Friday, December 15, 2017

Eat like you health depends on it.

Good morning to all.  Where have I been and what have I been up to?  I have been living life and trying to do research for my book.  So what happens when you really put your mind to things?  I will tell you that it is harder than hell to get out of the wish and shit club.  I wanted to just make a post of something interesting I am noticing. 
I joined a class at xperence fitness called Q.  I really gave them a hard time when they gave me a cold call about the class.  I asked what the price was and what form of a workout was it?  The person on the phone really didn't know so 2 months after the call I went in to check it out. 

Here is my review from the side I like to take.  I like to take the side of How does it keep you motivated, give you a good workout and what are the side effects? 
First it is kind of a hit class where you go all out for a set time.  Last night was a 1 minute on 1 minute off for 5 times and then switch.  Some of the times it is 30/30 or 20/20.  You wear a heart monitor called myzone.  There is an app so you can see your results and try to beat a personal best.  There was someone in the class that had it show they burned 1000+ calories and I questioned why I was at 500 and this person was so much higher.  I found out that person put monitor on at home and some people did a warm up before class.  It does take a little warming up to get your monitor to sync up with the board.  About the workout.  It is really fun.  Well as fun as giving it your all on a roller or treadmill can be.  These are the main two pieces of equipment that are in almost all workouts. The other stations are picked by the trainer.  They could include TRX, kettlebells, ropes, bags or free weights.

I have found that with small group workouts you start to workout with the same people each time.  The contract you sign up for is a 3 month contract.  I either attend the 5:00 or 5:30 class.  There are a couple of woman that I team up with in the same pod.  They are really fun and we kind or push ourselves harder as a group.  Last night I went to do what is called a burn out and I thought, if I do the easiest exercise I wont challenge myself so I copied person next to me and thanked her for the push after.

I had to laugh at some of the things we do because I am sure that I don't look the same as the instructor does right now but given time I would figure I will have better form and become stronger.

Today is Dec. 15, 2017  I started the research for my book in Jan of 2017 and hoped to be done by the end of the year but I am thinking I need a few more months to finish up.  When it comes to weight loss it is all about the mind and how you think about food and working out.  The way I am thinking about food right now is that I need the nutrition to get stronger to keep up with my fellow workouters.  I will refer them as my workout teammates.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Side effects end of month 2

I am not MIA.  I have just been busy. 
I am happy to report things are going good with my research. Some of the things I have noticed is I am losing the taste for sugar items. Last night I did have were dinner leftover ribs but then just wanted some biscotti's. Biscottis are also called an Italian dunking cookie. I love them and make them homemade. These are the cookies I made in one of my videos. Let's just say I ate more than one. It's funny but I justified it by not eating a different carb with dinner. I figure I'm good on the whole sugar thing for another two months.

I also have to report that I am down almost 10 pounds but the bigger thing is that I can tell the difference in my clothes. This is what my friends would call a non scale victory.

I have found that I really enjoyed my salads at lunchtime and miss them when I don't eat them. I have gotten a little creative and definitely am not starting. I am testing out some different Balsamic Vinegar and really enjoyed them on my salad. I did purchase an instant pot and need to do a video on it. I did make ribs in it the other night and they were really good.

The weather is getting warmer here which is good so I can get outside and walk a little more I miss walking. I went to work out the other morning and kicked one of my hand weights because they were laying on the floor and now I have a black and blue toe. We've always been told to pick our toys up so we don't trip over them and this is more important with your weights. Don't let this happen to you but I'm not the let it slow me down because it's only a toe. I have been trying to make it to the gym and him going tonight for a body pump class.

I do work full time and have other things going on in my life which makes writing a little difficult. As I reread that last sentence it sounds like a weight loss excuse. Truth being I have been playing Facebook video games and need to get back to writing. It is interesting how we make excuses and try to justify all kinds of things in our lives. I need to get off the procrastination pot and just get things done. This is sometimes the hardest part of change in our lives. Change is hard but it is so well worth it.

I hope all is well with you and I will report back at the end of next month.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Side effects end of month 1 Jan 2017

The bowl has chicken in it.

