stupid, how can that help.
So here's the thought. Take your note book and start a section and call it "what does".
First weigh out 1 oz of cheese and take a picture of it. What is the easiest way you can duplicate that amount? Will you always weigh it?, measure it?, or compare it to the size of something else.
Now take your picture and put it in your note book with the amount of calories next to it. You can add comments like how you felt after eating it, what it went good with, anything that you find helpful that you want to remember.
If you had a picture of a pc of pie with the total calories next to a piece and then figure the calories for a big pc. and then a really big pc, and last that whole pie. If it helps put next to it how many hours it takes for you to burn it off.
I was talking to someone the other day and said I want a person to read my book and then reread it until they learn it. I want you to learn it and live it.
I thought about what the person said and asked how can I help make this happen? First I can give you projects to do. Cut out pictures of what you eat and paste them in your notebook with the calorie counts.
You need to include all the things you would normally eat. I want you to look at how you are spending your calories.
Get some play money and say every $1= a calorie. If you want to keep your calories at 1500 calories then every time you eat something you take the bills from one pile and it goes to the spent pile. If you want extra calories for that day you can earn them by working out. After you work out you can make that transfer.
You can do this with a simple piece of paper and a pen. You are not allowed extended credit. You have a credit problem and no one should give you credit. If you steal credit by going over your balance then you must pay the price. It is like going to jail. You must say I made the choice and only I can change.
Every day you start over with a new account. You can track how many days per month you stayed on budget. Put a star on the calendar. At the end of the month you can look back and say, I am looking better and the scale is going down because I am working hard and I earned it. If you go over budget mark that on the calender and at the end of the month when you ask and say "It's not working I need to do something else. Well guess what, you are already doing something else and it's not working. Reread the list of 27 concepts. learn then and live them.
Ask yourself, If I buy a new DVD will it make me fit and healthy? No it will only collect dust. Workout equipment is only equipment. You need to move your body on it or with it.
I have set a goal of Nothing new until I use the stuff I now own. You will find out that it does work when you use it.
Have a happy day.
Working out
Why do you need to work out? The short of working is: you need to burn calories to burn fat. The bigger the stronger the muscle the more calories it takes to move the body. What is more important strength training or cardo? They go hand and hand. I need to go work out. Do you need the latest greatest DVD?? No you need to just do it. As stupid as that sounds. No DVD sitting on your TV will make you strong if it collects dust on your TV. If you dust it for 2 min that's not enough. It takes 12 min to get your heart going. If you have it, do it.
A day out
It's spring time and it's time to do things and get things done. Why is spring the time many people go on diets or make changes in their lives? Spring is the beginning of life in nature, there is new growth all over. We as people want to grow too, we want to break out of the shell of winter.
How do we do this? Why do we want to do this and how did we get so buried in our habits?
I will first say it may not be your fault but the outcome will be. You have the ability to make change. First I want you to grab a notebook and write down everything you have tried and then go back and check off if it worked or was a waste of time. I will be doing this with you. Believing the product advertisers, no doesn't work. tracking everything I ate, worked. Setting goals high, EX: working out 6 days a week, worked for a week or two. Walking with dear husband and dog after dinner, worked well. Telling myself that it is OK to eat sugar for food because my calories are low for the day, worked for a day. All hell broke out after that.
Asking 2 questions, What did I eat yesterday and what am I going to eat tomorrow? The question is not what do I plan to eat tomorrow but what am I. What is the difference? All of us plan and plan well but then there is pie or cake or snacks or something that causes a bing of some sort.
If you go out to your favorite restaurant and have always had desert because it is your favorite why do you think it will be different this time? This brings us to today.
I have to tell you that I went to a all day seminar that included lunch and I feel great today. I had some oats and fruit in the morning with a big glass of water and a cup of coffee. I was off to learn about gardening. I was so excited. I learned about lawn care and was ready to move on to the next class when someone said something about a snack. I had to really think of why I would need a snack. I had a good breakfast I wasn't really hungry and lunch was after the next class. I came to the conclusion that you may need a snack but I don't. Time for next class. Learned about composting.
Really good class and now time for lunch. What were they going to have? There were a few choices and as I was talking to someone in line about weight watchers and her return to it, I stated to her that it's how you think as much as what you eat. I said that we could look at the other people that had already gone through the line and we would know what our choices would be before we get to the point of having to make the choices.
