I have been thinking about what to write about next and all I could keep thinking is what causes us to keep going. What drives us to get up in the morning and work out? What keeps us going? It's the drive. Set a goal and no matter how many times you stray from this goal, it's the drive that keeps pulling you back on track. So how can you use this drive to reach our goals.
So there is nothing I enjoy more then a good challenge. Challenge is to reach 115 pounds. I am starting at 125 and so far I have gained 2 pounds. You may say "Lynn your story is going the wrong way". So what am I doing wrong?
First set a goal. 115 pounds. Set a reward, something you really want and could get but you don't get to get it till you reach your goal. So I really want a new ipod touch 2nd generation 32. I keep checking the prices and looking at them and then I keep telling myself, it's your reward for reaching your goal and you don't gt it till I reach my goal. I have been saving my money for this so I can afford it but it is a reward for work not time.
So lets talk about this. You set a goal, reward and time limit. My goal is 115, reward is Ipod and time is end of Jan. If worst case, end of Feb. Then, last you need a reason why you want to reach this goal. My reason is to email an email friend that my program does work if you follow it just like his. It works if you use it.
I emailed him to tell him I would be his control group or should I say control person for his study.
So far I have been goofing around and have done nothing but wasted time. This is something to think about. How much time do you want to waste? Will the passing of time bring you closer to your goal? no Remember reward is for reaching your goal not the passing of time. So now how to put this to work. Post the concepts where you can refer to them often. When you say just this time, think how bad do I really want my reward. How good does that ice cream taste compared to how bad you want your reward. You know the concepts so when you step on the scale and your not closer to your reward don't ask how did that happen. You know how it happened. You thought something would be better than your reward. I really want to be able to download some podcast so I have something to listen to as I drive to and from work. As I drive I have plenty of time to think was that Ice cream worth it? Was that 2nd helping worth it? How about that extra time sleeping instead of working out? When I ask why I already know why. What I need is the drive to say I want it and I'm not stopping till I reach my goal.
The winners of the biggest losers find that drive and don't stop till they reach their goal. Those that look pretty good reached a point and then they lose that drive. Good enough is a hard plateau I have to get the correct spelling of that. As you get closer to your goal you have to adjust your plan. If you started eating 3000 calories and start eating 2500 calories you body will adjust to a different weight. If you then start working out 500 calories per day your body will keep losing. If you then eat 2000 calories and work out 500 calories your body will keep losing until cal in = calories out. Some people call it a plateau it really is just a period of adjustment.
I could say I am at a plateau. I'm not thinking so. I am eating what I am using so I have a few choices either to eat less or burn more. I can only eat so little so I have to beef up the work outs. I have heard of people doing a fast day. Do I really think fasting is healthy. Sorry no. How about a very low day of really high nutrition? I would say OK. You should never do 2 days of less than 1000 calories in a row.
So with this all said my goal is 115 by the end of Feb. The road map to getting there is; go to bed so I can get up and work out, eat following the concepts, and no rewards of any kind till I reach my reward. I am a workout stuff junkey so no now workout stuff. I must use the stuff I already have. My # 1 item are my shoes. So now what am I deprived of? Ipod? new workout stuff? What happened to that word ice cream? It has to take a back seat because it is part of the reason I can't get a new Ipod. So when I look at a food that I know will keep the pounds on I can ask "How ba do I really want that Ipod?"
I will keep you posted. Oh and that internet guy? He just celebrated his 30th b'day. His website empowered nutrition. Is it the program or the drive?
Lets talk about weight loss. I am a 50 pound loser and have maintained 45 for more then 4 years. I am with the National Weight Control Registry I am trying to get a support group together. The base of my program is nutrition and cutting the additives and preservatives from our food in-take. We learn the 20 some concepts and apply them to every meal.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What is a workout and what about fat free
I thought I would do a post on this because I have heard someone doing the treadmill for 15 min. on level 1, then I have also heard 45 min and X miles on the treadmill and 45 min. lifting weight. Or P-90 swimming in a pool of sweat. Now this is what I want to talk about is this before and after meal. All I have to say is really look at how many calories you are burning and compare it to the calories you are taking in. You really have to (me included) look at the big picture. Don't fall into the trap of eating more because you are working out. It is all calories in vs. calories out.
Ok, now lets talk about my personal opinion about the whole fat free thing. 1 read your labels. Do they replace fat with sugar. Fat free doesn't mean calorie free. How do you feel after? Is it a trigger food? Trigger foods are those foods that when you eat them they cause you to have to have other foods. So croutons are a trigger food for me, I just can't eat them. There is something about them that they lead to a pizza and then 1000 calories of ice cream and then maybe a snack of a sub or cheese before bed. If you add up all the calories those croutons you would never guess they equal to about 2500. I pick them off. I just don't know what they do to my taste buds.
Think before you eat.
Ok, now lets talk about my personal opinion about the whole fat free thing. 1 read your labels. Do they replace fat with sugar. Fat free doesn't mean calorie free. How do you feel after? Is it a trigger food? Trigger foods are those foods that when you eat them they cause you to have to have other foods. So croutons are a trigger food for me, I just can't eat them. There is something about them that they lead to a pizza and then 1000 calories of ice cream and then maybe a snack of a sub or cheese before bed. If you add up all the calories those croutons you would never guess they equal to about 2500. I pick them off. I just don't know what they do to my taste buds.
Think before you eat.
Fish Fry
From deep fried fish to 15-Minute Halibut with Avocado Salsa. Who would of thought it tasted better. Not better like lighter less calorie fish but lite like I can get up and do something. The veggies added so much flavor not just that fat flavor. I don't remember what number concept says use your resources but I know one of them does and I add whfoods.org to my resources.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Control group
I follow Joel Marion and his Empowered Nutrition. He has a lot of good info. I am almost old enough to be his mom. He is so cute there on the beach with his ripped abs and great tan. Well Joel I live in the Midwest and it is the middle of Nov. I am not a winter person so I thought there is nothing better to do over the winter than to take on a project. So I will test market for Joel. So the test is following the concepts to see if weight loss is the diet, the workouts or the inner drive. How will we test the success? 1. how many days did I work out. How many days did I work out saying I hate you and your going down. How many day do I eat high nutrition and when I do have sugar is it limited to 1 servig. At the end of Jan. have I formed a habit of good health or am I happy to go back to my bad habits? One of my goals and rewards is the kettel all and dvd from his site.
Day 1 I stared out at 128 pounds. I did 2 miles on the tread mill. I ate healthy.
Day 2 dreamed abut doing those 2 miles or a dvd. would of, could of, should of club. So that wasn't good but I eat well. Had butternut squash soup. (home made) I think this is something Joel talks about and so do I, know what is in your food.
So today is the 24th of Nov. and weighing in at 124. I got this e-mail the other day from whfoods.org and thought it looked really good. So I looked at the concepts and asked all the questions, it fit in so I made it and ate it. Really good.
While it was cooking I did those 2 miles.
I have to tell you I got an e-mail back from Patrick McGuire, Empowered Nutrition
www.empowerednutrition.com He said he liked the work I was doing and he welcomed the control group. I tell you what that e-mail did to me.. It ramped up my drive. I am going to check out a running pod cast. I don't want to just work out but really kick some but.I want to tell Patrick all this high nutrition food is worth it. My reward is his program because I can't stop learning.
Day 1 I stared out at 128 pounds. I did 2 miles on the tread mill. I ate healthy.
Day 2 dreamed abut doing those 2 miles or a dvd. would of, could of, should of club. So that wasn't good but I eat well. Had butternut squash soup. (home made) I think this is something Joel talks about and so do I, know what is in your food.
So today is the 24th of Nov. and weighing in at 124. I got this e-mail the other day from whfoods.org and thought it looked really good. So I looked at the concepts and asked all the questions, it fit in so I made it and ate it. Really good.
While it was cooking I did those 2 miles.
I have to tell you I got an e-mail back from Patrick McGuire, Empowered Nutrition
www.empowerednutrition.com He said he liked the work I was doing and he welcomed the control group. I tell you what that e-mail did to me.. It ramped up my drive. I am going to check out a running pod cast. I don't want to just work out but really kick some but.I want to tell Patrick all this high nutrition food is worth it. My reward is his program because I can't stop learning.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
notes I need
I had a thought so I need to write it down. I get these topic ideas. This is my place to put them. What would you like. If you want you can e-mail me at lynnb@stitchshoppe.com or leave a note here. Thanks Lynn
Do I need a degree to teach you to think.
Do I need a degree to teach you to think.
