Thursday, November 17, 2011

Doing nothing does nothing

Have you ever lay awake in bed and started thinking about your day? Does it start with stepping on the scale, hating what you see, get in the shower and then all day plan how you are going to change it only to do the same thing the next day? Well it's time to change. What can you do in 1 day?, 3 days? 5 day? Lets find out. This morning like every other morning I woke to hit the snooze and then I thought- yesterday I wasted the next hour and regretted it. This morning I put on those workout clothes and did that 1/2 hour with Jillian with weights. I feel better. I feel like I can start my day. It is like the commercial says 1 good habit can lead to another.
Here's to setting goals and achieving them.
Let's make a list of things we don't want to do
1. waste our life wishing we were healthier.
2. laying in bed dreaming about doing things.
3. wishing your life had order
We are the movers and shakers of the 2011-2012 that are making things happen.
The no list includes;
1. waiting for someone else to do things for you
2. expecting things to happen without putting out any effort.
So here's to a great and happy day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Following the fit2fat and back guy

So I have to ask , is anyone following the diet 100%?, what about 90%? 80%? I do have to see how he is doing after week 1. For anyone that is trying to follow the food guide and just can't follow it just remember the concepts. What are you having problems with? What concept is being broken? EX. if you can't eat what looks like a grain free remember to put your grains in a measuring cup. 1/2 cup and not 1/2 cup + a hill. Note all the veggies he adds. I have only looked in at the woman's food list. There are no extras that I see. What I do see is that every calorie coulds for some kind of nutrition. I am following the 27 concepts on his way down. I just don't do the whole shake thing. It has been 1 week without ice cream. So far I don't miss it. Maybe I am tired of it and ready to move on. I better take my total age and divide it by 7 to see it it is a new stage of my life. No 51/7. Maybe I am just tired of being in the Wish and I do enjoy working out with my friend Cindy at Golds. The other thing I have that is new is that I don't want to disappoint Amber and have her say; see I told you that you need to come in more than once a month. I look at it more like Amber is going to expect me to be-able to do this so I better keep doing it so it doesn't look like it is the first time.
Remember we learn from others.
Have a great day

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cabbage/classico Not another salad

I had to send this into the Classico Co.
From your fat fighting fans
I tried your Sun-dried Tomato Alfredo and I am hooked but I might like it in a light version. Not fat free. What am I doing with it you ask, I put it over cabbage. Yes I put my cabbage in the food processor and put part of it in a pan. The other part I put in a zip lock bag. I cook it just till the crisp is cooked out and then put the sauce on the top. How much of this did I eat you ask. An American size cereal bowl. It was almost like eating a big bowl of pasta but better. I can take this to work. I microwave the cabbage 4 min, add the sauce and I have a big bowl of something hot and filling for lunch. I have 2 apples with 1T peanut butter for a snack somewhere about 4-5. Work till 6. I am not starved on my way home.I would put this on many other veggies. Green beans are next. I love your sauce.

So for all of you that say; Lynn I want something other than salad. How can you eat all these salads?
This is a good one. My friend Cindy added meatballs to hers and called it Italian cabbage. This is a great name.
Let me tell you a little story about when I cooked at the daycare. We were on a really tight budget and they had burger buns on sale at $.29 a pack. I think there was 8-12 buns per pack. Daycare was age to 12 year old. So they were day old but I toasted them in the oven so it didn't natter and sent peanut butter with them. One of the kids said they were the best breakfast buddies he had ever had. It's all in the name.
If you call it diet food you are going to dread it, if you call it mock you are going to want the real thing, if you call it what it is you are going to add it to your eating habit.
Italian cabbage, I like cabbage, what makes it Italian?
It like unstuffed cabbage soup vs. cabbage soup diet. Do you have to put the rice in the unstuffed cabbage soup? If you live with people that need more calories than you cook some rice and put it on the side. 1/2 cup is a serving and you can control your serving.
We need to start thinking outside of the box. Here's to eating real food and getting high nutrition in your diet.
For all of you that think you need to do a cleanse because the tv says so. Cabbage is a mover. Veggies are movers.
I tell you I can eat anywhere from 1-8 bananas a day. For all of you that don't believe the power of fresh fruit trust me there is nothing stuck in me. From what I learned bananas balance water in the body but you have to have water there in the first place. Drink that water, eat food not chemicals and get out and enjoy life.
Have a great day

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

can the fit 2 fat guy motivate me

So I have to say just the thought of this guy doing this. So let's see if I can follow him back down the scale.