So I noticed there was a form of salad and soup and pie and a roll. I soon found out it was 7 layer salad and and pasta salad, it was serve yourself. I was so excited to see there were many people in front of me that took all the good stuff off the top of the 7 layer salad and left the lettuce, peas and small amount of dressing and topping was mixed in. I grabbed it up. It was like a pot of gold. I took lots of that unwanted lettuce. Next was soup. That was a no brainier, veggie or cream of something. I was talking to the WW person in line and stated to her that when it comes to things like pie you have to ask "how will it make me feel tomorrow?" I did a pass on the pie. I had so much salad and soup that I had enough to eat and finished at the same time as the pie people I was sitting with. As for that roll, I asked how will that make me feel and do I really want it? No I didn't really want it. Remember I am in the 120s and why is that important to know? If I was in the 160's and trying to lose, the amount of food I ate might have been to little and 1/2 a roll could of gave me the extra calories to keep me full for a little longer. Remember that a 160 pound person burns more calories than a 120 pound person just breathing. If this would of been a hands on workshop where we were moving around a lot I would of needed more calories but we were sitting in chairs. 3:00 came rolling around and it was off to learn about Gus's garden. Was I hungry? no, not really. Could I eat something? Oh ya I can always eat. I was still feeling good from lunch and didn't need anything. I don't know what it is about the eye stomach thing. The eyes think the stomach always needs to eat.
So the last class was really good and we were ready to go home.
Now when you ask me how was my day? I am going to tell you how much I learned, how I am going to use all this new information to improve our garden. How things have changed. At one time what we had for lunch would of been the main review of the day and what we learned second.
How do we do this? Why do we want to do this and how did we get so buried in our habits?
I will first say it may not be your fault but the outcome will be. You have the ability to make change. First I want you to grab a notebook and write down everything you have tried and then go back and check off if it worked or was a waste of time. I will be doing this with you. Believing the product advertisers, no doesn't work. tracking everything I ate, worked. Setting goals high, EX: working out 6 days a week, worked for a week or two. Walking with dear husband and dog after dinner, worked well. Telling myself that it is OK to eat sugar for food because my calories are low for the day, worked for a day. All hell broke out after that.
Asking 2 questions, What did I eat yesterday and what am I going to eat tomorrow? The question is not what do I plan to eat tomorrow but what am I. What is the difference? All of us plan and plan well but then there is pie or cake or snacks or something that causes a bing of some sort.
If you go out to your favorite restaurant and have always had desert because it is your favorite why do you think it will be different this time? This brings us to today.
I have to tell you that I went to a all day seminar that included lunch and I feel great today. I had some oats and fruit in the morning with a big glass of water and a cup of coffee. I was off to learn about gardening. I was so excited. I learned about lawn care and was ready to move on to the next class when someone said something about a snack. I had to really think of why I would need a snack. I had a good breakfast I wasn't really hungry and lunch was after the next class. I came to the conclusion that you may need a snack but I don't. Time for next class. Learned about composting.
Really good class and now time for lunch. What were they going to have? There were a few choices and as I was talking to someone in line about weight watchers and her return to it, I stated to her that it's how you think as much as what you eat. I said that we could look at the other people that had already gone through the line and we would know what our choices would be before we get to the point of having to make the choices.
So I noticed there was a form of salad and soup and pie and a roll. I soon found out it was 7 layer salad and and pasta salad, it was serve yourself. I was so excited to see there were many people in front of me that took all the good stuff off the top of the 7 layer salad and left the lettuce, peas and small amount of dressing and topping was mixed in. I grabbed it up. It was like a pot of gold. I took lots of that unwanted lettuce. Next was soup. That was a no brainier, veggie or cream of something. I was talking to the WW person in line and stated to her that when it comes to things like pie you have to ask "how will it make me feel tomorrow?" I did a pass on the pie. I had so much salad and soup that I had enough to eat and finished at the same time as the pie people I was sitting with. As for that roll, I asked how will that make me feel and do I really want it? No I didn't really want it. Remember I am in the 120s and why is that important to know? If I was in the 160's and trying to lose, the amount of food I ate might have been to little and 1/2 a roll could of gave me the extra calories to keep me full for a little longer. Remember that a 160 pound person burns more calories than a 120 pound person just breathing. If this would of been a hands on workshop where we were moving around a lot I would of needed more calories but we were sitting in chairs. 3:00 came rolling around and it was off to learn about Gus's garden. Was I hungry? no, not really. Could I eat something? Oh ya I can always eat. I was still feeling good from lunch and didn't need anything. I don't know what it is about the eye stomach thing. The eyes think the stomach always needs to eat.
So the last class was really good and we were ready to go home.
Now when you ask me how was my day? I am going to tell you how much I learned, how I am going to use all this new information to improve our garden. How things have changed. At one time what we had for lunch would of been the main review of the day and what we learned second.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
OK here we go again. What did I do? I have come to the conclusion that it's not my fault. If it's not my fault then I'm not responsible and if I'm not responsible then there is nothing I can do about it. If there is nothing I can do about it then I should just sit back and do nothing. Oh good nothing, I can do that. Nothing is good and easy. OK, I will live my life doing nothing. This makes the whole eating thing easy. I don't think I just eat.
Wait I have just talked myself into the thinking that I have nothing to say about my life and that I have no say in anything, I am an amoeba. I did look up amoeba and the internet does say an amoeba is more than just a blob. For us it is not. It just hangs out and waits to be eaten which would be end of life.
This isn't going well, I better think of this in a different way. I am tired of being deprived. I am missing out. My friends eat fast food and look kind of OK. They don't spend their time working out. They eat deserts and other things like that noodle salad thing, french fries and pizza. I am depriving myself and it's not fair. I need to start living my life like a normal person.