Friday, October 23, 2009
kind of hungry
I have to share this one with you and see what you think. You know you can always e-mail me at lynnb@stitchshoppe.com. That is my main email and I give it to you because when you want your club to have apparel you will also email me.
So back to yesterday afternoon. I had to stop and get gas and I was kind of hungry so I pulled into the kwik trip. I like the kwik trip because I know they always have fresh fruit at a good price. I do eat a lot of bananas because they are fast food. I know they are high in sugar but you tell me what is higher in sugar that banana or a chicken sandwich. I'm thinking I didn't need that bun. Anyways, The person at the counter ask me how I was and I told her I was hungry, so she preseades to tell me all the items she considers to be food that they have forsale. pizza, chicken sandwich, cheese curds, sausages of what ever kind on those rollers and the list goes on. So I tell her those items are all to high in carbs which is better that saying those items just don't provide enough nutrition for the calories. So then she tells me they also have salads.
She did a great job at up selling but why can't a banana be a snack, Now most of the time i would put some kind of nut butter on it but I was driving and it ws about 4:00 and I would still be eating dinner tonight. I had to stop into the herbelest the other because I was feeling sick and he asked, Does meal have to be a 9 coures dinner? I thought about this and no it doesn't. His a vegan I think. I am a meat eater. He thought you could have beans and rice. I thought about it and that would be fine. Put the both of them in a measuring cup because remember our goal is to lose weight and put a salad with it. Infact what I would do is put the beans and rice on the salad with some salsa and then have some kind of fruit.
I forgot where I was going with this but lesson to learn:
1. Store people are there to sell you things not watch your health. That's your job.
2. It's OK to think outside of the box. The store clerk doesn't always make the best choices. She did not ask what I ate yesterday, what I already ate today and what I planned to still eat. She didn't think about what nutrition I was missing and needed. She did not think. I did and I know from the past that a couple of banans or an apple is just enough to carry me over till dinner which I enjoyed with my husband.
Word of warning don't be afraid of bananas and grapes. When you compare what the sugar in them does to you compared some other high carb items I will eat the banana. Check with someone that know if you have some special needs but I think nut butters slow dowm how fast the banana is broken down and absorbed into the body. It does have to be broken down and unlike juices it doesn't go directly into the bloodstream.
Have a great day and think before you eat.
So back to yesterday afternoon. I had to stop and get gas and I was kind of hungry so I pulled into the kwik trip. I like the kwik trip because I know they always have fresh fruit at a good price. I do eat a lot of bananas because they are fast food. I know they are high in sugar but you tell me what is higher in sugar that banana or a chicken sandwich. I'm thinking I didn't need that bun. Anyways, The person at the counter ask me how I was and I told her I was hungry, so she preseades to tell me all the items she considers to be food that they have forsale. pizza, chicken sandwich, cheese curds, sausages of what ever kind on those rollers and the list goes on. So I tell her those items are all to high in carbs which is better that saying those items just don't provide enough nutrition for the calories. So then she tells me they also have salads.
She did a great job at up selling but why can't a banana be a snack, Now most of the time i would put some kind of nut butter on it but I was driving and it ws about 4:00 and I would still be eating dinner tonight. I had to stop into the herbelest the other because I was feeling sick and he asked, Does meal have to be a 9 coures dinner? I thought about this and no it doesn't. His a vegan I think. I am a meat eater. He thought you could have beans and rice. I thought about it and that would be fine. Put the both of them in a measuring cup because remember our goal is to lose weight and put a salad with it. Infact what I would do is put the beans and rice on the salad with some salsa and then have some kind of fruit.
I forgot where I was going with this but lesson to learn:
1. Store people are there to sell you things not watch your health. That's your job.
2. It's OK to think outside of the box. The store clerk doesn't always make the best choices. She did not ask what I ate yesterday, what I already ate today and what I planned to still eat. She didn't think about what nutrition I was missing and needed. She did not think. I did and I know from the past that a couple of banans or an apple is just enough to carry me over till dinner which I enjoyed with my husband.
Word of warning don't be afraid of bananas and grapes. When you compare what the sugar in them does to you compared some other high carb items I will eat the banana. Check with someone that know if you have some special needs but I think nut butters slow dowm how fast the banana is broken down and absorbed into the body. It does have to be broken down and unlike juices it doesn't go directly into the bloodstream.
Have a great day and think before you eat.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Learn to think
I had to do a copy and paste from a board I chat on about weight loss. The person was getting frustrated.
I put some of that butternut squash in my soup tonight, too good.
I think it was a pretty good reply.
The key is to think. Think about what you want, your choices and make you best choice. Eat all of the above is not a choice. Well it is but not the one I would make. Eat it in the closet is also not a choice I make anymore. Note the words any more. I have been there and learned how not to go back.
OK I've been there done that bought the t-shirt and it's time you put it in the rummage sale. First make sure your not pregnant. Did that too. oops.
Now type in google and find chatthefat all 1 word and find my blog. I put it there because I have non spark friends that I share it with. Now find the blog that I talk about the list of concepts. This is how I eat and I no longer yo-yo. I wrote a short book and am trying to put most of it up on this blog just so I can share it with others. Now hear me out. Really read your labels and get the sugar out of your diet. It's the sugar that causes the mood swings. I tested this out. Ask me to do something I don't want to do or tell me no after I have eaten ice cream for 3 days. Another blog on the 3 importance. I want you to really think about oatmeal in those 100 calorie things. I call this baby bird syndrome. As soon as it hits your mouth it turns to sugar and you are off to the gilatine. If you eat the thick cut that you have to cook, when you eat it, it has to be broken down and then converted. OK I got, you want to talk about self destruction. Another rummage sale t-shirt for me. Take those cookies that you are going to eat and yell at them. Yell what you are really mad at. "I'm sick of being fat, I hate being fat, I want guys to fall all over me so I can feel attractive too and not just to my husband." and then crush it. This worked best when I was driving, I tossed the cookies out the window. My daughter helped me with this because something was really eating me up. I could only turn to my best friend--sugar. Grab the next cookie and scream at it. I hate the way I am never good enough in your eyes. Now crush it and toss it. In the garbage or outside so you don't have to waste time cleaning it back. Not only are you tossing the cookies you are tossing the feelings. Those old feelings are now in the garbage or out the window. Now repeat after me I am in control, I am making the choice to change my eating habits. It will me my choice if I want to eat the cookies and I understand to feelings will return with them. I am in control.
Now when you eat follow the concepts and really make the best choice to put real nutrition into your body you will feel good. It will not be easy and you may get the munchies but you are in control. Don't ask the TV ads for help on what you should eat. They don't care, They just want to sell you something even if the side effects are it will give you mood swings, fill you with empty calories and cause death to your self esteem. When you are working out, look in the mirror and check out your posture stand tall and proud. Check out your but. Tell your self you do this because you like the way it looks on your but. I saw on someone's site that it is 80% diet and 20% working out I really think they are right. When you are doing cardo really kick some but. Between what others have said and what I have learned and am sharing with you, you should do fine. I will make sure I'm not in the car behind you. BTW. My mother use to tease me by saying "These crackers are wonderful, Oh ya you don't eat these any more." Read the label no one should eat them. It's slow death in a box. I told her "You know mom, when your in Gods waiting room you can eat what ever you want, it all depends how long you want to be there". My favorite summer food is watermelon with whip cream, pineapple w/ nut butter. Fall meal Squash w/ cheese I call it a meal. I didn't say sugar and butter. Homemade soups. Limit pasta. I really cut the white carbs. Meatballs and sauce on green beans.
I bet the scale will move this month and you but will look hot in your jeans by spring. Your husband will be going out with you because you will look so hot. you will want to go to New York like me and be on what not to wear. Someone said I should keep things short so that's all unless you tell me, Lynn I want more. Track you food someplace. If you don't want to write it down don't eat it. Do a week of taking a picture of everything you eat. If someone ask just tell them you are doing a study with your crazy fat friend Lynn to compare what we eat at the end of the month.
This is a kick to old thinking. I will tell you that at the end of the month I look at where I was, where I would like to be, why I'm not there and what can I do or what do I want to do next month. I am happy keeping the weight off, I don't know if I really want to lost more and could I live like this for the rest of my life? You can do it, you will do it and one day you too will be asking do I lose or maintain?
I put some of that butternut squash in my soup tonight, too good.
I think it was a pretty good reply.
The key is to think. Think about what you want, your choices and make you best choice. Eat all of the above is not a choice. Well it is but not the one I would make. Eat it in the closet is also not a choice I make anymore. Note the words any more. I have been there and learned how not to go back.
