Monday, February 9, 2015

I found a really cool potato self study

The shore of the personal study by Chris Voig was to eat potatoes every day to prove they don't make you fat.  I checked out his cook book that he has in this PDF.  As you look through what he made think about the concepts and how they apply.

Now I want you to remember the woman that ate the cheesy potatoes every meal for like 15 years.  First what color was everything compared to the pictures in the blog.  I did not see a bunch of things covered in mayo and other brown type foods.  If the cheesy potato person would of taken 1 C of her potatoes and put them on a bed of spinach she would of been better off.  Another thing she could of done was to pare it with some high nutrition items.  I am going to be making some of the items Chris has in his PDF