So once again I had to test something out. I have a friend that said lets just give it our best for the next month and see how we do. Well week 1 & 2 went OK but then week 3 on the weekend It was like we had never eaten all month. I should of known this weekend was going to be rough because of the 3,6,9 thing. So are we back to week 1 or are we on week 4? Either way we need to be a little more prepared come week 6.
So I will call my friend Amy. She is an internet friend about the same size trying to tone and control snack intake and lose the last 5 pounds. She is already down 40 pounds. Then there is my local friend we will call Betty is more on the start of a journey. Betty is trying to add more workout time and follow the 27 rules. I too follow the 27 rules, Amy is going to follow a cottage cheese, protein shake type of a eating plan. I will keep you posted as to how we do. Amy is also doing lemon water to drink in the morning. Lemon water gets things moving. It helps the liver. It is the taste of sour. When we did the healthy detox we drank a whole lemon in water in the morning. It does help move things. The liver governs emotions so if you add lemons and eat a healthy diet don't be surprised if you don't run through emotions during the day. If you want to do the detox 8 week program contact one of my followers Arthur. He has 28 year in the industry. I trust him with my health. He is in Racine WI but he does skipe.
OK back to our weightloss study. We are now starting week 5. So far I think I am down 6 pounds. Not to bad. This past weekend we had to go to Chicago 2 days for a graduation. Columbia. Daughter is in fashion studies. I put her fashion runway on my facebook.
This is the sushi I had when we went out to eat. It was very good. You can see just a bit of dear child plate. Hers had some tempura things on top. One of the rules are no deep fried so I really read everything. We walked so much this past weekend. 12000+ steps each day. Every place you went you walked, and walked fast.
Well it is back to work in the morning. I did workout with jillian w/ weights. I do enjoy kettlebells but I really worry about our tile floor and tv. I am still enjoying my striiv and slimkickers website. I do have to email my friend that is one of the developer how much I enjoy her site.
Maybe I will do a short daily up date. I love everything on salad so you know when I made those dirty beans and rice I put a big scoop on salad greens. Oh so good.
I did do the your shape kinect this morning and got almost 4000 points on the block punch. Then I had to do the jillin kinect game.
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