OK I've been there done that bought the t-shirt and it's time you put it in the rummage sale. First make sure your not pregnant. Did that too. oops.
Now type in google and find chatthefat all 1 word and find my blog. I put it there because I have non spark friends that I share it with. Now find the blog that I talk about the list of concepts. This is how I eat and I no longer yo-yo. I wrote a short book and am trying to put most of it up on this blog just so I can share it with others. Now hear me out. Really read your labels and get the sugar out of your diet. It's the sugar that causes the mood swings. I tested this out. Ask me to do something I don't want to do or tell me no after I have eaten ice cream for 3 days. Another blog on the 3 importance. I want you to really think about oatmeal in those 100 calorie things. I call this baby bird syndrome. As soon as it hits your mouth it turns to sugar and you are off to the gilatine. If you eat the thick cut that you have to cook, when you eat it, it has to be broken down and then converted. OK I got, you want to talk about self destruction. Another rummage sale t-shirt for me. Take those cookies that you are going to eat and yell at them. Yell what you are really mad at. "I'm sick of being fat, I hate being fat, I want guys to fall all over me so I can feel attractive too and not just to my husband." and then crush it. This worked best when I was driving, I tossed the cookies out the window. My daughter helped me with this because something was really eating me up. I could only turn to my best friend--sugar. Grab the next cookie and scream at it. I hate the way I am never good enough in your eyes. Now crush it and toss it. In the garbage or outside so you don't have to waste time cleaning it back. Not only are you tossing the cookies you are tossing the feelings. Those old feelings are now in the garbage or out the window. Now repeat after me I am in control, I am making the choice to change my eating habits. It will me my choice if I want to eat the cookies and I understand to feelings will return with them. I am in control.
Now when you eat follow the concepts and really make the best choice to put real nutrition into your body you will feel good. It will not be easy and you may get the munchies but you are in control. Don't ask the TV ads for help on what you should eat. They don't care, They just want to sell you something even if the side effects are it will give you mood swings, fill you with empty calories and cause death to your self esteem. When you are working out, look in the mirror and check out your posture stand tall and proud. Check out your but. Tell your self you do this because you like the way it looks on your but. I saw on someone's site that it is 80% diet and 20% working out I really think they are right. When you are doing cardo really kick some but. Between what others have said and what I have learned and am sharing with you, you should do fine. I will make sure I'm not in the car behind you. BTW. My mother use to tease me by saying "These crackers are wonderful, Oh ya you don't eat these any more." Read the label no one should eat them. It's slow death in a box. I told her "You know mom, when your in Gods waiting room you can eat what ever you want, it all depends how long you want to be there". My favorite summer food is watermelon with whip cream, pineapple w/ nut butter. Fall meal Squash w/ cheese I call it a meal. I didn't say sugar and butter. Homemade soups. Limit pasta. I really cut the white carbs. Meatballs and sauce on green beans.
I bet the scale will move this month and you but will look hot in your jeans by spring. Your husband will be going out with you because you will look so hot. you will want to go to New York like me and be on what not to wear. Someone said I should keep things short so that's all unless you tell me, Lynn I want more. Track you food someplace. If you don't want to write it down don't eat it. Do a week of taking a picture of everything you eat. If someone ask just tell them you are doing a study with your crazy fat friend Lynn to compare what we eat at the end of the month.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
picture diet
So I am sure you want to know how it's going. Well so far so good. I feel funny taking pictures of everything. The other thing I find that is strange is I look at something to eat and I'm like I have to find my phone before I can eat that. I went to eat a banana w/ peanutbutter and I had to quick find my phone to take a picture. I did feel good tonight when I got to take a picture of the jillian michael dvd. I did 15 min. of it and then BL came on so I hit the mat for some killer crunches on the floor and planks on the ball. Then I did some squats with some weights. It felt really good. I have been eating really healthy and no ice cream because I don't want to tell the world I have an ice cream addiction but I do. It is my sugar of choice. So tonight on BL they asked about the desert that was under 150 calories. Well I got that one right because I know that ice cream is 120 calories per 1/2 a cup. Now you say "hey lynn you don't have to give up desert just eat it in moderation. What is up with these people that think I can eat 1 serving of Ice cream. So if I am out I really try to remember you are the size you eat so I have a single serving on a cake cone. So that single serving most likely is 1 cup so that is really 2 servings. At home I get out the cereal bowl and fill it up. What do you think 6 servings?? 6 X 120= alot. The think that stops me right now is that I suffer from sinus and I believe sugar is food for this virus so I am cutting back or out for a while to clear it up. This stops me more than the thought of taking a picture of a 800 calorie bowl of ice cream that doesn't always fill the craving.
Do you ever have those days where you just crave??? Well there might be a few really rough days but they will become easier. Also remember the 3-6-9-12 thing. Then week 3-6-9 and month 3-6-9. Before you give into a craving think. What day is it. am I really hungry or can I eat something high in nutrition or just push through it. Try something I love . Grilled pineapple or fruit with whip cream.
I'm thinking this is going to be a really good season with some good sound imformation that we can apply to every day life. I am glad to see we are done with the 100 calorie packs. 100 X 6 packs= more calories than we had planned.
Do you ever have those days where you just crave??? Well there might be a few really rough days but they will become easier. Also remember the 3-6-9-12 thing. Then week 3-6-9 and month 3-6-9. Before you give into a craving think. What day is it. am I really hungry or can I eat something high in nutrition or just push through it. Try something I love . Grilled pineapple or fruit with whip cream.
I'm thinking this is going to be a really good season with some good sound imformation that we can apply to every day life. I am glad to see we are done with the 100 calorie packs. 100 X 6 packs= more calories than we had planned.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
photo diet
Lets try something really wild. Grab your camera and take a picture of everything you eat, keep it in you journal. At the end of the 30 days you will or could have a start picture, a month of what you ate, work outs you did. Like a healthy eating habit you have to use your head and put some thought into this. I think what I will do is put it together and upload my pages as a coladge. Rules are to eat following the concepts. I will start this on Monday. I have to learn how to bluetooth pictures from my phone. One way I thought to keep thing organized is to take a picture of a date on a pc of paper so you can add some order to things. This would also let you take pictures all week and put them together at the end of the week. You could cut and paste them together.
One thing that I feel that is very important is your to do list. Besure to make this list and start getting things done. Some times when we over eat it's not because we are hungry but because we are overwhelmed by things to do. If you don't have order in your house it is hard to have order in your life. On your list have some 10 minute things that we will call quick get it done. Then you could have some hour and some day projects. Try to break projects into sections so you can get it done. If you have a room of wash to do break it down to sort wash and dry put away towels one day or all darks. Note that you don't say do all wash and leave in baskets unless that is where it lives. I need to clean our house so I will divide it into rooms so I have the feeling of I got something done. I made divide it into rooms and then into things I want to get done in that room. My mom use to do this and then she would put a child's name by a group of task and when all children had their task done the house was clean. So it didn't always work that easy but you get the idea. When you look at the clock and have 60 minutes before you should eat you could pick some things from the list and get it done. Get the picture??? Like weight loss if you break it into smaller pc's you can get it done. lose 100 pounds is to big of a goal. Removing sugar from your food intake for 1 day you can do. One of the concepts is to remove sugar from your food intake every other day. Sugar does not include fruit because fruit has fiber with it but avoid fruit juices. I don't remember if I put in the concept not to drink your calories. Remember I don't know much about diabetes, I just know how to think to keep you on track. High calorie veggies need to be put in a measuring cup and limited to 1 serving.
When you get done with a week of eating really look at what you ate. What color are most of the items? Really look ate are the items light calorie or calorie dense? Think of what you can learn from what you ate. Do not join the would of could of should of club. Join the learn and move on club.
Helpful Hint 1. When putting food on your plate start with the lower calorie items. Note when you go to a buffet the cheaper foods are in the front. Goal for week 1 is to think. You are not the only one that thinks before they eat. Stop chowing down dinner and start eating dinner. Enjoy your food. Please e-mail me the savory flavor of a fast food burger and fries.
I will look at eating at fast food on a different day. Really read the menu and think about each menu item and ask does it contain nutrition or just calories with low nutrition. A burger bun would be a low nutrition high calorie item. Ketchup is not a vegetable.