What did I eat day 1

Coffee / chocolate milk
banana with peanutbutter
cabbage w/ cheese sauce

Cod with sun dry tomato pesto, strawberries w/ whip cream, 1/2 pc of corn bread, and some cabbage slaw

work out; I got up in the morning and did a mile on the treadmill I also did planks. 60 on the front and I did raise my leg. Then 50 on each side.

To make the pesto I put the jar sun dried tomatoes in my food chopper w/ the oil and some onion.

Cheese sauce was the ragu 100 calories for 1/4 cup.

We all know I am about learning something new each day so yesterday O put that milk i my coffee cup and then put it in a measuring cup. It was 1/4 of a cup. So if I do that 4 times a day I better be tracking 1 cup.

This week goal is to learn something now.

I have to watch Biggest loser and work out tonight.

Other thing is that I am getting tired of chicken and need to add more fish.

Have a great week.

I did see Jillian had a bunch of new podcasts.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

fit 2 fat and back

I just had to post this to the fit 2 fat guy

The one thing I have to say is I love the challenges because us overweight people binge. When a woman eats a whole cake it is 1 weight watcher slice at a time. It may take 12 hours but trust me, it is this whole go to waste or just because it is there issue. Please tell me why bunny tracks ice cream doesn't have enough calories in it so I have to add trick or treat candy M & Ms to it. There is nothing wrong with any of these foods but how do we change our food thinking.What do you think about cheese? I know you can't eat it but the rest of us love it.BTW; what size is your wife? Is she trying to lost or it she fit and how did your project effect her? Did she take on any of your new eating habits? Did you find that you got less done during the day because you were spending more time eating? Thanks Lynn

You may say Lynn what is your reason for doing this?
1. No way am I willing to do this.
2. knowledge is knowledge, it doesn't matter where you get it from.
3. As he learns so do I.
4. They were really good questions. Note that I didn't belittle his project at all because this is the only way you learn.
I also read some of the other questions people were asking. They are great questions. Some of them covered, can I change out this or that. No one asked, can I change out fried fish if I am eating out if I pick off the breading.

I am proud of the people that asked about total calorie count. someone asked what a 1/2 chicken breast was 3, 4, 5oz.

I did have to ask about dairy because I know he is Lactose-Intolerance. He had a problem eating that ice cream thing. Oh please, You could of called me.
The one thing I did note is that he kept saying everything was so hot. He had to break those chili cheese fries apart to cool them so he could eat them fast. Maybe my food gets cold is because I eat infront of the TV and/or the computer a lot of the times.

I do have to say, The other day I picked up some donuts that were made in the morning. They looked great and first bite I could tell they had just changed the oil. I ate 2 of them. 2 is nothing compared to the dozon or so I would eat a day what my grandma would make long johns.
So that night I was so sick. I couldn't sleep. 1 day was good enough for me. I did have a, note a cookie yesterday. I need to get back on the clean eating because this not sleeping has to go. So I sleep for 2-3 hours and then I am up then back to sleep for 2 hours or something like that. I am so happy I am to lazy to get up and eat. Coffee doesn't bother me but sugar is a killer.

I am also going to start a challange for all
It is a TV challange. Pick 1 show and do somekind of workout during the commerical. try to hold a plank during the 1 commerical a side during the next, then the other side. How many commericals do they put together?
Report back on this.

So I put his day one in the spark calorie tracker for woman and it came up to 1000 calories but I didn't put in that morning drink. I am guessing it is about 200 calories which puts it at a total of 1200. Note the kinds of foods he has on the list. Someone adked about beer, low cal something that I don't remember. The answer is no. It is not on the list. I also did not see my bananas with peanutbutter.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I have to post this link

This is from one of the guys I follow. I had to post it because woman ask me about it I lift weights will I bulk up.
My answer is; if you are a mom with a job and you cook healthy meals, don't spend time in the gym lifting weights that are way to heavy, my answer is you will look toned. The rule is if you can do 10-12 reps easy increase the weight. If you can only do 5 it is to heavy. The other thing I have to say is that if it is to heavy lift in front of a mirror and watch your form. Bad form does more harm than good.
What I learned is form first then increase weight.
I am off to work.