A little math and 6oz. of chicken goes on the salad

I really enjoy this for lunch most days
How can you not love this.  Great flavor.

I thought I would try a new breakfast

I think I have to many blueberries on here.

Blueberries are not just for breakfast

I went on a shopping trip with my sister and Richard.

This was really good. 

Raw cheddar cheese with peppers and onions red sauce on open face 

Mike wanted meatloaf.  I am trying something new.

I am thinking this looks great.  The carrots, onion, celery really adds flavor and nutrition.

Dinner.  Score!!  Really delish

Back to my favorite lunch.

I am checking out gym classes

Near us the gym has 2 locations
I made sure I bought enough for the rest of the month.

Out for breakfast with dear husband

Fruit for toast was a great option.  I looked up the calories after I ate this.  I should of got the lite one.  This was like 850 calories.  I am thinking they added in the calories of the pancakes I didn't eat.  Sometimes it is really hard to figure out the calorie count of some foods.  As you can see I am eating well.  I am almost ready for month 2.  Doing good and I did another facebook live.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 2 goals and week 2 facebook live

Let me know if there is something you would like me to talk about in week 2.
I can cover a couple of topics;  What happens if you are the only heavy person in your house? What if you have kids that are picky eaters,
Calendar book The difference between paper log and digital log. and how you chose foods.
This whole 1 serving thing and how it works,
Setting short term goals.  Fit bits and fitbit scale.  Scale in # vs. body fat.
How goals can really become your biggest stress.
The 80/20 rule
Setting goals that are not numbers

Goals for this week.
Workout 3-5 times.  Find a fun workout that I really like
Live life outside of my research.  Limit workouts to no more than 60 min on any given day.  Does not includes things like walking.

Remember to eat.  Starving the body is a short term not a lifestyle.  Cook healthy and eat high nutrition/ low calories. 
I started out the week good by getting a workout in

Had a great lunch

Tues. morning I got dinner made and left it for Mike to put in the oven

Breakfast egg bake that I had talked about.  It was from the freezer.

This is a mix of needing to blend what I have with healthy choices.  I hate to waste.

Great dinner.

I have something that is taking up some time.  Got a mouse in the house. 

Another good workout.  Mixing it up.  This was a kettlebell workout.

I forgot to pit this in my journal.  Taking a picture reminded me.

I had a craving for something good.  It is what the body wanted

I had some nuts as a snack.  I didn't do well at 1 serving.

I see I am falling into that cheese thing again because it was in the freezer but I am not buying any new.

I really wish shopping counted as a workout.  I will call this a rest day

Chicken on salad with some grapes.  This is a have to try.

Dear husband is working on that mouse thing.  I think we did get them.

I got a big thing of greens while shopping the other night at sams

Servings 1.  This was hard but just 1 serving

I was going to do a cardo but tried something new at Planet Fitness.  I learned something new.

Week 1.  Note on top say give credit for the things you don't do.

Week 2  It looks messy but it has meaning

I think this was Thurs. lunch. 

I often eat the same thing for lunch.

List of things to remember. Disclamer

I would like to remind you that you are sharing in my research.  I am not a doctor.  I have a degree in Hotel and restaurant Management. and food service mgt.  I have over 20 in the food industry in the kitchen and the prep of food.  I have more than 40 years of trying to get this whole diet industry to an understanding.  I have more than enough years  of being fat and not liking the side effects of sugar and other food additives.  I am just like you, I am looking for an answer to how do we eat for health.  Please check with your healthcare person to work with them when making nutrition changes.  I have found things as small as 10 pounds can effect health and medications going both ways.
Please work with your healthcare people.

When you add a workout to your life please put form first.  If you are working with hand held weights or body weight form is key.  It is more important to use lighter weights or doing less of something than to go heavy and swing weights.  I have seen many people doing bicep curls with weights that are to heavy and all they are really doing is using their backs to swing the  weights.  I will repeat this You can hurt yourself either right away or over time. 

Form is key. 

