The month of July is going to be great inn WI. Lets go out and play. By now you should be stronger and what some people call detoxed. Detoxed is the cleaning of the body because you stop putting junk in. Most of the time the body can clear itself as long as you give it a fighting chance. You have to put in the nutrition so the body can be strong. To those that think just because you are not fat doesn't mean you are healthy. If you never eat your greens this will catch up with you. Look into some foods and herbs that will also detox the body. Detox doesn't come in a pill if you ask me. It has been said by many that, you can not work out to offset a bad diet. The body knows if it is nutrition deprived.
I forgot I was talking about kettlebells. If you don't have kettlebells, do a different workout. Watermelon should be on everyone's plate. I need to check out how this works with diabetes. Watermelon is on sale this week for 2.99. Yummy!!