Thursday, December 15, 2016


There are things we need to talk about when we set time limits on things.  So you want to lose weight in the new year, As we are looking at timelines, we need to look at them as a tool not as a destination. Sometimes when we set a timeline we self pressure ourselves to fail. If you set a timeline for example to lose 10 pounds in three months you may start out by saying how good I have plenty of time to start this diet tomorrow and still make my goal. As the date starts getting closer we start telling ourselves different things like I can't do this I might as well give up or I'd better cut more calories so I can do it faster.

This can cause a form of I think the word is bulimia. Bulimia has more than one meeting which most people associate it with pigging out and purging. It also includes eating things that you consider not such good choices and then trying to work it off through workouts. There are many people that get caught up in the so-called work it off trap.

When I was test marketing one day diet it's concept was based on what you're going to eat tomorrow instead of what you ate yesterday. By looking at this concept I feel you start to work out for the health of working out instead of for the guilt of what you ate. There are many people that put pressure on themselves that can be considered more of a side effect of guilt then the desire for health.

In 2017 I want to look more into this form of weight loss. If you would call it self experimenting that's okay as long as the true results are reported. 10 years ago I wrote the book about weight loss concepts, and since then I have researched for things that would update my blog in case there's some bad information within it. I have found a lot of good information out there which also backs what I put in my book.The one thing I have found is I need to expand my book a little bit more. As you know the title of my next book will be the side effect of food and exercise on your health.

If there is a topic you would like me to cover in this book please let me know and I will do the research and included it. Please look for my book towards the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018 on Amazon.

Along with food and exercise I will also cover clearing your life plate and getting things done. What happens when you make a list and start checking it off and getting things done, what is the side effect. I have many things going on in my life to him on that list. We are remodeling a farmhouse, clearing clutter, and looking more into enjoying life rather than enjoying things.

Please join me in this journey and we can do this together.

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