One thing that I feel that is very important is your to do list. Besure to make this list and start getting things done. Some times when we over eat it's not because we are hungry but because we are overwhelmed by things to do. If you don't have order in your house it is hard to have order in your life. On your list have some 10 minute things that we will call quick get it done. Then you could have some hour and some day projects. Try to break projects into sections so you can get it done. If you have a room of wash to do break it down to sort wash and dry put away towels one day or all darks. Note that you don't say do all wash and leave in baskets unless that is where it lives. I need to clean our house so I will divide it into rooms so I have the feeling of I got something done. I made divide it into rooms and then into things I want to get done in that room. My mom use to do this and then she would put a child's name by a group of task and when all children had their task done the house was clean. So it didn't always work that easy but you get the idea. When you look at the clock and have 60 minutes before you should eat you could pick some things from the list and get it done. Get the picture??? Like weight loss if you break it into smaller pc's you can get it done. lose 100 pounds is to big of a goal. Removing sugar from your food intake for 1 day you can do. One of the concepts is to remove sugar from your food intake every other day. Sugar does not include fruit because fruit has fiber with it but avoid fruit juices. I don't remember if I put in the concept not to drink your calories. Remember I don't know much about diabetes, I just know how to think to keep you on track. High calorie veggies need to be put in a measuring cup and limited to 1 serving.
When you get done with a week of eating really look at what you ate. What color are most of the items? Really look ate are the items light calorie or calorie dense? Think of what you can learn from what you ate. Do not join the would of could of should of club. Join the learn and move on club.
Helpful Hint 1. When putting food on your plate start with the lower calorie items. Note when you go to a buffet the cheaper foods are in the front. Goal for week 1 is to think. You are not the only one that thinks before they eat. Stop chowing down dinner and start eating dinner. Enjoy your food. Please e-mail me the savory flavor of a fast food burger and fries.
I will look at eating at fast food on a different day. Really read the menu and think about each menu item and ask does it contain nutrition or just calories with low nutrition. A burger bun would be a low nutrition high calorie item. Ketchup is not a vegetable.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
concept 1
Lets talk about these concepts on at a time.
Concept 1 Making the choice to change. I guess I do want to use the word choice because you do have a choice. You decide "do I want to be in control of my health or do I want to just suffer the consequences of what comes along". This is not easy. In fact I will tell you how hard it really is. first you can look at it in a couple of ways. 1. I get to eat or I am deprived. 2. I get 1/2 hour of me time or I have to find time to get on that treadmill. I can't eat desert, I get to go for a bike ride or a hike. Park and walk. I have to cook healthy or I love cooking with all these fresh fruits and veggies. I can't have eggs, potatoes and toast w/ jelly and or pancakes with heavy syrup or I get to eat tons of fresh fruit on oats or waffle. It is your choice of how you look at things.
Another choice is how much you want to eat. I looked at one diet that sells you all kinds of food but the key is the size plate they are on. Get a hold of one of these plates or or close to the size and eat all your meals off of it. Those pancakes are no longer a stack of 4 6" round they are 3 3". Skip that heavy syrup because I think you get a few frozen blueberries on top. I heard of people being on this diet and I am not saying it is a bad diet but what I am saying is the reason they may not be able to stick to it is because 1200-1600 calories is what you are eating. If you eat it all in sugars and simple carbs you will be starving for nutrition. Look at that burger. The size and you notice what is next to it. The next time you eat burgers put it on a small burger bun or a larger dinner roll and have a salad with it or some fresh fruit. Ask your self what does french fries do for the body? If you are digging a a ditch and you just need energy to do lots of physical work then eat them. If it is to make your but bigger and that is what your goal is then eat them. If your goal is to lose some pounds I would skip them and have an apple or pineapple or something that has less calories. Strawberry cheese cake would not be a trade off just because it has strawberries on it. Make the choice of what you want, set your goal and use the concepts to help you make choices about what foods you will consume to build a strong body. Next we will talk about why do I want to make these changes and how bad do I really want to change. Is there a rock bottom?
I will try to post sooner.
Up date on how things are going with me. I am holding steady and back at 125.
Concept 1 Making the choice to change. I guess I do want to use the word choice because you do have a choice. You decide "do I want to be in control of my health or do I want to just suffer the consequences of what comes along". This is not easy. In fact I will tell you how hard it really is. first you can look at it in a couple of ways. 1. I get to eat or I am deprived. 2. I get 1/2 hour of me time or I have to find time to get on that treadmill. I can't eat desert, I get to go for a bike ride or a hike. Park and walk. I have to cook healthy or I love cooking with all these fresh fruits and veggies. I can't have eggs, potatoes and toast w/ jelly and or pancakes with heavy syrup or I get to eat tons of fresh fruit on oats or waffle. It is your choice of how you look at things.
Another choice is how much you want to eat. I looked at one diet that sells you all kinds of food but the key is the size plate they are on. Get a hold of one of these plates or or close to the size and eat all your meals off of it. Those pancakes are no longer a stack of 4 6" round they are 3 3". Skip that heavy syrup because I think you get a few frozen blueberries on top. I heard of people being on this diet and I am not saying it is a bad diet but what I am saying is the reason they may not be able to stick to it is because 1200-1600 calories is what you are eating. If you eat it all in sugars and simple carbs you will be starving for nutrition. Look at that burger. The size and you notice what is next to it. The next time you eat burgers put it on a small burger bun or a larger dinner roll and have a salad with it or some fresh fruit. Ask your self what does french fries do for the body? If you are digging a a ditch and you just need energy to do lots of physical work then eat them. If it is to make your but bigger and that is what your goal is then eat them. If your goal is to lose some pounds I would skip them and have an apple or pineapple or something that has less calories. Strawberry cheese cake would not be a trade off just because it has strawberries on it. Make the choice of what you want, set your goal and use the concepts to help you make choices about what foods you will consume to build a strong body. Next we will talk about why do I want to make these changes and how bad do I really want to change. Is there a rock bottom?
I will try to post sooner.
Up date on how things are going with me. I am holding steady and back at 125.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
working out
Lets talk about this. First you get out of it what you put into it and that's the short of it. Walking to the mail box burns more calories then having your kids get the mail. Set your goal of what you want to do and get it done. I don't care how it gets done just don't hurt yourself. One of my goals is to get 2 miles in. I have 30 min. to do it. I use to listen to Jillian Michael and how she would run at 6.0 or 8.0 what ever it was and I was jogging at 4.5 thinking how does she do it? So today I got on the treadmill and started thinking the faster I get this 2 miles done the faster I am done and ready to do something else. I kicked it up to 5 and then 5.5 and I just kept thinking of Bob and Jillian. If you have ever heard Jillian from Biggest loser talk about running you know she hates to run. I can relate. I just keep telling myself get it done get it done. I have no limitations and I am the one setting the goal.
I worked with one person who said i can't walk that far and know I can walk back. What did I tell him? Walk 1/2 the distance twice, then 3 times then 4 times.
My goals for working out is to do cardo to burn fat and strength train of some kind to keep or build muscle. I love Jillian's new workout DVDs. The best thing I can say about what workout to do is do one your going to do. Preview dvds. Rent or barrow some to see what you will do. You don't have to go out and buy tons of stuff. The best piece of equipment you need is a good pair of shoes.
I worked with one person who said i can't walk that far and know I can walk back. What did I tell him? Walk 1/2 the distance twice, then 3 times then 4 times.
My goals for working out is to do cardo to burn fat and strength train of some kind to keep or build muscle. I love Jillian's new workout DVDs. The best thing I can say about what workout to do is do one your going to do. Preview dvds. Rent or barrow some to see what you will do. You don't have to go out and buy tons of stuff. The best piece of equipment you need is a good pair of shoes.
concepts and journey
I think I will talk about the concepts 1 at a time and follow them for a month and give you a journey report. Join me. This does include what Bob Harper has to say about desert. You can have it..... once a month. I have to remember my goal is to lose weight not to maintain weight. I have maintained for the last month so I am going to say I have maintaining down pat. So I would have to have a starting weight 126, a goal 115. We want to set a goal that isn't to big so we feel overwhelmed. Then we need a plan on how to reach our goal. Follow the concepts and track my food on spark people. And to work out at least 3 days a week.
check this guy out Professor Jay He has a couple of videos on ustream
check this guy out Professor Jay He has a couple of videos on ustream
Saturday, August 8, 2009
trigger foods
What are trigger foods? Have to talk about this later. Have to get those 2 miles in so we can go to state fair. Remember part of life is living it and enjoying it. Enjoying life does not mean eating everything under the sun. There is more to life then eating.
Lets talk trigger foods. I thought I had something in my book about this but it must be something we talk about in class or study group.
What are trigger foods? I define them as foods that you think will satisfy you but instead if stimulates your eating. From what I have found is that these are some of the foods that quickly turn into simple sugars.
