Sunday, October 23, 2011

fit to fat

So if someone can hit the news about being mr. 6-pack and putting on 70 pounds why can't we start at the point we are at and get to fit with him. I saw this on TV and had this thought. I have to get to the gym but I will be back to blog about it. One note I am seeing is that when he works to getting back to fit it is him returning to his old habits. When you are going from out of shape to fit this is a new habit for you. So can yuou train you body to have fit be the old habit? Lets find out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I just wanted to share a few sites with you

I was talking to a person at the pick-n-save and I wanted to tell her about the site Sign up for his news letter. Every day you will get new ideas of different tasty ideas. I have made some of them.
I have to look up the link for Professor Jay. This is one of my learn about fat guys. Someone else asked me about if a woman can build muscle like a man. I said no. A male said yes. I have to find where I get my info from because I stand by my answer. Would I ever get 25" biceps. Please tell me without drugs how I could do this and slim down. First a muscle woman has 12% body fat, a muscle man has 6%. What is considered a healthy woman is 18-24 and a man 12-18. i think I have these numbers right. They are pretty close. I will find the link This is his site

I did find this

A WOMEN THAT LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS MUSCLES LIKE A MAN HAS LIKELY TAKEN STEROIDS!! This is the defined truth, a woman’s muscle development is much different than a man’s. Unless a woman has a very different genetic make-up (a very, very small portion of the population), it is almost impossible to build muscle like a man. (And, as much as you might think it is true, you only have a 1 in a million chance of being the 1 in a million that has the different genetics, so stop saying, and believing, it)

This is because males have 20-30 times the testosterone of women, resulting in deeper voices, more body hair, and more muscle development. Women just physically cannot build muscle like men can, sorry but it is a scientific fact. Some of the maximal amounts of muscle you can put on a female frame with CrossFit training can be seen below. These are women that built their bodies using sports and strength training. It is from This sums up what I have learned for years. Another think is that if a man bulks up he will lose flexibility. I also get the newsletter from shape, self and fitness. One of these had an article about this topic this past month.

Ok I have to say I love sparkpeople as a tool website. First it's free and it has a great food tracker. I am lynnbaum on that site.