Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wild Diet Mid Review.

Wild Diet Mid Review.
From any diet you can learn something.  Here is a few concepts I learned from the wild diet.
1.  I spend to much time sitting.   Between blogging and working I am really looking at the amount of time I sit.
2.  The wild diet doesn't count and log every calorie.  I am finding I feel better and eat better when I don't have to meet a calorie total.  I am thinking more nutrition   which as you know is one of my concepts.  Looking up and logging every calorie is a good thing but it does take time.  Lesson learn is that you know the higher calorie items you may eat, I no longer play the game of - If I eat this what will happen to the scale.
3.  It is getting warmer so it is easier to get outside.  I am looking into a 5K so I have something to look forward to.  I may not know someone that is also doing a 5K so I am training by myself.  On the day of the race I will find more people that are training by themselves.  Look at the activities of your friends.  I have a friend I am meeting up with this weekend for a drink.  I think we need to go for a walk first.

4. Sugar.  This is a word in it's own.  I haven't had ice-cream in  a couple of weeks and so far I'm not missing it as much as I thought I would.  I don't know if it is because I blame ice cream for some of the sugar addiction I have  or that I am just not having a taste for it.  I am feeling better without it so I am going to keep it up.

5. Not afraid of some foods.  Rice, potatoes and other high starch items are in their place. 1/2-3/4 of a cup,
My weight hasn't really changed because there is a learning curve to a different way of thinking about food.  Note that I am saying the way I think about food. The other think that is changing it the need to get things done.  Are you tired of saying I need to .....  This is another area I am working on.  Some people call it spring cleaning.  All I have to say is get it done.  Stop saying I hate this.  If you hate it change it.  So I hate those mini blinds on our home.  They are going.  What am I replacing them with?  I am trying to think of what I really want on our windows.  I don't want to just put up something different I want to put up what I will like.  Curtains, shades the ones that open when the alarm clock goes off.  I also have to look at what I can afford.

I will let you know how the rest of the month goes.

The person I am following blogging the -What diet next" seems to be having a case of burn out.  Burn out is very common thing because most of us find that being healthy isn't the normal between our friends.  Why is it so accepted that going to the doctor is a high priority but going for a walk isn't.  We all just accept that getting older means spending more time on medical fixes. Why don't we do more medical prevention.  I read something from beyond diet, do you need a cleanse?  I came up with no to most of the questions on her test.

Prevent the need to cleanse, Stop putting junk in the body.  Get off the get sick, take a pill wagon.  Work more on the prevent so you don't get in the sick wagon in the first place.

My trip to woodmans.  I went to the grocery store the other day and got asked a question in the health food aisle.  I spent an hour talking about how to eat, not what to eat bout how to think to eat healthy.  It's not about following a diet, it is about how to live your life in a healthy style.

BTW the thing I like the most about the Wild man is that you are not doomed if you don't eat breakfast.  I remember it is the 3 S not SS& B
It also is not SS&Shaming. Do I eat a ton more because I didn't eat breakfast?? NO!  I eat more because I am bored, Doing something I don't like so I eat to avoid the activity.  I also eat more because what I really want is some down time with a hot cup of coffee or some chat time with friends.  What activities am I trying to avoid??  Cooking, Cleaning, working out.  So I am thinking clearing your life plate may get rid of some of these bad activities.
1. when your done with it put it where it belongs.  If it is junk mail, get to the recycle bin not the kitchen table.  Clothes are to be put away when they are clean.  Laundry basket is not their home unless your baskets double as draws and fit into your 9 cube shelving and then the likes better be together or it's not really working for you.
I think this is a topic in itself

Friday, April 8, 2016

The wild man diet Review

Coconut oil in my coffee with almond milk.  I am not adding the coconut oil again.
Snack and breakfast

Almost always lunch
Apple slaw
I had to add just a little of this

Wild meatloaf.  I put BarBQ sauce on top.  Using up what I had.
This scores a make again

Working on that C-5K
I used coconut flour so I had to add extra apple sauce and eggs and egg whites.  Coconut flour needs almost 3-4 times the liquid.

Baked for 45 minutes.

Send note to Able James (wild diet) It turned out great.

Egg Rolls for dinner.  Carrot, Cabbage, red onion, celery, ground beef, and flour.

I had to bake these because I don't deep fry anything.

I should of made them all smaller.  They were really good.  I should of put them on a plate for the picture.

As you can tell Mike is enjoying the wild diet.  I did have apple with peanut butter with coffee for breakfast.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What diet next

I am following 
She is taking on 12 different diets in 12 different months.  Unlike me she is going all over the board from the 5 and 2 fasting, vegan, whole 30.  Check out her site.  It is interesting with how she is doing the first few months of the year.  I did send her an e-mail checking if she is having many problems like I also am.
Blogging takes time.  This is a big one for me.  You have to remember to take pictures to post pictures.  This is one reason some of my pictures have a fork in them.

Here is my post to her today.  We all try to be supportive but when you are a blogger doing reviews for free we all know this means we have real jobs.  Jobs that take up a bunch of our day along with house cleaning, cooking, family and working out.  I hope she took my post in the most supportive way.  I can't wait to hear how April is going.

From today; How is the vegan thing going?? I really want to know. There is no way I am putting butter and heavy cream in my coffee from the wild diet but I did find some meatballs I want to make from the cookbook. I figure if you learn 1 thing from a diet it was worth testing out. So far recap on wild, I am really thinking about when I eat. I notice I am fuller more than I really thought but I just like to eat. I like to eat while watching TV, in the afternoon at work things like that. The scale never goes down fast enough and when you gain a pound or two back you want to give up. I have never done a vegan because I am married to a meat eater. There are somethings that really look good but there are some others that I question, no meat but deep fried. I, as you are, look at the whole picture. Is it healthier for you, is it a fad, or does it bring some great things to make and eat during the day? Let me know if you make something really good.

I can't not post recipes because they are out of someone Able's book but I can post a picture.

I will let you know if I lose any weight at the end of the month and what my bodyfat scales flashes at me.  I have a fitbit scale so it logs it every time I step on it for the good or bad.  It was expensive so it still lives in my house.  Sometimes I look at the scale as a mini Jillian Michaels.  There are days it say Good job!!  and others when it says- hey buddy? what's up?  What's going on?  Looks like we have a problem and what can we do about it?  My scales doesn't yell at me because it knows better.  Roam was not built in a day.  I just keep thinking about all the positive I am doing and push forward.  I know there are still fat rolls but I am done pointing them out. 

I am also done with the need to empty the pot.   If there is a little left in the pot, toss it or save it for lunch the next day.

I also downloaded the C-5K app and want to do a really fun 5K this summer.  So far I can get 2 miles in about 30 min +1-2.  Sometimes we just need to look at some tools that may or may not be free and pick 1 thing and stick with it.  Others I chat with have used the C-5K and with good results so I am giving it a test.  I need to also do some fun things so I am off to zumba tonight.