Let's jump outside of the box. Do you start to change your diet or push yourself just a little when at the gym just to ease up or to give in to a high calorie/ low nutrition item? Comfort zone- How many times do we start out strong only to fall back into poor habits. Stepping out of your comfort zone applies both in the gym and the kitchen. How many times do we say that we will start Monday, you don't like something, you are to tired, or maybe you are really crafty and because you can't afford organic so you might as well wait till the first of the year or when you get your tax return.
List 1 thing you have done in the kitchen that thinks outside of the box. Some good ideas might include adding a veggie, cutting back on the number of servings you eat, drinking water instead of _____., enjoying a salad of more than iceberg lettuce. Find a good tasting O & V. Make the veggies on your plate the main attraction. Post 1 thing positive per day that is outside your kitchen or eating habits. This is something you do. If you always eat fries with a burger at lunch and you skip the fries, this is a big deal. Good job.