Saturday, December 17, 2016

The side effect pre 2017

So you asked me how the going? I will tell you. It's going okay. Eating healthy is tough. Most of the time I do cook at home which makes it a lot easier. When you're faced with choices we have to be very aware of the things that pop into our heads. What I'm talking about is when you go to a Mexican restaurant and the chips are set on the table. We have three choices, 1. Don't eat any 2. In a few and be done with it.or 3. Push aside your goals and tell yourself you will start again on Monday.

I get this the other day when we went out to eat and chose option 2. As I ate some of the chips I really tasted the chips for both flavor and food value. Food value I define as calories divided by nutrition. Chips themselves have low nutrition and are high in calories but they also break the rule of no deep-fried. As I ate a couple of chips I thought about; how fresh was the oil they fried them in, what flavor was I looking for, and what did I like the most, the chips or the Salsa? The answer to this question is that I liked the flavor of the salsa. Then I rated the salsa on a scale of 1 to 10 and placed it at about a seven. This all took the fun out of pigging out on chips.

Another thing that has changed is my ice cream addiction. I have done the side effect test on ice cream and every time I eat things like ice cream and pizza I get a weight-loss setback. So what I am testing out for you is to reduce the quantity and the frequency of these two items. So far the desire of success is stronger than the desire for these two items.

I did do my first Facebook live talking about the topic the side effect. I was making biscotti cookies and I think it turned out pretty good. I want to do these weekly because more than that would put too much pressure on me as far as time goes.

A little about me is that I work full-time 40+ hours at a desk job. I have signed up at planet fitness as my gym to work out at. They have a machine that looks like a cross between a runner and an elliptical. I think I did take a picture of it so I can post it. I tried to do a few blog posts when I can and I like to use Dragon as a dictation software. I am a horrible speller and this is the reason for Dragon. Technology is a great tool and I will try to give you a recap on the items I use.

Dragon does a pretty good job on most words and if I miss a few things I'm sorry. I also have a fitbit surge and their body fat scale. I will be usingThese two items as tools. I like the scale because not only does it track your weight but it also tracks your body fat. I can go back and compare at the weight I am at today to what I might have been a year ago and how the body fat percentage changes. We all know it's not all about the scale but a scale is a great tool especially one that syncs to a tracker. My surge tracksAnd logs steps, activity time, stairs and a few other items. I am using my fitness pal to log my food. I'm giving myself one day of forgiveness in case the food items are too complicated. What I mean by this is when you go to a party and you eat things you're unfamiliar with. I never want you to be afraid of different foods but I do want you to make your best choices.

So to bring this to a close I am doing well and down a couple of pounds of the first week. No matter what way you are starting at do not compare yourself to someone else. I will say I am at 35% body fat and feel I want to track the changes in body fat more so than weight. I am 5 foot tall and in the 135 weight range so things I have doing may be a little stricter than what you're doing.

Also going on in my life is that I do genealogy, and in taking a couple of online classes over the next six weeks. The reason this is important is that these are sitdown activities. You need to balance these activities with other sitdown activities or you will start to feel the side effects of too much computering. I will post to kick off for 2017 the first week of January. I didn't join self magazine's 2017 challenge. We all want to win a trip to someplace warm so that's when I did. I will also keep you updated on this challenge.

With all these things going on sometimes life gets confusing and we overload ourselves. And by become MIA please don't get mad and be patient because I will be back. When a stress factor comes off we really need to break it apart and look at each component and how to handle it the best. Sometimes less computer work or things we do for fun get pushed aside. I will try not to do this to you but please remember blogging takes time.

I do contact a couple other bloggers and weight-loss people to see how they're doing in 2017. I was following what diet next and from fat to that and plan on contacting them during the year. Other people I follow are fit2fat2fit, Jillian's podcast, Ben Greenfield, the food Revolution, the truth of cancer, in any other research I can find. I do download audiobooks from the local library. The workouts I will be including would be as follows; Jillian michael's that I own, a kettle bell workout series that I have to get the name of ( I think it is Kettelbelle kickboxing), youtube, and any other workout I come across. January will include the workouts from self magazines challenge. Have a great day and I will post again when I find something interesting to post about Lynn

Thursday, December 15, 2016


There are things we need to talk about when we set time limits on things.  So you want to lose weight in the new year, As we are looking at timelines, we need to look at them as a tool not as a destination. Sometimes when we set a timeline we self pressure ourselves to fail. If you set a timeline for example to lose 10 pounds in three months you may start out by saying how good I have plenty of time to start this diet tomorrow and still make my goal. As the date starts getting closer we start telling ourselves different things like I can't do this I might as well give up or I'd better cut more calories so I can do it faster.

