Friday, August 5, 2016

Note to What diet next

So you all know I am following What diet next.  I sent her this note.

How are things going?  There is no good time to up your health.  I am doing good on my chatthefat diet.  No special diet just upping nutrition and getting those 2 miles in.  I am helping my parents move which takes time.  My biggest weapon is to make sure I have mix greens in the house and remembering I get a ice cream type once a week.  I am also doing a plank challenge.  Getting it done is hard but I am doing it.  I did join planet fitness to test it out.  It is cheap enough to not have to leave my old gym while I test it out for 2 months.  I could almost say I am testing out the WTF am I doing diet.  You know when you put frozen pizza in the oven planning to eat the whole thing yourself.  We all know we have done this.  I have to think WTF and how is this helping me reach my goal.  With your 12 diets  you are testing is it the diet or that you have a diet buddy to share your WTF  and this is to hard days.  There are times you look at thinks and you ask - Why am I doing this?  Other people are just happy being over weight.  How bad really is being over weight?  It is hard when you are feeling good that there is a dark side to poor eating habits.      Talk to you in a month.  I have to see what your Aug diet should be.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Question to Beyond Diet

I sent this question off to Isabel De Los Rios because I follow her and her husband and value their opinion.

Question about biggest loser articular.  So you are talking about metabolism.  Here is my main question to you about the regain.  I am facebook friends with Helen and she seams to be one of the winners that get it.  Here is my thought,
When you lose a large amount of weight 1 you lose some of the muscle that you needed to haul all that fat around with if you are not working out to maintain it.  How many of the contestants fell into the finish line thinking and regained that, I can eat that now because I am thin.  How many became nutrition deprived and kept eating till the body got what it needed.  (You have to eat a lot of ice cream before you get any nutrition out of it.  This would be one reason why in my class I lead I kept correcting a person when she called it mock mash potatoes.  I reminded her that it was cauliflower and she liked to eat it mashed.  It is the way you think.  I have been spreading the nutrition deprived word for the last 10 years.  People don't understand and just don't get it.  I blog chatthefat all about it.  So my question to you is it that something really changes in the body or is it that they are are feeling the side effects of eating calories instead of nutrition.
Next is on the show they are working out a lot.  when you reach the finish line and you just sit and relax and stop training for the next race you fall into the -don't use it and you will lose it mode.  If the body doesn't have a need for muscle it can be broken down and used for energy which gives the body a great place to store the calories you are eating.  Note I did not say the nutrition you are eating because the body uses nutrition to do things other that sitting on the couch.  Eating calories /nutrition is like becoming a calorie hoarder.   Your body has all these calories and doesn't want to part with any of them.  You need to build muscle to purge these useless calories.  If you eat nutrition then the body puts that to work right away to do things like transport oxygen and remove waste.  Last is please talk about this whole crap in the colon thing.  Do you ever notice poo doesn't move when you don't put good things in?  So why would you do a cleanse if you are going to just replace it with new crap?  Poo moves if you eat nutrition.  So to bring this to a close I would say the biggest losers people are nutrition deprived and just don't get it.  95-99% of people that lose weight are in this group.  The media tells you that they have the answer to stay in the 5-1% but they lye.  The only way to stay in the 1-5% is learn you must eat nutrition and there is no finish line.  The finish line is when you friends are at the doctor all the time and you are good once a year.  Friends complain about aches and pains and you go out and do things and enjoy your life.  Your friends make a big deal about walking to the mailbox and you do  PB in a 5K.  Please address my thought.  Thanks  Lynn