Monday, July 30, 2018

Change your mind.

I am listening to Jillian interviewing the worlds fastest woman.  This is what I am learning from this.  Stop doing the min. and go for the Max.  Stop dong the lazy days.  I am down to about a month left with my trainer and I want to just shock the shit I am capable.  I am really thinking he is slacking because I am talking like I am ready to break off.  It is time to kick it up and stop wasting time playing stupid games.

At the end of the day I want you to ask, Did I make the most of my 24 hours or what do you want to change about it?
The month of Aug I want to put out there the challenge for you to do your best not just what you need to do to sneak by.

Most of the time people like to set a big goal to reach by the end of said date.  This month we just want to ask everyday, did you do the max.?  When you set a goal by time, most of us slack off for the first few days like a term paper.  When you are building muscle you can't do that.  You can't get time back.  Do it, build, do it build, repeat.  It's like setting concrete, you have to wait for things to dry before you can go onto the next step.  If you don't start in time you will run out of time.  Maybe this is where some of the mind change comes from.

So muscle building is the side effect of weight lifting and resistance and fat loss is the side effect of body moving,  Eating high nutrition gives you the ability to achieve the activity.

Have you tried to do something when you are so tired or hungry??  Maybe your cells just need water to move things in the body.  We can make a mind set pyramid.  Get these basic things out of the way and then move on to the next level.  Level 2 is faster, stronger, and there is one more that I forget right now.  3rd level is form and improvement through form.  What fun is a push-up when you can do a push-up  with a hand walk between?  And on the top is the fun level.  Like the other pyramid had sugar items on the top we are putting things like a plyo push-up on the top.  Maybe you want to put a show off really cool yoga move on the top.  The top level is the side effect of all the levels below.  The top will never stay on top without solid levels below.

This is our Aug. challenge.

My best to you all 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

July 28th 2018

It is almost the end of the month so what I want to talk about today is, what kind of a health watcher/doer are you. Are you a faker? Do you pretend to care about your health in-front of friends. If you are a faker, who are you really cheating? Are you in the wish in shit club? Do you just keep wishing the weight is going to just fall off you like the media says? Sorry to tell you that you have to read the small print, with healthy eating and exercise. That is not falling off you with no effort. You are wishing and they are feeding you a pile of shit. Are you a Monday person?, Everyday is a cheat day?, Or you give into yourself and start believing this is to hard. I can work this off. If you think you don't have time your body will fail you and then you will have time. We need to get real and did all in. We are down to crunch time. Can you get a month of health in a week? The answer is no. So now you are mad and you are wishing you spent you time better. To this I say fine!! I will do another month of facebooking with you.

I am so ready to go all in.  I will say the buck stops here.  If I do nothing I will have no change.  I have been working with a trainer for the last few months and have added muscle so I get discouraged as the scale goes up.  My trainer is right about you lift weights to gain muscle and cardo to burn fat.  OK I have been doing the build the muscle but not so much on the cardo.  I rejoined Q class at the gym.  Q is a small group HIT type work out.  I really do enjoy it and enjoy the people that are in the class.

On the food end I am done with the wish and shit club.  I am talking the I wish this stuff was not so bad for me.  It is time to fess up on how bad my eating habits really are.  Note I did not say  how bad my diet is.  Diet is a restriction of eating where eating habits is a snapshot of what you have been eating.  We want to improve our eating habits.  Habits meaning what you do every day.  Diet is what you do to make a change, habit is what you do to live the change.

Let's reflect what changes we have made over the past month and keep heading in the direction that will get us to our goals.  Look at your habits and  really state what your goal is.  Be true to yourself, what direction are you heading?  If you have gained 20 pounds of fat over the past year you may not be on the best path but say it out loud and make a change.

I ahev to get going but we can do this together.  Lets think positive and get on a healthy path.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10. What do we crave?

Today's concept that we want to look at. Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body. I found this out when I did the one day diet. You ate these tablets one day and the next day you ate what ever you wanted. I had to have nutrition. After a day of basically not eating I needed greens, veggies, protein. This was a form of a fast. The concept behind it is total calories divided by 2. It is also a form of calorie cycling. Do I have a problem with this? No. Most people do it backwards. Most eat to much today and then say they will cut back tomorrow. When you cut back one day you really do crave nutrition. Have you noticed that you can eat, eat, and eat and never get full only to say it is because you ate to little the day before. Thy this the next time you cut calories one day, the next eat a bunch of high nutrition items in the next morning. Include high fiber fruits along with other high nutrition items. Who says you can't put your eggs on a bed of fresh spinach? Are we remembering to enjoy the great outdoors? I went for a walk while talking to dear child. I did also try a new workout. I made sure it was a length I was willing to do. Have a great day.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Emotional side of dieting