This can cause a form of I think the word is bulimia. Bulimia has more than one meeting which most people associate it with pigging out and purging. It also includes eating things that you consider not such good choices and then trying to work it off through workouts. There are many people that get caught up in the so-called work it off trap.

When I was test marketing one day diet it's concept was based on what you're going to eat tomorrow instead of what you ate yesterday. By looking at this concept I feel you start to work out for the health of working out instead of for the guilt of what you ate. There are many people that put pressure on themselves that can be considered more of a side effect of guilt then the desire for health.

In 2017 I want to look more into this form of weight loss. If you would call it self experimenting that's okay as long as the true results are reported. 10 years ago I wrote the book about weight loss concepts, and since then I have researched for things that would update my blog in case there's some bad information within it. I have found a lot of good information out there which also backs what I put in my book.The one thing I have found is I need to expand my book a little bit more. As you know the title of my next book will be the side effect of food and exercise on your health.

If there is a topic you would like me to cover in this book please let me know and I will do the research and included it. Please look for my book towards the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018 on Amazon.

Along with food and exercise I will also cover clearing your life plate and getting things done. What happens when you make a list and start checking it off and getting things done, what is the side effect. I have many things going on in my life to him on that list. We are remodeling a farmhouse, clearing clutter, and looking more into enjoying life rather than enjoying things.

Please join me in this journey and we can do this together.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sideeffect of food links


Here is the list of things I really want to test over the next year.   

1.  Log all food and try to stay at or about calorie want.  I get 1 lazy day where I don't have to log all foods.  It's not that I don't want to log food but every now and then you just don't want to log food.  Things that can make you not want to log foods.  complex foods.  So 1 day a week I get a day off. 
2. Get to the gym or workout at home.  If I would win the black card at Planet fitness I will test out the balance toner.
3. I will try to do a live stream once a week.

Let me know if there is something you would like to see on live stream.
I do have a list I made with dear child about 10 years ago.  I found it the other day and it has some great topics on it.
This is my intro

Video 2 making biscotti cookies

End of Video 2 making biscotti cookies finish

Monday, December 12, 2016

The fitbit side effect

I want to do a one-year study of how our lives are affected in a positive way by some of the electronics we choose to wear and use. I have selected fitbit as the company I prefer to use for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is because I have had a fitbit for many years and they were one of the first to come out with a economical and reliable device. I started with the fit one and have now upgraded to the fitness surge and their scale.

I also feel my fitness pal is a very good choice as food tracker because they have a large database and their daily login of food items is pretty easy. It is very hard and discouraging when you try to log food items and there is nothing in the database. At that point you are building their database with your food items which takes a lot of time. I do eat a lot of homemade foods so that is where you run into a lot of your tracking problems because you are guessing on portion sizes and a few other things to just get it done. For example beef stew could be one thing to one person and something else to another, depending on how thick or thin the gravy is can make a big difference in the calories.

I have used other Internet sites like sparks people, which I do like but you have to make a choice and so I picked my fitness pal. I just completed a challenge with my fitness pal and maybe that's one of the reasons I prefer it because they do have some extra items linked with it I enjoy. Other sites also have these challenges but you have to pick so this is what I did.

We need to talk about Internet communities because they are very important in our success at weight loss and health management. I have used a couple of the communities and have enjoyed them but as trends change people pick different things for different reasons. I met a lot of very nice people on sparks people and if I ever have a question on something I asked the community because most of the time somebody has started a thread on it.

Jillian Michaels can a coupon for her fit fusion so I signed up for a couple of months on her on-demand workout channel. Since then I have found a couple other on-demand that I might like better. On-demand is an interesting thing because you can sign up for a month and then switch to a different one. This is a good alternative to buying DVDs that you may or may not like. I have signed up for the beach body spray trial thinking I would like it and it just wasn't for me. The biggest reason I say this is because I own a couple of the beach bodies DVDs and I didn't want to pay for them twice.. I do like Charlene DVDs and the 21 day fix they are both good. The one you should pick is the one you're going to use so it is worthwhile to do a 30 day trial.

So over the weekend I did do my first livestream on Facebook and I going to put a link to them on the next blog I have started so you can refer to them. I will try to do my best but remember I have a desk job during the day and video technology is not an area of my expertise.

To sum this up the whole experiment will be on using the 27 concepts and what happens if you truly stick to them for a year. So in every experiment you have to have an objective, a control, a hypotenuse and probably something else I don't remember. So your this past year I stayed pretty much the same weight and body fat over the year by keeping a pretty good watch on what I eat and working out 0 to 3 times a week. Our hypotenuse is going to be if we give up sugar the boot and work out a little bit more we can drop the 10 pounds I would like to get rid of.

I need to go out and get some shoveling done so I can get to work. I will try to post on a consistent basis but as we know computer work is a sitdown and does take time. Follow me also on my Instant Graham chatthefat and let's see how I do.