For me these foods include croutons and pizza. Lets look at this closer. Pizza, this is a fun quick food. most of the time when you see people eating pizza it is because they are doing it in a group and having a good time so pizza=fun to the brain. I was watching biggest loser and Tara was talking about how she use to eat pizza in her room alone. For me that would mean that alone, no family no friends, no balloons no party. Maybe if you eat a sub type sandwich then the feel will come. If not then ice-cream will give you that feeling with chocolate and whip cream and........ See what I am saying??
Now Croutons? How can they be a trigger? I don't know and I can't explain it but I no longer eat them because if I do then I have to end my day with ice-cream with all kinds of things between.
Lets talk ice cream. One day I weigh in at 125 pounds, not good not bad. good compared to 168 where I started but not good to where I want to be but I can live with it. So I eat the ice-cream. Day 2 weigh in at the same. I run on the treadmill ate light dinner and had ice cream again night of day 2. day 3 down a pound. Had ice cream again. day 4 up pound but that's ok because still not up from starting point. more ice cream. Start thinking about the 3 days of something undesirable make a habit. Don't let this bother me because I am below the 130 mark. have more ice cream. still at 125 but didn't work out. Send up the balloons I have cheated the system I don't have to work out can eat what I want and still not gain weight. This morning. Reality check, weighed in at 126. Wait, what is happening I am seeing a pattern that doesn't quit until I hit a point that I look back and say why and how did I gain this back. I laugh and ask the question, do calories count if you eat them in the closet with the lights out? If you are saying Lynn you are off your rocker then also rethink the whole cheat idea.
Back to trigger foods. What foods do you eat that don't benefit the body but don't satisfy the mind. Start thinking about the foods you are eating that just leave you feeling empty. Call them trigger foods and don't eat them. Most likely you are not going to tell me that broccoli is not a trigger food so I going to guess you can maintain life with out these foods. I am going to guess that most trigger foods contain lots of additives. Only you can figure what foods cause you to eat high calorie low nutrition foods. Maybe it is an activity that is the trigger. Make a plan. If it is working out in the yard and soda is your problem then make sure you have a cold glass of water ready to go. My goal is to get you to think along with helping myself.
Lets talk trigger foods. I thought I had something in my book about this but it must be something we talk about in class or study group.
What are trigger foods? I define them as foods that you think will satisfy you but instead if stimulates your eating. From what I have found is that these are some of the foods that quickly turn into simple sugars.
For me these foods include croutons and pizza. Lets look at this closer. Pizza, this is a fun quick food. most of the time when you see people eating pizza it is because they are doing it in a group and having a good time so pizza=fun to the brain. I was watching biggest loser and Tara was talking about how she use to eat pizza in her room alone. For me that would mean that alone, no family no friends, no balloons no party. Maybe if you eat a sub type sandwich then the feel will come. If not then ice-cream will give you that feeling with chocolate and whip cream and........ See what I am saying??
Now Croutons? How can they be a trigger? I don't know and I can't explain it but I no longer eat them because if I do then I have to end my day with ice-cream with all kinds of things between.
Lets talk ice cream. One day I weigh in at 125 pounds, not good not bad. good compared to 168 where I started but not good to where I want to be but I can live with it. So I eat the ice-cream. Day 2 weigh in at the same. I run on the treadmill ate light dinner and had ice cream again night of day 2. day 3 down a pound. Had ice cream again. day 4 up pound but that's ok because still not up from starting point. more ice cream. Start thinking about the 3 days of something undesirable make a habit. Don't let this bother me because I am below the 130 mark. have more ice cream. still at 125 but didn't work out. Send up the balloons I have cheated the system I don't have to work out can eat what I want and still not gain weight. This morning. Reality check, weighed in at 126. Wait, what is happening I am seeing a pattern that doesn't quit until I hit a point that I look back and say why and how did I gain this back. I laugh and ask the question, do calories count if you eat them in the closet with the lights out? If you are saying Lynn you are off your rocker then also rethink the whole cheat idea.
Back to trigger foods. What foods do you eat that don't benefit the body but don't satisfy the mind. Start thinking about the foods you are eating that just leave you feeling empty. Call them trigger foods and don't eat them. Most likely you are not going to tell me that broccoli is not a trigger food so I going to guess you can maintain life with out these foods. I am going to guess that most trigger foods contain lots of additives. Only you can figure what foods cause you to eat high calorie low nutrition foods. Maybe it is an activity that is the trigger. Make a plan. If it is working out in the yard and soda is your problem then make sure you have a cold glass of water ready to go. My goal is to get you to think along with helping myself.
Let me give you my take on binging and then lets chat about it. The reason I want your input is because I don't have all the answers, I only have what I have learned from my experience. First who is a binger? I feel this could be anyone that consumes a large amount of calories that have little to no benefit for the body. Have you ever just binged on things like broccoli or other veggies or maybe pineapple? I am going to guess no. We are talking extremes and we want to get things back into balance. Balance to me is eating the amount of calories you need to maintain the weight you want to be. Also in that balance is working out a reasonable amount to maintain that weight. I would have to look up to see what the experts have to say but 1/2 hour to a 1 hour should be considered reasonable. I feel if you are working more then this you are either out of balance or you are a bodybuilder. I am not writing with the intent of becoming a bodybuilder. If you are working out 3-4 hours a day and not losing weight there is something wrong. Calories in - calories out will determine what happens to your weight.
I feel you life should be more than working out. If this is your life I welcome your input.
There are 1000 things that could cause a binge and the length of the binge is unknown. Anyone can binge. Lets talk about how to stop it, switch gears, put on the breaks, and stop the insanity. It is insane to eat 1000's of unneeded calories but how to stop? You have to say I'm done! I wont do this anymore! First you have to make a change of some sort. For me a binge might be starting to eat ice cream one day and skipping working out, then the next day having it again and again no work out, by day 3 I am hooked and chips and salsa, ice cream, pizza, trail mix, and the list goes on. This is where your journal comes in. Write it down, I understand that I am out of balance and only I can change it. I personally believe that it is the additives in the foods we eat that can cause some of these binges.
How I have found is a good start.
1. Do some kind of workout that involves moving your body. Walking is great. I find the best to be some kind of cardo. 1/2 hour is a good time. If you can't do 1/2 hour then do 15. While you are walking think am I doing this to prevent a binge or as guilt after a binge. If it is a guilt walk think of how you want to change you’re live and that you want to live and you want to live a healthy life and you want to be in control. Think "I am a controlled eater" breath in. This is done best in the morning. Think how can I add nutrition to my diet and cut out the additives. I truly believe it is the additives in our foods that cause the body to freak out and not know what to do with these fake items. It may say maybe if I eat____ (fill in next binge food) I can clear it out, so you eat something else. Sometimes you just want to eat everything. Is this your body saying I am in control not you? Most processed foods are high in sugars and sugars are really easy for the body to get into the bloodstream. It is like an energy fix. I guess what I am saying a binge is your body kind of being lazy and not wanting to digest the healthy foods and absorbing the nutrition but just getting a fix. A binge can be anything from ice cream and cake to pizza. Most of the time a binge includes a large amount of simple carbs. Simple carbs being your white products like floor and sugars. I refer to these items as baby bird syndrome, which would be grain items that are so broken down that as soon as they hit the body they go straight into the blood stream. I will use the example of instant oatmeal. I am talking about the one that you just add boiling water to the pack. Read the box to see what else is in this item. I'm thinking you will find a few forms of sugar. Say this is your only choice, I wouldn't eat it and expect to be able to sit at computer for the next few hours. Eat it and get moving because it is going to give you energy now! If you eat the oats that look and are more like the whole grain then you will be full longer. One reason is that the body has to take these oats and break them down, convert it into useable energy, absorb the nutrition and get rid of the waste.
Make sure you put your oats in a measuring cup because it is a calorie dense food. Cut up some fruit into it of your choice. I'm not talking a small amount of fruit I am talking a whole apple or a cup of fresh pineapple. This is a great way of taking a calorie dense food and turning it into a less dense. It also adds sweetness. People that binge are volume eaters. I cook oats on one day add some flax to it and some wheat germ. I make enough for 5 days and save it for the next 5 days. This way I just have to microwave it in the morning.
So to break the binge I
1. Make the choice to change.
2. Make a list of why I want to change including I'm tired of feeling like crap.
3 I ask my self before I eat something .......I follow the concepts I wrote in my book. Let me give you a C/P of that list
Keep up what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
Everything in moderation is out the window
Reading labels. Read all labels
Additives and preservatives are my # 1 red flag
This doesn’t work for me
Emotional side of dieting.
Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body
Concept once you stop walking, you will miss it. (My dear husband misses our bonding time.)
Non diet food
You can’t make people understand your point if they have a mind set against it. Concept: This is working for me and it may not be for you.
Learning from the past
Don’t spoil your dinner
Really tasting food
You will eat again
If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same outcome.
We all react to food differently.
Having to explain yourself
Water and hydration
Walking or working out
Beware of Sabotages.
What is a portion and how do you know when to stop eating?
Don’t up size
Pick your battles, your weapons, and your armor.
listen to what an advertiser is really saying
Use your resources
Keep learning.
I talk about each of these items in my book but I am going to guess you get the idea. If you want a copy of my book let me know. I can email it to you.
I do have a spot in my book where you can make a list of things you want to get done. Make that list and when you feel a binge coming on look at that list and try to get something done. Sometimes this helps.
I do understand you just have to eat it. As you write in your journal really think, OK I ate 10,000 calories yesterday. How did you feel? Think of each food you ate and attach a feel rating to it. Example would be trail mix; 5, chips and salsa; 4, pizza; 4 Corn on the cob; 7 the thought of eating ice-cream and magic shell after other items; 1 the thought of eating all this together; 2 how I feel the next day about it; 3 would I do it again no. Am I going to remember how the foods tasted no am I going to remember how I felt yes. These foods make me feel like a 2. Don't do it again. The trick is to remember how it made you feel along with rating each food. I take 2 bites because bite 1 is always really good because bite 1 is filling that need to taste. Bite 2 is a better judge. So rate it on the 1-10. The next time you go to eat this food refer to how good was it and how did it make you feel. Now make a real choice "do you really want to eat this? If this blog was about maintaining weight a binge every now and then isn't the worst thing but this is about weight loss and we don't want to be on the yo-yo diet. I have it in my book that it takes 21 days to make a positive habit and 3 days to make a negative habit. I did read 27 days so you are safe to say it takes longer to be positive rather then negative.
Now that you know all of this, you make the choice of what to eat. If you had a binge 1 day watch out on day 2 if you repeat it on day 2 watch out again and you better get out your journal and start writing what direction do I want to go down the slide or back down the steps. Day 3 you are on the top of the slide ready to go. You got your legs out arms out and your ready. Wait what is at the bottom of the slide? Something positive or not so positive like your pants won’t fit well, you will have that fat roll you don't like seeing. You can at any time go back down the stairs. It wont be as much fun but if you go down the slide will you be able to go down the slide just once. How many times do you go down the slide til you fall face first in the mud puddle at the end of the slide? I know your good. You can leave you shirts out. Leave the button on your pants unbuttoned, buy a bigger size, wear you sweat and say they are in fashion because they have a matching top. One of those times you will fall into the mud may it be 5, 10, 15, 50 pounds.
I now have to go workout because as you know I write from my experience.
I feel you life should be more than working out. If this is your life I welcome your input.
There are 1000 things that could cause a binge and the length of the binge is unknown. Anyone can binge. Lets talk about how to stop it, switch gears, put on the breaks, and stop the insanity. It is insane to eat 1000's of unneeded calories but how to stop? You have to say I'm done! I wont do this anymore! First you have to make a change of some sort. For me a binge might be starting to eat ice cream one day and skipping working out, then the next day having it again and again no work out, by day 3 I am hooked and chips and salsa, ice cream, pizza, trail mix, and the list goes on. This is where your journal comes in. Write it down, I understand that I am out of balance and only I can change it. I personally believe that it is the additives in the foods we eat that can cause some of these binges.
How I have found is a good start.
1. Do some kind of workout that involves moving your body. Walking is great. I find the best to be some kind of cardo. 1/2 hour is a good time. If you can't do 1/2 hour then do 15. While you are walking think am I doing this to prevent a binge or as guilt after a binge. If it is a guilt walk think of how you want to change you’re live and that you want to live and you want to live a healthy life and you want to be in control. Think "I am a controlled eater" breath in. This is done best in the morning. Think how can I add nutrition to my diet and cut out the additives. I truly believe it is the additives in our foods that cause the body to freak out and not know what to do with these fake items. It may say maybe if I eat____ (fill in next binge food) I can clear it out, so you eat something else. Sometimes you just want to eat everything. Is this your body saying I am in control not you? Most processed foods are high in sugars and sugars are really easy for the body to get into the bloodstream. It is like an energy fix. I guess what I am saying a binge is your body kind of being lazy and not wanting to digest the healthy foods and absorbing the nutrition but just getting a fix. A binge can be anything from ice cream and cake to pizza. Most of the time a binge includes a large amount of simple carbs. Simple carbs being your white products like floor and sugars. I refer to these items as baby bird syndrome, which would be grain items that are so broken down that as soon as they hit the body they go straight into the blood stream. I will use the example of instant oatmeal. I am talking about the one that you just add boiling water to the pack. Read the box to see what else is in this item. I'm thinking you will find a few forms of sugar. Say this is your only choice, I wouldn't eat it and expect to be able to sit at computer for the next few hours. Eat it and get moving because it is going to give you energy now! If you eat the oats that look and are more like the whole grain then you will be full longer. One reason is that the body has to take these oats and break them down, convert it into useable energy, absorb the nutrition and get rid of the waste.
Make sure you put your oats in a measuring cup because it is a calorie dense food. Cut up some fruit into it of your choice. I'm not talking a small amount of fruit I am talking a whole apple or a cup of fresh pineapple. This is a great way of taking a calorie dense food and turning it into a less dense. It also adds sweetness. People that binge are volume eaters. I cook oats on one day add some flax to it and some wheat germ. I make enough for 5 days and save it for the next 5 days. This way I just have to microwave it in the morning.
So to break the binge I
1. Make the choice to change.
2. Make a list of why I want to change including I'm tired of feeling like crap.
3 I ask my self before I eat something .......I follow the concepts I wrote in my book. Let me give you a C/P of that list
Keep up what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
Everything in moderation is out the window
Reading labels. Read all labels
Additives and preservatives are my # 1 red flag
This doesn’t work for me
Emotional side of dieting.
Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body
Concept once you stop walking, you will miss it. (My dear husband misses our bonding time.)
Non diet food
You can’t make people understand your point if they have a mind set against it. Concept: This is working for me and it may not be for you.
Learning from the past
Don’t spoil your dinner
Really tasting food
You will eat again
If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same outcome.
We all react to food differently.
Having to explain yourself
Water and hydration
Walking or working out
Beware of Sabotages.
What is a portion and how do you know when to stop eating?
Don’t up size
Pick your battles, your weapons, and your armor.
listen to what an advertiser is really saying
Use your resources
Keep learning.
I talk about each of these items in my book but I am going to guess you get the idea. If you want a copy of my book let me know. I can email it to you.
I do have a spot in my book where you can make a list of things you want to get done. Make that list and when you feel a binge coming on look at that list and try to get something done. Sometimes this helps.
I do understand you just have to eat it. As you write in your journal really think, OK I ate 10,000 calories yesterday. How did you feel? Think of each food you ate and attach a feel rating to it. Example would be trail mix; 5, chips and salsa; 4, pizza; 4 Corn on the cob; 7 the thought of eating ice-cream and magic shell after other items; 1 the thought of eating all this together; 2 how I feel the next day about it; 3 would I do it again no. Am I going to remember how the foods tasted no am I going to remember how I felt yes. These foods make me feel like a 2. Don't do it again. The trick is to remember how it made you feel along with rating each food. I take 2 bites because bite 1 is always really good because bite 1 is filling that need to taste. Bite 2 is a better judge. So rate it on the 1-10. The next time you go to eat this food refer to how good was it and how did it make you feel. Now make a real choice "do you really want to eat this? If this blog was about maintaining weight a binge every now and then isn't the worst thing but this is about weight loss and we don't want to be on the yo-yo diet. I have it in my book that it takes 21 days to make a positive habit and 3 days to make a negative habit. I did read 27 days so you are safe to say it takes longer to be positive rather then negative.
Now that you know all of this, you make the choice of what to eat. If you had a binge 1 day watch out on day 2 if you repeat it on day 2 watch out again and you better get out your journal and start writing what direction do I want to go down the slide or back down the steps. Day 3 you are on the top of the slide ready to go. You got your legs out arms out and your ready. Wait what is at the bottom of the slide? Something positive or not so positive like your pants won’t fit well, you will have that fat roll you don't like seeing. You can at any time go back down the stairs. It wont be as much fun but if you go down the slide will you be able to go down the slide just once. How many times do you go down the slide til you fall face first in the mud puddle at the end of the slide? I know your good. You can leave you shirts out. Leave the button on your pants unbuttoned, buy a bigger size, wear you sweat and say they are in fashion because they have a matching top. One of those times you will fall into the mud may it be 5, 10, 15, 50 pounds.
