So what are you to do. You had this great plan, all the details are worked out. You put it into an excel spread sheet, everything is great. Some of the thing you have tracked are starting point, finish, what you will eat, how you will work out, your new workout equipment, everything is perfect right????
Wrong, life happens. We have jobs, families, kids, parents, friends, home projects, yard work and the list goes on.
Ok I have to admit I am in the same boat as you. So what concept said keep what works and get rid of what doesn't. What isn't working is the pressure of meeting goals. Goals are good but if we make them to tough or just unrealistic we need to rethink.
So I went out jogging with my daughter and made it the first 1/2 mile. I got bored because Ipod was out of battery power. I am giving myself credit for that good job. Now she jogs with someone other than me who jogs at a nice steady pace. I need to learn this. Steady pace??? What can we learn from that. Maybe we need to think more about short term goals and less about long term.
Basic idea. set big picture goal. Now set weekly goals and plan on how to reach each of the smaller goals.
OK This week I want to jog those 3 miles 3 days this week, have 1 heavy calorie day, have 4 really green food days and get stuff done.
Do I have a weight goal for this week? Now I really have to think about this. every one wants to lost 10 pounds every week or every month but some times a goal can be not to gain and maintain. At 129 my goal is maintain - 2 pounds loss.
So this is the plan not to toss in the towel, not to be overwhelmed, stick with the plan and get things done.