7-8-2018 better late. I had something to do this morning. I did a history seekers display at the local pancake breakfast. Today's concept -Emotional side of dieting-
It takes a lot of effort to .eat healthy and to put your health first. There are times you ask yourself questions like, "Why do I have to spend the time cooking, eating healthy, and working out?" It's to hard for the payoff. There are many days that I look in the mirror and ask, why do I even care? I am married, kids are grown so if others can eat burgers and live why can't I? It all depends on what you want out of life. I got a new paddleboard and want to go out to play not spend my time at the doctors office. There are many times I feel like I am the only person that cares as much as I do about eating healthy foods.
This is when you need to look to your support groups and know you are not the only one but there are many others that fall into our medical spin. Food as medicine is the way you need to think. Don't beat yourself with or because of food. Start looking at the questions, why did I eat that and how was it on the scale of 1-10. I was really pissed off and when I ate_______ It was a _____. Are you following a pattern? When you get mad at someone,, do you eat just food or junk? If you are eating food that rates a 1 because you boss pissed you off, make a plan on how to change the reaction.
Post a plan you chose other than turning to something emotional. Give yourself credit for and stop punishing yourself. If you want to feel really good about yourself, run/walk a 5K. Those people on the sidelines are thinking, I wish I could be them.
How are you staying positive? I needed to add; Do something your future self will thank you for.
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