I now have to go workout because as you know I write from my experience.
Monday, August 3, 2009
instead not in addition to
Ok let's take a look at this concept. I think I talk about this in my book and if i don't I know I do in support group. I think this in important because there is a thought that as long as you get those fruits and veggies in your ok.
Lets take a meal of tuna salad. So you have it mixed up and ready to go, what do you put with it? Think with an open mind. I would put it on salad with lots of different veggies which may include avocado. When you cut some of the heavy carbs like a bun you will find that you have the calories to use on things like avocados and nuts. Do you need a dressing on this? I don't. You have mayo in the tuna. I would add some pickles or banana peppers for more flavor.
Another idea would be if you want it on bread do it open face and put some fresh fruit next to it or maybe a salad of some kind. Be careful of the salads with heavy dressing on them. WW does a good job at separating salads into creamy and crispy. If you have to eat potato salad then you are done with grain carbs for that meal. You have choices to make and you have to remember what your goals.
If you are going to put it on a form of cracker have an apple with it.
This I think is a hard thing for people to think about and make a connection. An apple can and should be a great side dish. Does a side dish really have to be hot and high in calories. Grapes and melons are great sides.
I talk about this in my book about really looking at what is a meal on TV. Are those people trying to lose weight or sell food. Are they eating it or is it a prop.
I want you to think before you eat.
Lets take a meal of tuna salad. So you have it mixed up and ready to go, what do you put with it? Think with an open mind. I would put it on salad with lots of different veggies which may include avocado. When you cut some of the heavy carbs like a bun you will find that you have the calories to use on things like avocados and nuts. Do you need a dressing on this? I don't. You have mayo in the tuna. I would add some pickles or banana peppers for more flavor.
Another idea would be if you want it on bread do it open face and put some fresh fruit next to it or maybe a salad of some kind. Be careful of the salads with heavy dressing on them. WW does a good job at separating salads into creamy and crispy. If you have to eat potato salad then you are done with grain carbs for that meal. You have choices to make and you have to remember what your goals.
If you are going to put it on a form of cracker have an apple with it.
This I think is a hard thing for people to think about and make a connection. An apple can and should be a great side dish. Does a side dish really have to be hot and high in calories. Grapes and melons are great sides.
I talk about this in my book about really looking at what is a meal on TV. Are those people trying to lose weight or sell food. Are they eating it or is it a prop.
I want you to think before you eat.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
let me know
Let me know if there is something that you would like to know if I know any thing about it.
I was driving down the road yesterday and tried to think of some of the areas that are tough to people trying to lose weight. From what I have learned 3-6-9 are key days. These are going to be the days that are going to be really hard. Knowing this the way I work things is that on day 3 I make sure I have my support people in place. I make sure I pay close attention to what I eat and I make sure I get in some of workout. I also look at it as it is only 1 day and things like the cravings will pass. So day 3-6-9 will be tough then month 3-6-9 and year 3-6-9. Think back to when you feel you took a setback. What day or year was it. Smokers are the easiest to track. How many go back to smoking after 3 or 6 years. Regain weight after 3 years.
I was then thinking about what else is 3-6-9. The 3 big omegas have the same numbers. Is there a connection? Does this refer to a form of balance? Can you plan to be more balanced? I don't have the answer to that but I do try my best to stay in balance. I try to sleep enough, eat right, workout and drink enough water.
I was then thinking about what else is 3-6-9. The 3 big omegas have the same numbers. Is there a connection? Does this refer to a form of balance? Can you plan to be more balanced? I don't have the answer to that but I do try my best to stay in balance. I try to sleep enough, eat right, workout and drink enough water.
Friday, July 31, 2009
education different sites
There are a few sites I really like. one is http://whfoods.org, Another is sparkpeople.com
Lets really talk about education and how to get it. First you can go to a school. I ask is that going to give you the best? When you want to bild a box do you go to a teacher with a book or go to a box builder that has built hundreds of boxes. I am one of the box builders. When I ask which one is better? I couldn't tell you. I will tell you that there are people that will say you should only go to the teacher. Does this mean that only people with a degree have the ability to help you lose weight. Do I have a very personal opion on this? oh yes. Are there a lot of people out there that just want to take your money for nothing and how can you spot them. First I will tell you that depending on the changes you make it may seam like the pounds are just falling off. One example would be if on a normal day you ate 3000 calories and didn't really do to much and you changed to eating 50% of your calories from fruits and veggies, put your dence carbs in a measuring cup and only eat 1/2 a cup skip desert 6 out of 7 days and start walking 1/2 hour per day. Your going to notice some fast changes. If on the other hand you are trying to lose those last 10 pounds your not going to see it fall off overnight. The first thing I do when I want to know the truth about something I type the word in and with one of the following words; scam or review. One of the things you need to look for is who is posting the site. Is it an ad? Are they trying to sell you something? This is one reason I like sparkpeople because it is a site made up of people like you and me. Always remember websites do need a way of supporting themselfs and banner ads maybe posted on the site for that reason.
Here is on way I look at sites that are selling prepared foods. Think about the concepts of the program. First get a plate the size the prepared food is served on. Eat your main foods off that plate nad you only get 1 serving. That's it your done. If you want something else eat an apple. I would tell you to eat the apple no matter what. You can cut it up on your oats, cut it into chunks and put some nut butter on it remember to limit the nut butter to 2T. Nut butters are higher in calories and need to be limited to 1 serving.
Just becaust a person is thinner doesn't mean they have healthy eating habits. It is all about calories in vs. calories out. I like to eat a verity of foods for max. nutrition. I eat for nutrition because I feel that if you teach a person to eat this way they start to look at food differently. If you look at a bowl of ice cream and ask what good is this going to do for my body? My answer would be it just taste good and then I look at what I ate sofar that day. Do I haev 120-300 calories to spend on this item? There are times I can and do eat 1000 calories worth of this item and then when I look back I don't have to ask why did the scale go up. It went up because I ate more calorie then I used that day. If I would do that one day I would really have to watch the nutrition I eat the next day and only eat high nutrition so I can use those extra calories.
I talk about this in my book about the everyother day way of thinking. I have heard it called the johnson upday down day diet, the 1 day diet, the zig-zag diet. Now my whole book is about the concepts that you may learn about this and other diets.
Noow you may ask how is this working for you? Good. I am holding steedy at 125 pounds and feeling strong.
Lets really talk about education and how to get it. First you can go to a school. I ask is that going to give you the best? When you want to bild a box do you go to a teacher with a book or go to a box builder that has built hundreds of boxes. I am one of the box builders. When I ask which one is better? I couldn't tell you. I will tell you that there are people that will say you should only go to the teacher. Does this mean that only people with a degree have the ability to help you lose weight. Do I have a very personal opion on this? oh yes. Are there a lot of people out there that just want to take your money for nothing and how can you spot them. First I will tell you that depending on the changes you make it may seam like the pounds are just falling off. One example would be if on a normal day you ate 3000 calories and didn't really do to much and you changed to eating 50% of your calories from fruits and veggies, put your dence carbs in a measuring cup and only eat 1/2 a cup skip desert 6 out of 7 days and start walking 1/2 hour per day. Your going to notice some fast changes. If on the other hand you are trying to lose those last 10 pounds your not going to see it fall off overnight. The first thing I do when I want to know the truth about something I type the word in and with one of the following words; scam or review. One of the things you need to look for is who is posting the site. Is it an ad? Are they trying to sell you something? This is one reason I like sparkpeople because it is a site made up of people like you and me. Always remember websites do need a way of supporting themselfs and banner ads maybe posted on the site for that reason.
Here is on way I look at sites that are selling prepared foods. Think about the concepts of the program. First get a plate the size the prepared food is served on. Eat your main foods off that plate nad you only get 1 serving. That's it your done. If you want something else eat an apple. I would tell you to eat the apple no matter what. You can cut it up on your oats, cut it into chunks and put some nut butter on it remember to limit the nut butter to 2T. Nut butters are higher in calories and need to be limited to 1 serving.
Just becaust a person is thinner doesn't mean they have healthy eating habits. It is all about calories in vs. calories out. I like to eat a verity of foods for max. nutrition. I eat for nutrition because I feel that if you teach a person to eat this way they start to look at food differently. If you look at a bowl of ice cream and ask what good is this going to do for my body? My answer would be it just taste good and then I look at what I ate sofar that day. Do I haev 120-300 calories to spend on this item? There are times I can and do eat 1000 calories worth of this item and then when I look back I don't have to ask why did the scale go up. It went up because I ate more calorie then I used that day. If I would do that one day I would really have to watch the nutrition I eat the next day and only eat high nutrition so I can use those extra calories.
