Thursday, October 2, 2014

New workout Equipment

What do you do when you weightloss plan isn't working? Blane it on the equipment.  Have you heard the expression, it's not the car it's the driver??  It is time to really look at what you have been doing and what you have put on autopilot.  When it comes to health autopilot doesn't work.

It's time to really look at the direction things have been going.  Make a list of what is working.  Are your kettlebells now a paperweight? Remember how happy you were and promised this was the trick and this is how you were going to reach your goal.  So now your treadmill holds your clothes, the hola hoop  becomes a I could while watching tv dream.

So where did we go wrong?  Now let's really think about it,  Our treadmill failed us or the diet failed us or it is to hard.  Well let's face the facts, Ya it is hard, it is hard for the treadmill to get your shoes on and get you moving.  As for the diet thing, It is really hard for that bag of spinach and other veggies to help get you healthy when you lock them in the refrigerator and never take them out till they have lost all of their life.

Lets do a test; pick up your kettlebell and swing it.  Does it says 5# on the side of it? Does it feel like 5#?  Then it is doing it's half.  Second test; taste those fruits and veggies.  Do they still taste great??  Ok from what I am seeing the equipment and diet is doing their half so where is the fault?   I will be the first,  I am the fault, I have not been holding up my half.  I am expecting the treadmill and veggies to do all the work.

OK now that we see where change can take place.  It is with ourselves.  Stand up and say, I am ready to my share.  I am willing to say to the world and the person in the mirror, This isn't working and I wont fake it any more.

Before you eat anything ask- How does this help me reach my goal??  How does this help me grow a strong body so I can enjoy life.  When you work out ask yourself - Is this as hard as it was last time?, the first time?, what about next time?  Set some fun goals.  If you love 15 min of working out and hate 16 then look for 15 min workouts.  It is better to do 4 15 min. workouts in the week than 0 16 min workouts.

Did I tell you about the really bad dream I had last night??  I ate these really bad tasting cookies just because.  I wasted good calories on junk, felt like crap and had sugar side effects.  I was so happy to see them on the counter this morning and they are still there tonight.

I need to flip through my cleaning eating cookbook and find some good things to eat this week.  I had a burger for dinner tonight.  I cut the bottom of the bun in half and left the top in the bag.  It was really good.  Grilled out.  Didn't need any chips with this and drained bake beans with slotted spoon. I had big salad and watermellon for lunch.

Let me know how you are doing.  What is your goal and reward??  Trip to the waterpark?  I love water slides.  I even love those stairs to the slide.

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