I had a customer when I worked as a waitress, he would tell me saving lives. It always brought a smile to my face. He was a nurse. I always looked him and thought I wish that could be an answer I could give it the question was ever asked to me. What would it take to save lives? I have given to you the 27 rules to live by and that is one way I feel I help save those lives in a very round about way. So now that I have what I consider a message to get out to the world how do I get it out there?? This is where I have been. I have my nose in a book. I am taking a couple of classes on pc security, marketing, and wordpress.
So you ask, How is it going? Pretty good. Harder than I thought. There is a reason that when I signed up I got this warning about Really??? 4 classes all at the same time???? Are you sure this is what you want to do???? Of course I said yes! Sign me up! I am tough. I can handle it. I have no children at home and it is cold here in WI bring it on. Something should of told me "are you crazy??" Yes, unrealistic goals are unattainable. I am doing pretty good in 3 of the classes so I pushed one of them back to a new start date. Just as other things in our lives we have to look at what is just crazy thinking. I have another big thing going on in my life right now also.
The day I got the note that my 4th class got pushed back was a huge relief in my life. If I was to apply this to weight loss can you relate? Where others look at you and say,"are you crazy! and you keep saying no I can do it!" Is there a better way? I tell you the 24 hours I spent on the couch reading and taking a few test sure didn't help me reach my weightloss goals?? I made some cupcakes thinking they would in some way help me study. I put that creamcheese coolwhip on top because the TV said it would be the answer to all my problems. You are right, I got smarted in one area but pushed the weightloss thought out the door. I think I am back in balance after this weekend.
Have a great day and I hope to be making some fun youtubes
I tried to add a comment on this and I keep losing it but I did do a C & P of it. Some one posted a question of "what are you talking about?". Maybe they thought I was freaking out with the creamcheese coolwhip on the brownies. So here is the post I tried to post back to them.
I wrote you this really nice post back and lost it. Good thing I am taking the class. I will be doing the http://www.wisconsinoutdoorfun.com/article/20130321/WOF06/130321039/Fitness-ChallengeI-kicks-off-Richard-Bong-State-Rec-Area.
I need to learn how to add a hyperlink. Sorry about all this. I have a week and a half left of these 3 classes and sorry 1 is not in proof reading. The next class I want to take is on writing. I need to stick to losing weight and not try to be funny, cute, or witty. I think I have the hyperlink thing.
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