What do the experts say? 5% maintain a weight loss. I would have to look that up.
The other day I ran into a 5% person. She looks great, she is happy and enjoying life. She is out doing things. The fresh air, the world around her and life as a whole. I am missing out. Wait, somethings wrong, how can I be missing out on both sides of the coin.
Let me see, if I tell myself I am missing out I believe it. I have to decide and define missing out. OK to me I am starting to think of where I am getting my information from. First people that don't work out tell me I am missing out on life and going out for heavy foods and drinks. Along with that also comes saying it is ok to have that extra roll.
On the other hand If I define missing out as having a flat stomach and playing on the beach knowing I look pretty good then I am missing out.
This brigs us to now. What are you missing out on. There are somethings in life that ca be fulfilled now which the mcdonalds generation likes and there other things that take a lot of work. Everyday you have to work on it and then one day you cross the finish line with your arms held high and you say I did it.
Lets think of this in the terms of a plant. You plant a seed and have to take care of it. The seed is not a marathon runner but in time things will grow. So you plant and tend to the seed as you do your health. One day your plats will thrive and bring you fruits and pleasures as with the work you have put into your health. If you stop watering your plant what happens? You might be able to go get a new seed but can you get a new body? Maybe your plant gets big but doesn't produce any flowers or fruit. What is wrong? Have you been tending 100% or at least 95% to your plant or goal?
Now back to goals. Do you want to be a 5% or the well tended to thriving plant or do you want to be the plant that has to be reseeded. Maybe you can add a form of supplement to help hurry things along. Just because a tomato is big, red and whatever. Does this make it the best tomato? What happens when you cook the really big tomatoes into sauce and find out the tomato was all just water. Did those supplements really get you what you want. Lets give our tomatoes some great nutrition and some exercise (wind). They will grow strong and tall and produce great rewards.
I want to be in the 5%
I need a sign that says 5%. All I will have to look at it and remember what my goal really is.
Wait I have just talked myself into the thinking that I have nothing to say about my life and that I have no say in anything, I am an amoeba. I did look up amoeba and the internet does say an amoeba is more than just a blob. For us it is not. It just hangs out and waits to be eaten which would be end of life.
This isn't going well, I better think of this in a different way. I am tired of being deprived. I am missing out. My friends eat fast food and look kind of OK. They don't spend their time working out. They eat deserts and other things like that noodle salad thing, french fries and pizza. I am depriving myself and it's not fair. I need to start living my life like a normal person.
What do the experts say? 5% maintain a weight loss. I would have to look that up.
The other day I ran into a 5% person. She looks great, she is happy and enjoying life. She is out doing things. The fresh air, the world around her and life as a whole. I am missing out. Wait, somethings wrong, how can I be missing out on both sides of the coin.
Let me see, if I tell myself I am missing out I believe it. I have to decide and define missing out. OK to me I am starting to think of where I am getting my information from. First people that don't work out tell me I am missing out on life and going out for heavy foods and drinks. Along with that also comes saying it is ok to have that extra roll.
On the other hand If I define missing out as having a flat stomach and playing on the beach knowing I look pretty good then I am missing out.
This brigs us to now. What are you missing out on. There are somethings in life that ca be fulfilled now which the mcdonalds generation likes and there other things that take a lot of work. Everyday you have to work on it and then one day you cross the finish line with your arms held high and you say I did it.
Lets think of this in the terms of a plant. You plant a seed and have to take care of it. The seed is not a marathon runner but in time things will grow. So you plant and tend to the seed as you do your health. One day your plats will thrive and bring you fruits and pleasures as with the work you have put into your health. If you stop watering your plant what happens? You might be able to go get a new seed but can you get a new body? Maybe your plant gets big but doesn't produce any flowers or fruit. What is wrong? Have you been tending 100% or at least 95% to your plant or goal?
Now back to goals. Do you want to be a 5% or the well tended to thriving plant or do you want to be the plant that has to be reseeded. Maybe you can add a form of supplement to help hurry things along. Just because a tomato is big, red and whatever. Does this make it the best tomato? What happens when you cook the really big tomatoes into sauce and find out the tomato was all just water. Did those supplements really get you what you want. Lets give our tomatoes some great nutrition and some exercise (wind). They will grow strong and tall and produce great rewards.
I want to be in the 5%
I need a sign that says 5%. All I will have to look at it and remember what my goal really is.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

a few things I eat

When I try to think of what I want to eat I am lost most of the time. I would love to say I love to cook but I don't. I love to eat and I cook to eat. I am going to upload some of the things I would eat during the day. I was trying to take pictures of everything I ate as a picture diet. Every day starts with a glass of water. I am also a coffee drinker so I have to have a glass of water for every cup of coffee I drink. My husband got me hooked on the lowfat chocolate milk in hte coffee thing. When you put cream in your coffee you have to think each one of those little cups are 45 calories so if you put 1/2 of a cup in and save the other half.

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