How many times have you asked what is 1 OZ of cheese? No matter what program you are on you need to know this answer.
I just had a thought. So now I have 2 choices, 1 to act on this or just say oh that wont work, that's stupid, how can that help.
So here's the thought. Take your note book and start a section and call it "what does".
First weigh out 1 oz of cheese and take a picture of it. What is the easiest way you can duplicate that amount? Will you always weigh it?, measure it?, or compare it to the size of something else.
Now take your picture and put it in your note book with the amount of calories next to it. You can add comments like how you felt after eating it, what it went good with, anything that you find helpful that you want to remember.
If you had a picture of a pc of pie with the total calories next to a piece and then figure the calories for a big pc. and then a really big pc, and last that whole pie. If it helps put next to it how many hours it takes for you to burn it off.
I was talking to someone the other day and said I want a person to read my book and then reread it until they learn it. I want you to learn it and live it.
I thought about what the person said and asked how can I help make this happen? First I can give you projects to do. Cut out pictures of what you eat and paste them in your notebook with the calorie counts.
You need to include all the things you would normally eat. I want you to look at how you are spending your calories.
Get some play money and say every $1= a calorie. If you want to keep your calories at 1500 calories then every time you eat something you take the bills from one pile and it goes to the spent pile. If you want extra calories for that day you can earn them by working out. After you work out you can make that transfer.
You can do this with a simple piece of paper and a pen. You are not allowed extended credit. You have a credit problem and no one should give you credit. If you steal credit by going over your balance then you must pay the price. It is like going to jail. You must say I made the choice and only I can change.
Every day you start over with a new account. You can track how many days per month you stayed on budget. Put a star on the calendar. At the end of the month you can look back and say, I am looking better and the scale is going down because I am working hard and I earned it. If you go over budget mark that on the calender and at the end of the month when you ask and say "It's not working I need to do something else. Well guess what, you are already doing something else and it's not working. Reread the list of 27 concepts. learn then and live them.
Ask yourself, If I buy a new DVD will it make me fit and healthy? No it will only collect dust. Workout equipment is only equipment. You need to move your body on it or with it.
I have set a goal of Nothing new until I use the stuff I now own. You will find out that it does work when you use it.
Have a happy day.
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