Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Second Breakfast??


I read paer of this and thought OM What is next.  I am trying to turn people into doers and this is trying to turn you back into my life is no more than what is my next meal. EATERS.  Nothing but Eaters.  If you are walking behind a horse plowing a field then you can eat all you want but if you sit behind a computer all day you need to do the math.

A morning snack might be a banana from the kwik trip.  I know the people reading this are calorie smart.
I have a jar of 3 ing. peanut butter at work and for a snack it is great on an apple, pineapple, strawberries, banana.  Don't fall for the box carb stuff.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Paper Clip start week 4

Hope all are doing well.  It is the start of week 4 for me.  As you can see week 1 was my best week so-far. Week 2 was just a loss.  When I looked at the length of week 1 and then week 2 I figured "If you do nothing, nothing will change".  I did have to post on the fit2fat2fit guys facebook that I would be his control group.  It would of been funny but my goal is to lose and shape up and to train for that 5 k in May.  We did get in 2 miles at the gym on Sat. and I did a mile this morning.  I tell you that I so wanted to quit and just give up this morning but I push on because I don't want another month to go by without any gain.  I turned in my would of, could of, should of card.  I joined the get it done club.  We had to get tiling done on Sunday but I could of gotten a mile in.  Not doing that again.  It will so nice to get this home improvement project done, but then what is next.  When you own a home there is always something just like a body, you have to keep up on the maintenance or it will all fall apart. 
Goal for this week is to do better than week 1.   The easiest way of doing that is getting those miles in.  The more miles I get in now the more ready I will feel about doing the 5k in May.  Maybe I need to put the picture of me up on my wall so I remember what my goal is to beat from last year.  37.8 I think was my time.  I better calculate this, 12.19 mph.  Not to bad but I was run some walk some.  I am working on pace.  I want to do the whole thing at 1 pace. 

Lets have this be a really good week.
Is there anything anyone would like to talk about??
I did have someone contact me about a weightloss game.  I can't wait for it to come out.  I did try to think about how you could do this pre app time and just couldn't quite figure out the details.  I will keep you all posted as soon as I hear more.
My best to all
BTW I did do a bunch of planks this morning.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Another cool site

 I think this is from Yale.  I am on #4 and can't wait to learn something new.
This is a free link on learn out loud.  As you see I try to keep up on things so I can bring to you correct info. 
How much do you think it would cost to take this class?  I have to laugh because he is talking about one of the things, well make that many but, one thought was to compare the different diets and what they promise.

I hope all of you are doing well on the paperclip idea.  I did have a friend that said "but I don't have a stock of paperclips."  I wrote back I bet you have a piece of paper and color markers.  Stop making excuses or you can do the "how long will it take diet".  It will take as long as you keep thinking you can change things with the same not working behavior.  If it didn't work last year why do you think it will work this year if you don't change anything.

BTW I would of never posted this link it I thought the info was wrong.  Enjoy and let me know how far off he is from the 27 concepts.  I have to laugh when he talks about how you change you eating when you think someone else is going to see what you have been eating and how you think they will judge the # of calories you eat.  When you are tracking your calories and you get to 2000 calories do you call it a "oh hell day" or a "cheat day?"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 1 of the paper clip

I had to get on the treadmill this morning so I cold get a paperclip.  You would not believe how long it took me to get out of bet but I did it.  Someone at the gym had a shirt that said the faster you do it the sooner you will be done.  This is a thought. :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lets have some fun

So I was reading something and saw the words "I like the paper clip idea". I instantly thought of something cool. So I want to do a Week type tracker. For every mile you do you hook a paper clip on the chain. I have paper clips. I think this will be a big motivator. I can post some pictures. I will start on Monday. Let me rethink this. Everyone starts on Monday so lets be really wild and start on Sat. which is today. So I have 1 mile in today so far. I also have color paper clips so we can get really wild and put a silver paper clip for a mile and a color one for an hour at the gym other than treadmill because treadmill counts as miles. Lets see how long I can make those chains. Join me for some really wild fun. What other fun things can you track.
Ok I am having another thought. Because we have colors I will ad these clips for good days

Silver= miles on treadmill
Red= tracked calories on sparkpeople.
Blue= worked out other that treadmill
Yellow= day at the Gym non treadmill
Green= stay in calorie range under 1500

So I can get 1 of each of the colors per day and I can rack up as many silvers as I want.
post me your chains.