Lets try something really wild. Grab your camera and take a picture of everything you eat, keep it in you journal. At the end of the 30 days you will or could have a start picture, a month of what you ate, work outs you did. Like a healthy eating habit you have to use your head and put some thought into this. I think what I will do is put it together and upload my pages as a coladge. Rules are to eat following the concepts. I will start this on Monday. I have to learn how to bluetooth pictures from my phone. One way I thought to keep thing organized is to take a picture of a date on a pc of paper so you can add some order to things. This would also let you take pictures all week and put them together at the end of the week. You could cut and paste them together.
One thing that I feel that is very important is your to do list. Besure to make this list and start getting things done. Some times when we over eat it's not because we are hungry but because we are overwhelmed by things to do. If you don't have order in your house it is hard to have order in your life. On your list have some 10 minute things that we will call quick get it done. Then you could have some hour and some day projects. Try to break projects into sections so you can get it done. If you have a room of wash to do break it down to sort wash and dry put away towels one day or all darks. Note that you don't say do all wash and leave in baskets unless that is where it lives. I need to clean our house so I will divide it into rooms so I have the feeling of I got something done. I made divide it into rooms and then into things I want to get done in that room. My mom use to do this and then she would put a child's name by a group of task and when all children had their task done the house was clean. So it didn't always work that easy but you get the idea. When you look at the clock and have 60 minutes before you should eat you could pick some things from the list and get it done. Get the picture??? Like weight loss if you break it into smaller pc's you can get it done. lose 100 pounds is to big of a goal. Removing sugar from your food intake for 1 day you can do. One of the concepts is to remove sugar from your food intake every other day. Sugar does not include fruit because fruit has fiber with it but avoid fruit juices. I don't remember if I put in the concept not to drink your calories. Remember I don't know much about diabetes, I just know how to think to keep you on track. High calorie veggies need to be put in a measuring cup and limited to 1 serving.
When you get done with a week of eating really look at what you ate. What color are most of the items? Really look ate are the items light calorie or calorie dense? Think of what you can learn from what you ate. Do not join the would of could of should of club. Join the learn and move on club.
Helpful Hint 1. When putting food on your plate start with the lower calorie items. Note when you go to a buffet the cheaper foods are in the front. Goal for week 1 is to think. You are not the only one that thinks before they eat. Stop chowing down dinner and start eating dinner. Enjoy your food. Please e-mail me the savory flavor of a fast food burger and fries.
I will look at eating at fast food on a different day. Really read the menu and think about each menu item and ask does it contain nutrition or just calories with low nutrition. A burger bun would be a low nutrition high calorie item. Ketchup is not a vegetable.
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