Side Effects Week 1

I need to do a you tube about my whole research.
To sum it all up the goal is to workout more than 3 days a week because it is good for our health not to lose weight.  We want to see what happens if you do some kind of workout.  Can you find something fun to do?  Monday I was in Florida and went for a walk.  I could get use to that warm weather really fast.  Tues I was on my way back thinking about how I can put this all together.  I had many hours in the airport.  Wed it was back to the gym.  Planet fitness is my now gym of choice.  Is it the best gym?  I would not say that but it is a low cost gym that provides what I am looking for.  I did belong to x-perence which I did like and liked their classes.  When we stop going to the gym we have to look for the reason of why we are no longer going.  I think the reason I changed was because I had friends that changed.  I do miss the body pump class.  I found a pc. of equipment I now enjoy
 I got on the one that the arms that move but then the TV sound thing didn't work on the tv in front of me.  I did 10 min but I just had to move because I hate when you can't see the TV.  I then had to do 30 Min. after I moved.

I Just couldn't stop at the 20 min. on the second machine because it would look like I was a slacker when I posted this.
Thurs  was just to clod outside so I had to workout at home.

Let's talk about some of the food we need to eat to maintain a healthy body.  We are going to stop depriving ourselves of nutrition.  I do want to see what the side effect of cutting cheese and sugar.  I should really say sugar and then cheese.
When we are looking at these kinds of changes do we start lying to ourselves and say cheese is bad but goat cheese is ok.  If we are trying to test inflammation on the body because of cheese then cheese is cheese.  If we are testing cutting back on cheese then we need to set limits.  The cheese I am talking about would be on a salad.  It is a crumble 1 oz is 80 calories.  The container holds 3.5 servings and half the container would be about 140 calories.  I am willing to spend 140 calories on this for my salad.  It was really good
 This was Wed. salad.  I can eat a bid salad every day
 Thursday I got up and put some chili on the stove.  It takes some planning at first but I think once I get going on it I should be OK.  This does free up time at the end of the day around dinner time.  Yes I like pickles in my chili.
I will say that when I came home from Florida I started back into old habits the first day till I started to think how these choices will help my research.  It only confirms that we all want change but when we are asked to do our part we step back and take a seat.  It is hard work to make change happen.  We need to stop thinking that the word deprived means a lack of sweets and sugar in our diet.  What we really need to think of is that we are nutrition deprived and to stop lying to ourselves that we can live on sugar and crap so called food items.

We have to keep focused on the quest we are on.  Can we eat healthy and workout for a year and what is the side effect?   We are not looking at we want to lost 20 pounds and that if we don't lose it we will become a form of depressed or we will put so much pressure on ourselves that we go into binges.
Friday  Another good day.  I got to the gym tonight.  Lunch was great
 And so was the trip to the gym.  30 min. isn't a long time.  I am almost enjoying it.  I do miss group classes but I just have to report on the side effects of what happens if you go to the gym or work out 3-5 days a week.  As far as that little salad for lunch I love it.  The goat cheese that I tried is a stronger tasting cheese.  A form of a feta.
 I know these are not raw but it is what I had in the house so I had some.  I did make sure I limited the amount that I ate.  This is a high nutrition high calorie food.
 I did get a workout in.  This is both a free and a pay for site.  I signed up for a challenge that already started.  The challenge is linked to this site. 
 I scheduled a few workouts so I don't have to look for them in the morning.  I made sure I mixed up the workout and tossed in 1 yoga.
 Great dinner.  I did have pineapple and peanut butter with my coffee in the morning.  It is kind of a relaxing kind of a day.  I need to work on my class but I am happy I got that workout in.
 I got a happy planner to try to keep tract of everything for this year of research.  I am kind of tracking the food I am eating but not being tied down without all the exacts.  Food is 1 of 4 food groups 1. low nutrition/low calorie 2. high nutrition/low calorie. 3. high nutrition/high calorie 4. low nutrition/high calorie.

I got some cool little stamps so I could play with my planner.  I have some recap stamps.
  This is the end of week 1.  I will do a full recap at the end of the month.