7-8-2018 better late. I had something to do this morning. I did a history seekers display at the local pancake breakfast. Today's concept -Emotional side of dieting-
It takes a lot of effort to .eat healthy and to put your health first. There are times you ask yourself questions like, "Why do I have to spend the time cooking, eating healthy, and working out?" It's to hard for the payoff. There are many days that I look in the mirror and ask, why do I even care? I am married, kids are grown so if others can eat burgers and live why can't I? It all depends on what you want out of life. I got a new paddleboard and want to go out to play not spend my time at the doctors office. There are many times I feel like I am the only person that cares as much as I do about eating healthy foods.
This is when you need to look to your support groups and know you are not the only one but there are many others that fall into our medical spin. Food as medicine is the way you need to think. Don't beat yourself with or because of food. Start looking at the questions, why did I eat that and how was it on the scale of 1-10. I was really pissed off and when I ate_______ It was a _____. Are you following a pattern? When you get mad at someone,, do you eat just food or junk? If you are eating food that rates a 1 because you boss pissed you off, make a plan on how to change the reaction.
Post a plan you chose other than turning to something emotional. Give yourself credit for and stop punishing yourself. If you want to feel really good about yourself, run/walk a 5K. Those people on the sidelines are thinking, I wish I could be them.
How are you staying positive?  I needed to add;   Do something your future self will thank you for.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Take charge and make a change

7-7 we missed yesterday but I am sure you did something. Today we are talking about the concept - "This doesn’t work for me". I Want you to look at different diets and different diet ideas and if it doesn't work for you I want you to say it. Stand up for yourself. If the world says keto or whole 30 is the best, you have the right to say "this isn't working for me.
This is how I see food. Everything falls in 1 of these 4 groups
HN/LC High nutrition/ Low Calorie
HN/HC High nutrition/ High Calorie
LN/LC Low nutrition/ Low Calorie
LN/HC Low nutrition/ High Calorie
Now what I want you to do is look at all the foods you eat. Because we are trying to lose weight the group we want to eat the most is the HN/LC. In this group are your greens, veggies, lean meats. The next group HN/HC are things like nuts. For these items read the package and measure out 1 serving. If you want put into baggies per servings. These would not be 100 calorie packs but servings packs. I say this so when you look at the back of the bag you will have a great idea of what a serving looks like. Take a picture of 1 serving so you remember it. You are now asking about the question but why not put into packs of 100 calories?
I want you to be able to look at every package and know what you are eating. If a serving size is way big and the calories are low also check what good will it do for the body? then you are talking HN/LC
If a 1/4 C. is high in nutrition but also high in nutrition then you know what you are eating. Low nutrition/ High Calorie would be things like cake, crackers, ect. You need to look at how much of each group you eat. If you are eating everything from the LN/HC you are on the road to nutrition deprived. HN/LC you may be calorie deprived. I don't want you to starve,
What do you do with those keto and whole 30 cookbooks? Cook out of them. Look for foods that have a good balance. Look for items that are high in flavor. Nobody cooks like you can.
So if something isn't working for you say so. Have a great day. Post a picture of something great that works for you.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I am doing this with you.

First, I am not a doctor, Any information I give is from my personal research and self experimentation.  I do have 40 + years of research and many years of experience in the food industry.

Please all check with  your doctor before changing anything with your health.  My rule of thumb is that medications that are based on your weight might change every 10 pounds.  When you make changes to you body for the better it may change medical needs.  If you return to old habits, so will your medical needs.

You are not alone. we are doing this together.  We will pick through 27 concepts one at a time.  By the end of the month you will have a better understanding of how I view food.  Along with looking at the nutrition side we also want to look at the exercise side.

The concepts have not changed.

The concepts;
1.      Keep up what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
2.      Everything in moderation is out the window
3.      Reading labels.  Read all labels
4.      Additives and preservatives are my # 1 red flag
5.      This doesn’t work for me
6.      Emotional side of dieting.
7.      Remember the concept that you miss the foods that nurture the body
8.      Cheating
9.      Concept once you stop walking, you will miss it. (My dear husband misses our bonding time.)
10.  Non diet food
11.  You can’t make people understand your point if they have a mind set against it.  Concept: This is working for me and it may not be for you.
12.  Learning from the past
13.  Don’t spoil your dinner
14.  Really tasting food
15.  You will eat again
16.   If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same outcome.
17.  We all react to food differently.
18.  Having to explain yourself
19.  Water and hydration
20.  Walking or working out
21.  Beware of Sabotages. 
22.  What is a portion and how do you know when to stop eating?
23.  Don’t up size             
24.  Pick your battles, your weapons, and your armor.
25.  Listen to what an advertiser is really saying
26.  Use your resources
27.  Keep learning.
I will pick these apart 1 at a time on my chatthefat facebook group
Have a great day