I talk about this in my book about the everyother day way of thinking. I have heard it called the johnson upday down day diet, the 1 day diet, the zig-zag diet. Now my whole book is about the concepts that you may learn about this and other diets.
Noow you may ask how is this working for you? Good. I am holding steedy at 125 pounds and feeling strong.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Is this going to be easy
I hear all kinds of ads that say lose 10-100 pounds without any effort. The weight just falls off or eat what ever you want and you never have to go to the gym.
What I have found is that none of these claims are true. I have never had weight just fall off. I have to work my but off for every pound. The only way I have found to lose weight is to work off more calories then you take in.
One of the things we talk about in class is making a to do list. By making this list you now have a plan as to what you would like to get done if/when you have time. How I like to work this is to set eating times and if you find a time that you want to eat but it isn't time then check the list and get something done that would take about an hour. I call it clearing your life plate. You will find as you clear the life plate you will lessen your life stress. I have found that weight loss covers a lot more than just tight pants.
What I have found is that none of these claims are true. I have never had weight just fall off. I have to work my but off for every pound. The only way I have found to lose weight is to work off more calories then you take in.
One of the things we talk about in class is making a to do list. By making this list you now have a plan as to what you would like to get done if/when you have time. How I like to work this is to set eating times and if you find a time that you want to eat but it isn't time then check the list and get something done that would take about an hour. I call it clearing your life plate. You will find as you clear the life plate you will lessen your life stress. I have found that weight loss covers a lot more than just tight pants.
I find portions interesting. I have to laugh when I hear people talking about buying those boxes of packs. I hear them say how on the way home they 5 out of 6 of the 100 calorie packs. I think of this as a 500 calorie portion that just takes a little longer to eat because you have to open those packs. I bought some frosted pretzels the other day and ate the whole bag. I think it was like 7 servings at 130 calories per servings. Sense I ate the whole thing, if I were to buy these again I would know that I would have to allow for 910 calories if I wanted 1 because I know that I will not stop eating them until they were all gone.
This is one of the reasons that when someone asks me what should they do with rice, white or brown? I tell them I feel the best you can do is put it in a measuring cup. You should limit the high calorie filler type foods if you are looking to lost weight and you do not have a physical type job.
This is one of the reasons that when someone asks me what should they do with rice, white or brown? I tell them I feel the best you can do is put it in a measuring cup. You should limit the high calorie filler type foods if you are looking to lost weight and you do not have a physical type job.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Adding high nutrition to your diet
How do you start to think in terms of high nutrition? The best I can say it to really look at what is in something. Lets a stir fry that you are making at home. A fast stir fry I would make by stir frying up some type of protein and adding 1-2 bags of frozen stir fry type of veggies and some sauce. I really make sure I don't drown the dish in sauce . If I was to use the create a meal that you add your own meat I would add an extra veggie or cut that chunk of sauce in half. I have also added a pack of the frozen veggies with rice or noodles. The reason I add the extra bag of veggies to the dish is so you add bulk to the meal with out adding lots of calories. To this I would serve some fresh fruit.
When I start to think of what I want to eat most people start thinking about a heavy carb/protein item. To win at the losing game you need to think starting with what veggies can I add to this meal. What fruits can I add. How lean is the protein I want to eat. When you start with nutrition and then use starches as a filler at the end you should do better at controlling calorie intake.. I always put rice, noodles and other starches in a measuring cup. 1/2 a cup is a serving.
For dinner tonight I had stuffed mushrooms and bing cherries. I stuffed the portabella mushrooms with a mix of chopped spinach, onion, shredded cheese and a little cream cheese and then baked it in the oven. This is one of my favorite meals.
When I start to think of what I want to eat most people start thinking about a heavy carb/protein item. To win at the losing game you need to think starting with what veggies can I add to this meal. What fruits can I add. How lean is the protein I want to eat. When you start with nutrition and then use starches as a filler at the end you should do better at controlling calorie intake.. I always put rice, noodles and other starches in a measuring cup. 1/2 a cup is a serving.
For dinner tonight I had stuffed mushrooms and bing cherries. I stuffed the portabella mushrooms with a mix of chopped spinach, onion, shredded cheese and a little cream cheese and then baked it in the oven. This is one of my favorite meals.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Goals and setting goals. This is a good place to start when looking at weight loss. First look at where you are right now and the reason you want to change. Any one that is saying you will lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, take the name of their product and do a google with the word review, scam or blog after it and you will get a better idea of what the product really has to offer. Most of these products only offer money loss. Your money to their pocket.
A good start of a goal is not so much to lose 10 pounds but to change a behavior 80% of the time and the weight loss should follow. I am looking at where I am right now and where I fill I am willing to change is with working out. Will I say that I will workout 7 days a week? No it is unrealistic. I am going to set my goals as follows:
1. work out 3 days a week.
2. journal what I eat 6 days a week.
3. stop drinking coffee at noon.
4. Go to bed at night by 11:00
Now, I want to look at what may happen when I achieve these goals.
My wish list we will call it.
This would be the outcome of my behavior changes.
1. lose 2 pounds a week.
If the 2 pounds happen then I look at it as good and keep it up. If not and weight does not go down then I have to look at where I can change things to adjust for the desired outcome.
Goals are not achieved through wishing. It takes a lot of hard work. If you are willing to do the work I know you will meet you weight loss goals.
I am setting up this blog to chat about my goals, your goals.
You can ask me anything about weight loss and I will try to answer it. I have been studying the weight loss industry for 30+ years. I will be referring to areas I talk about in my book.
If you would like a copy of my book by e-mail I would love to send it to you with a $5.00 donation to my cause. Me Lynn and my need to send my daughter to college.
You can e-mail me at lynnb@stitchshoppe.com
I co-own an embroidery store with my husband in Burlington. You can pick up a copy of my book from our store down town Burlington, WI for the same $5.00 donation to the send child to college. Address of the store is 133E chestnut #14, Burlington, WI 53105
I have to do a www.stitchshoppe.com plug for our store. Check out our website.
I am looking forward to chatting the fat.
Topics I want to cover over the next few weeks would be
How to think in terms of high nutrition.
Support groups and web sites
How to make weight loss fun.
What happens when the scale doesn't move.
A pound is a pound
Is the fda looking out for me.
100 calorie packs.
Do you need a degree to lose weight?
A good start of a goal is not so much to lose 10 pounds but to change a behavior 80% of the time and the weight loss should follow. I am looking at where I am right now and where I fill I am willing to change is with working out. Will I say that I will workout 7 days a week? No it is unrealistic. I am going to set my goals as follows:
1. work out 3 days a week.
2. journal what I eat 6 days a week.
3. stop drinking coffee at noon.
4. Go to bed at night by 11:00
Now, I want to look at what may happen when I achieve these goals.
My wish list we will call it.
This would be the outcome of my behavior changes.
1. lose 2 pounds a week.
If the 2 pounds happen then I look at it as good and keep it up. If not and weight does not go down then I have to look at where I can change things to adjust for the desired outcome.
Goals are not achieved through wishing. It takes a lot of hard work. If you are willing to do the work I know you will meet you weight loss goals.
I am setting up this blog to chat about my goals, your goals.
You can ask me anything about weight loss and I will try to answer it. I have been studying the weight loss industry for 30+ years. I will be referring to areas I talk about in my book.
If you would like a copy of my book by e-mail I would love to send it to you with a $5.00 donation to my cause. Me Lynn and my need to send my daughter to college.
You can e-mail me at lynnb@stitchshoppe.com
I co-own an embroidery store with my husband in Burlington. You can pick up a copy of my book from our store down town Burlington, WI for the same $5.00 donation to the send child to college. Address of the store is 133E chestnut #14, Burlington, WI 53105
I have to do a www.stitchshoppe.com plug for our store. Check out our website.
I am looking forward to chatting the fat.
Topics I want to cover over the next few weeks would be
How to think in terms of high nutrition.
Support groups and web sites
How to make weight loss fun.
What happens when the scale doesn't move.
A pound is a pound
Is the fda looking out for me.
100 calorie packs.
Do you need a degree to lose weight?
Welcome to chatthefat. This is designed by Lynn in Burlington, WI. As a 40-50 pound loser, I wrote the material that I use for the low cost support group held at the sci-fi cafe on Sundays.
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